The Fools and the fox

Fools rush in

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding

only in expressing his opinion

The lion who was king feigned being sick and invited all his subjects to come see him. So deep inside his dark lair they hurried each hoping for some reward. The fox noticed that all the tracks led into the cave and none out. He did not go in. Thanx Aesop

Before you leap …LOOK! Before you make decisions and choices consider the possible outcomes. Some decisions will plague you for a lifetime. They are irrevocable. If you fall prey to someone’s evil devices without considering the consequences of that decision you are just as guilty. Do not be deceived by their charisma or notoriety. Do not have unthinking respect. Remember…. liars lie, that’s what they do.

Know who you can trust, how far, and with what!


The Mask Charade


The Farmer and the Fence