Outside the box….Inside the fence

She was old, very old. Yet her eyes were young and she still had a youthfulness about her. She lived alone in a very simple cottage her husband having departed this earth long ago, and her children forsaking the country for the city, its bright lights and promises of prosperity. Her neighbors thought her an enigma as she appeared ageless. Cautiously the young man approached her door, not out of fear but wonder. As he reached to knock a melodious voice welcomed him in. Approaching her and bowing out of respect he was offered a seat, and after a prolonged silence in which she studied him, she simply asked what he was looking for. I have been searching for you for most of my life. It is said you have possessions of inestimable value , never want for anything, and are endowed with wisdom that is legendary. You live in this unpretentious setting and yet you are content, healthy, happy. Though I was born into a family of prominence, power, and wealth I have none of the riches you possess. What I see is ignorance, control, enslavement, the seduction and manipulation of the individual and the masses. Is there no answer, no deliverance from our demise and continual debasement.

Let me show you something she said as she handed him a box. This box represents the way you think, reason, and analyze. Most never leave the box. It’s nonconfrontational, your thinking is all done for you, and you stay well within your comfort zone. If you by chance straddle the box asserting an opinion contrary to the popular belief about almost anything most likely you will retreat back to the box. Those box hoppers think much to highly of themselves believing they are much more enlightened and aware than their fellows, rather than examining who and what they really are. Please open the box. Inside he found trash, nothing of value, only refuge to be discarded.

Come, walk with me as she led him to a field. There he beheld a waste land, barren, ugly with scant beauty of any kind. Carefully she led him through briars, thorns, poisonous plants and creatures that crawl and slither on their bellies. Actually he was quite horrified. Then she led him to an abyss. Darkness and mist filled its recesses. And it was so cold…….. “Always winter, never Christmas.” Within its ice crusted dominion only vile creatures of the night dwelt there. Withdrawing from the edge she said let me explain.

This field is the accumulation of all your thoughts, generations of undoing, and all the present influences over your mind. You think that with all your technology and modern devices you have certainly evolved, and indeed there have been enormous advances in some areas. But in truth this technology can not save you from yourself. It along with all your vain accumulations have become your master. You are but a slave…..and I beheld “slaves, the souls of men.” Let me site briefly a few examples. And remember, Truth cannot be broached by opinion, either yours or mine.

Education(government mandated)…. thirteen years of indoctrination. You are taught to regurgitate information, remember it just long enough to get a gold sticker or a smiley face, perpetuating the status quo. You live by the bell, everything timed. You learn dependency and you are taught to blindly follow those in authority. (thankfully there are some good teachers out there doing their best to make a difference, bridled by the constraints of the system.) The government….they talk about protecting our freedoms while their very existence makes freedom impossible. “Home of the brave, land of the free”….. affirmations, short and simple, free of all reasoning, constant repetition, and the fervor of the crowd. Having no real idea of what it is to be free, none so imperceptive as those born into bondage and enslavement thinking they are free. Or the blind saying they see while they are in darkness. Remember the saviour healed the physically blind but not those with eyes to see, but seeing not, ears to hear, but hearing not. “It is not given to them to understand.”

We are tethered by debt and a debt based system the Fed creating money out of nothingness and a digital transfer adding to inflation and the loss of buying power while eroding the dollars prowess as the reserve currency of choice around the world. We truly don’t own anything. It all belongs to the “company store.” There are outrages committed against your body by our system of medicine and the poisoning of our planet. Your mind is assaulted daily, packaged and in a hypnotic state, enveloped by entertainment, the media, which has morphed into infotainment, a whole network of influence and control, the world wide web, and pabulum from the pulpit.

In the seminal work “The eight veils” the evil power elite have created a pasture for the sheep who don’t stop feeding long enough to notice the bright colored tags stapled to their ears. Out of the entire planets population only ten percent will ever think beyond what it takes to keep their lives together i.e. food , raiment, and the rent while passing through the first veil to a greater understanding of life’s function and so on with each veil, with only ten percent of those remaining passing to the next veil. “With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinking numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane conspiracy nuts and a threat, by exponentially increasing masses of decreasingly enlightened people.”

You must stop trying to convince people of their folly. Once they are committed to their position they are not likely to change. Do not cast your pearls before swine, else they will turn and rend you. In the end there are only a relative small number of people remaining. Setting the box down in the midst of the field the old lady who appeared younger than at the first said, that is enough. It is sufficient for you so that you understand your undertaking.

All that you have been taught and all that you think you know must be subject to the scrutiny of Heaven. Never concern yourself with the contemptible judgment of man. Your brain an average of 5.6 in. X 6.7 in. is subject to many toxic influences and can suffer irreversible damage. It is the symbol of the mind in the physical world. The mind is not physical but has a conjugal relationship with the brain. From the mind arises all creation. The mind is the great prize.

Therefore what awaits is a total cleansing and renewal. It was then that he looked up and for the first time noticed the fence. Inquiring she said the fence, its boundaries unique to each individual, encompasses the sum total of all your thoughts, and an aggregate profusion that you inherited from the dawning of time, your entrance into the earth. Outside the fence which was formidable and impenetrable…….paradise no longer lost, but found.

Offering him poor gardeners garb and the tools necessary for the undertaking he doffed his finery and set to the task. Is this possible he asked. Responding she said, whether you will accomplish it in this life or no, the effort you make, the transformation it will bring, the ground you gain, is worth the prize you will obtain. What she didn’t tell him is that when the work in the field (his mind) was complete there would be no more fence, his garden now a part of the pure pristine perfection that already awaited.

“the honest person is open to the new, the dishonest 100% sure he is correct”

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so!”


Whispers of the Spirit……Voices in the Wind


Five kernels of corn