The Mask Charade
“All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.”
Everyone sees what you appear to be. Few really know what you are
There are so many myths, and when a myth is shared by large numbers of people it becomes a reality. ‘It is not a matter of what is true, but what is perceived as true that counts’. Beguiled by the presstitute (look it up) of the government and the talking heads we have donned our face diapers and embraced the edicts of ancient occultic rituals i.e. masking, distancing, washing (remember Pilate and the saviour), and isolation…as in prisons placing a person in isolation for the purpose of penitence. Thus the term penitentiary. Unthinking respect for authority is one of the greatest hindrances to truth. A lie told over and over again, embellished, and fueled by passion becomes believable “ Man is made by his beliefs. As he believes so he is”. Wearing a mask is a token of submission and compliance. That’s what the CDC and surgeon general wanted all along, and in the face of empirical science and all evidence to the contrary our country and a large part of the world was pillaged, plundered, ruined and ravaged. When you wear a mask you are consenting to the greatest single planned and perpetrated medical evil in the history of the world. You have allowed
to dominate you, willingly conceding your liberty and freedom for temporary safety, neither of which are you worthy of. Your identity and the connection with your true sovereign has been assaulted . You have been symbolically muzzled. You readily embrace your enslavement, hands stretched out for cuffs and your feet for chains. Your masters despise and mock you. You are perfect for their eugenics programs and agenda 21. Your mind and now your DNA have been sabotaged.
All of our lives we wear a mask to veil, camouflage, cloak, conceal (as in womens makeup), and disguise who we really are. The masquerade is for influence, a good impression, a motive of gain. We win the girl, cry poor, intimidate and appear one way in public, another at home. We hide behind masks of insecurity, low self esteem and fear, and sometimes we even let our mask down, vulnerable to love, or a lot of wine. The cognitive cap comes off and walla here we are. You just got to know who you can do that with.
The bottom line: You readily wear a paper mask, because you have been maskcharading all your life. My, you are very adaptable.
Let go of the charade. Drop the Mask. There is nothing hidden before Him . Do not fear the judgment of men , giving little thought to the judgment of God. HIs is always just. If you accept a lie it will soothe then kill. The love of God , the truth, will hurt then heal.
‘It is better to be divided by the truth, that united by error’.
P.S. This is especially written with H….G…. in mind. Your inquiry about the blog meant so much to me.
P.S.ll Your comments mean a lot. Objective criticism is welcome. If you didn’t like what was written your comments mean nothing. Take the nearest exit!
Under His Wings shalt thou trust!