Sorry Aretha, its just ain’t so…….

“Respect is for those who deserve it, not for those who demand it”

“Blood, Sweat, and Respect. The first two you give. The last one you earn”

Unlike nobility we earn respect with honesty, integrity, doing what’s right not what’s easy. Every job is a self portrait, and reputations are built by many acts, but lost by one. “There is no right way to do something wrong.” Respect your self first, and give respect when it is earned by others. You do not give respect for actions and character that is dishonest and base. To do so would be to give consent to those actions. Men, you must respect women, and women (girls) give them something to respect. Don’t be witless accomplices to their seed sowing fantasies. Your bodies are temples, not to be defiled. Respect for ourselves guides our morals and manners to others. Life is to short to waste your time on people who do not respect, value, or appreciate you. Walk away from these toxic relationships.. I realize family and jobs complicate things, but you are not an option. “It is better to be hated for who and what you are, than to be loved for what you are not.”

Don’t underestimate the might of a mouse. Earlier threatened by the Lion Queen and rebuffed, he found mercy and promised to help her if ever he could. Falling into a snare she became entangled and hopeless, awaiting the poachers , humiliation, and death. Found by the little mouse and his family, they chewed on the chords that bound the queen and freed her. The queen remarked, I have come to respect those who respect me no matter how small (once in her eyes but not now) they may be. Sometimes the smallest (least esteemed) of those amongst us have the advantage of the mighty and strong. Do not despise the day of small things. Zach 4.

“He who wants a rose must first respect her thorns”

“The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he becomes”


Sight Unseen


Two men and a Hill….One man and a Stream