Whispers of the Spirit……Voices in the Wind
returning once again to wings unique sui generis style
no capitals no commas no periods no punctuation
soft wings touch my face
a faint breeze virtually imperceptible leaving only a trace
so slight and beautiful a celestial embrace
i breathe in my body lightened my soul caressed
words beyond the sereneness
echoes shouted from far away
now only a whisper
from a place outside of time and space
beyond the gates of heaven the four and twenty around the throne
i hear a voice the winds of a whisper like delicious morsels to my flesh and bone
the fringes of his ways how faint the whisper
a word brought in secret the masters touch in shades of awakening gray
come oh spirit and soothe my soul for the earth is an endless cacophony of sound
a siren song seeking to seduce and drown
lies confusion distraction and fear
demanding unwavering allegiance and slobbish obeisance
you kiss the hand that feigns your welfare
a genetic anomaly an artificial synthesized specie no longer human not made in the image of god
not the first attempt to corrupt with lies and fraud
the earth a rogue planet immersed in controversy
in a galaxy ideally situated for interstellar travel
desired for its riches resources and sentient beings
easily betrayed enslaved and malleable for genetic scheming
the earth where we mark measure and equate everything with boundaries
awaits the darkness once enchained
unleashed at this time by deliberate design
a final failed attempt of evil to reign
the earth not our home we are not from here
do not abandon faith for fear
he whispers be not afraid
i am stronger than the storm that i have made
the knight clad in armor sword in the ground bowed and kneeled
the devil thought he had won
until he stood and said amen
i ‘ve only just begun
there are whispers out of the dust
sometimes audible
seek the voice in the whisper
to the pure all things possible
fear whispers to the warrior you cannot withstand the storm the warrior whispers back i am the storm