Upon the roof of the clouds

written in wings unique sui generis style

no capitals no commas no periods no punctuation

i tread upon the dawn

fresh with dew

the first rays of the morning flirting with the mist

a new day about to debut

in thick clouds dust under his feet

the ancient of days walks in the circuit of heaven

clad in excellency mercy faithfulness and truth

his strength is there a singular proof

he makes darkness his pavilion a secret place

his chariots dark waters clouds and dense space

he walks upon the wings of the wind

in his brightness hail stones and coals of fire

below i hear screams of torment pain and fear

souls awakening to their plight

the evidence of their choices cascading down upon them

their faith in an illusionary solace in a life and death fight

the foundations of the deep move

no more tears death or sorrow

the wind breathes to soothe

clouds come floating

no longer to carry rain or usher storm

but to color the sky in a thousand different forms

for i know the thoughts and plans that i have for you

thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and hope

in the midst of your fears do not abandon the love god has for you

the sky and clouds are not our limit our minds are

come wander in the clouds as you move through the air

with clouds and smoke a flaming fire by night

protection from evil and provision for care


Avalon Orion and the Coast of Colorado


Whispers of the Spirit……Voices in the Wind