Avalon Orion and the Coast of Colorado

Let us speak of things far and near

separated only by thought

often shrouded sometimes clear


Come let me tell you of Avalon and Arthur, Morgan and Merlin. Travel upon the waters sheltered in the darkness and mist the lanterns of the night sky illumining a severely wounded Arthur being carried upon shimmering waves. Quietly golden lances of light reveal the way, murmuring shadows in hushed tones preparing his coming. Existing out of normal time this misty isle Avalon the isle of Apple and Glass is an entrance to the otherworld where the “little” people lived for thousands of years. According to Arthurian legend the King was restored at Avalon and Excalibur was forged there. Nearby the Fields of Elysium flourished yielding their abundance, all creatures enjoying a blessed and happy life.

Back across to the mainland in dark antediluvian forests shadowy figures clothed in hoods and robes illumined by night fires perform ritual and sacrifice. The Druids were known in the villages, often teaching and instructing in things beneficial. But these obscure druidic practices have no historical record. Nothing was ever written down…… purposely. They remain an enigma along with over 4000 sacred and ancient esoteric sites often found on ley lines, an energy grid encircling and sometimes intersecting throughout the earth. Among them are the Great Pyramids, Glastonbury, Easter Island , Taos, Sedona, Machu Picchu and Shasta. Many modern pagans, light workers, and spiritual healers seek out these sites and inner peace.

The Arthurian Legend was first chronicled over 300 years after its events in Le Morte d’Arthur. Like essentially all history the accounts have been rewritten, revised, and redacted. Add fantasy to fact, simmer in a cauldron of superstition and magic, and over time anything can be written…. anything believed.

So……..What do you bring to the table, this table in the round? Resplendent with knights and a king. Feel the power times 12. You are invited to the banquet. Lamps are trimmed and filled. Garments of white are provided with sword and shield. Taste the bread and wine. Do not linger with regrets of what you do not understand. Far greater things await with the unfolding of the plan.

How little do we remember

How much do we forget


In the sands of Giza just across the Nile from the capital city of Cairo lies the iconic Great Pyramid complex, the last of the ancient wonders of the world still largely intact, an alter to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, Isaiah 19. It is in almost perfect astronomical alignment with the cardinal points north, east, south, and west near the celestial equator. The Great Pyramid of Giza as well the pyramids at Xi’an in China and Teotihuacan in Mexico all mirror the alignment of the asterism, the three bright stars in Orion’s Belt……Alnitak, Ainilam, and Minitaka, known as the three wise men. The brightest stars in Orion are Rigel which radiates 23,000 more light than our sun, Betelgeuse which is 450 times the suns diameter, and Bellatrix which is the third biggest star in the zodiac. The brightest star in the night sky is Sirius, associated with the god Isis, Orion with the god Osiris. Together they were creators, protectors, and rulers. In the northern hemisphere Orion dwells, and in the sides of the north God dwells with Zion. In the book of Amos we are told to seek him who made the seven stars (Pleiades) and Orion. Job asks, can you bind the bands of Orion? Bands relate to the earths axis and its alignment to the Great Pyramid as it appeared thousands of years ago. And for the third time in the Bible Orion is mentioned with the bear (Ursa Major/Minor) Think of Russia’s symbol. The mystery of the Great Pyramids shafts remains unsolved, but there is no doubt to the pyramids celestial significance built with the night sky in mind. Orion dwells in the emptiest region of the sky. As the head of a pin is to the earth, so is the earth to the Orion nebula. Known as the hunter, as was Nimrod. Orion’s density is only the weight of a kilogram (2.2 lbs). It is a eclipsing binary, a special class of stars giving us a direct way to measure the mass and size of the stars.

The relationship of Orion in the heavens, its mirroring in the earth and its mentioning in the scriptures suggests a place of origins, creation, and habitation.

There are more stars in the heavens than grains of sand in the earth

The Coast of Colorado

Colorado means colored red, and coast is land near a shore, a border. Red represents sin, ”though your sins be as scarlet.” It is the most important color in the Bible, the root word for mankind, the adamic creation. It symbolizes energy, action, confidence and transformation, bringing passion and change to life, relations, and work and at sunrise an omen of a storm on the way. Red is the color of blood and symbolizes war and bloodshed, the red horse of Revelations six, and the power of Satan the red dragon, of Revelation chapter 12. It is very portentous, the foreshadowing of revolution and cataclysm.

Colorado….now a place of wickedness and evil designs in executive session…control, legislation and regulation. Long ago you ceased to be free a mimicry to those brave and stout souls who preceded you in staunch resistance to the very forces you now bow down to and kiss in obeisance, the ring of your debased enslavement. You are not worthy of their memory. Home of the ’fourteens’ grand steeples in the sky looking down on you with anger and derision. In your mountains, murals, and underneath runways where you do fly, the lofty and mighty in the earth plan their schemes with underground bunkers fortified and ready when the SHTF while you run to your next gate, you can’t be late, ski in Aspen’s glow, and get drunk in your mindless excrement. How have the high and lofty been brought so low.

Warnings have been given. War will be on our shore. Much blood will be shed. The land has to be cleansed. Be prudent and provide. See the evil to come and act. Remember preparation has to be done ahead of time. When the storm is upon you it’s too late for plans, nor time left to make provision. From the shores, the masses of humanity, and the boundaries, limits you have placed in your mind, “Flee to the Mountains.” The high places await. Come soar with the Eagles. Seek high ground. We were born for this day!

A thought: There is no right way to do something wrong. Your best chance is to do it right the first time…….somebody needed that!



Fanning the Flame


Upon the roof of the clouds