Two men and a Hill….One man and a Stream

You come upon a scene. Two men are on the side of a hill standing and facing one another. They converse. You cannot tell who is coming up…… or who is going down. At that moment they are on common ground. As they move away the separation grows and there is no more common ground. One man is evolving upward and the other to the earth mired in mediocrity. Its either upwards or down. To remain at the same place means life is passing you by as you slide on your slippery downhill slope. So it happens with friends, family, and relationships. After a while that which was will never be again. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can recreate a wonderful occasion. It will never be the same. Let the new one be unique to itself.

A man approaches a stream. He stops, enjoying the scenery and bends down and cups a handful of delicious clear cool water. He walks away. In time he returns to the very same spot admires the scenery and stoops and drinks again from the clear cool refreshing water. But its not the same man and not the same water. The water he first took a drink from is long gone following the course of nature. It is gone, never to return. And he is not the same man. Many influences have sculpted him. In life our progression lies in letting go on the one hand, the past and all that binds or was good at a given time, and embracing newness and change. The experiences of the past will not sustain for the present or provide for the future. Trust in the One who said “I am the Living Water”

In the end we are not humans having spiritual experiences, we are spirits having human experiences

“The distinction of past, present, and future is only an illusion…..however persistent”


Sorry Aretha, its just ain’t so…….


Knock Knock …Who comes to call