Knock Knock …Who comes to call
“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed”
“You cannot dissuade a person from a position with reason and facts if reason and facts did not determine the position in the first place”
Cognitive bias, the difficulty for people to embrace new thoughts and concepts when introduced to things unknown to them, things they aren’t comfortable with, things that don’t fit into the minute, think shoe size, amount of brain that they use, will make the UFO, Alien disclosure/deception mind blowing (very little nitro needed here). To pass judgment on a matter without first hearing it with an open mind is folly…Proverbs. From ancient petroglyphs, writings of antiquity, archeological finds providing microchips and all matter of evidence of very advanced technologies greater than ours, as well as volumes of modern books, pictures, and proofs of UFO’s, UAF’s, Alien entities, makes any announcement like trying to present for the first time spam, sliced bread and privacy paper (TP). Many shall run(travel) to and fro, and (tech)knowledge shall increase… Daniel 12. The technology that we utilize and are aware of is superseded by technology that is advanced by 100 years,+/- and in some sectors far greater yet, the separation growing not decreasing. All man’s systems I.e. energy, propulsion ,health, agriculture, weapons/military, education, political, social-economic, etc. are all profane. primitive, and pathetic. We live on a rogue prison planet deliberately kept misinformed, uninformed, enslaved and naive to all that is going on around us, dwelling at the bottom of the technology ladder. We are easily distracted and titillated by toys. A space force was created recently, a subterfuge to cover the facts of years of engaging hostile alien forces in space, colonizing Mars, the moon , and having a presence on other planets ,traveling to far away star systems using electro probitic propulsion amongst others, accessing portals and moving interdimensionally. We age regress and replicate ourselves .Mean while here on earth Area 51 and the Groom Lake facility are examples of shared alien technology. Operation Paperclip, agreements made during the Eisenhower administration among others gave us access to phenomenal unimaginable technologies while aliens were given carte blanche access to our animals and people. Every year there are mutilations, thousands of abductions, and tens of thousands of unexplainable disappearances. What is done to our people is heinous and unforgiveable. The government is aware of 75 different alien cultures, some hostile, some benevolent. We have made treaties and alliances our envoys traveling through out space. The surface of the earth is inhabited by seven+/- alien entities some looking very earth like, others ugly even hideous. The inner earth as well is populated by various species. We are and have never been alone.
This coming disclosure may be the Luciferian end game presenting an alien saviour with all signs and lying wonders deceiving even the elect if possible. There will be a crafted, well scripted narrative(remember Covid 19 and the lock down of this nation). THREAT is the key word while they attempt to control the population with the danger of an alien invasion, FEAR the motivating factor.
There is a government elected(selected) and one behind the scenes. Those on the earth, the illuminati, free masons , Rothschilds, pick your poison, are all under the control of principalities and powers that are off earth. This is where their power base is and why the heaven and the earth and all its elements will be destroyed by fire and fervent heat. Not the first time, as the earth has gone through at least four catastrophism’s becoming void and without form. Now in our time the Deagle Report has the 2025 population of the US declining from approximately 370 million to 100 million. The Georgia Guidestones has the population of the world at 500 million as a manageable resource of slaves for their benefit. Our hope ,nevertheless, is in a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness reigns. The Bible, our guide book with many things concealed and hidden( in time everything will be revealed) discloses the End from the Beginning, the Beginning from the End.
Jesus Christ, , the Son of God , the true Saviour of the world said in Rev 3…I stand at the Door and KNOCK. If any man hear MY VOICE and opens the door, I will come into him and sup with him and he with me. DO NOT open the door to the stranger, who comes as a thief to rob ,kill, and destroy. Satan may appear as an angel of light. DO NOT OPEN UNTO HIM. BE NOT DECEIVED. There will be false saviours and Christs. Many will be given over to STRONGE DILLUSION because they did not love the truth. May we be worthy of the TRUTH.
This was written to confirm and clarify and by no means as an exhaustive treatise. on any of these issues. Thanx and let me hear from you
“He who is not zealous against error, is not likely to be zealous for Truth”
‘Truth is truth even if no one believes it
A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it’
There are things that go bump in the dark