Sight Unseen
“Be careful little eyes what you see
Be careful little ears what you hear”
Let me be wiser with my eyes
Let me see heaven
Dimly through the glass. When looking at something we are actually projecting not receiving. Refraction of light, an image enters the eyes, is converted to a neural impulse and is processed in the brain. Humans see only in the visible light spectrum and only 1-2% of what exists. We cannot see infrared, microwaves ,long or short waves, and on the other end UV, beta gamma, and X-rays etc. In the UV range flowers have different patterns and colors that are both brilliant and breathtaking. Eagles can see clearly eight times greater than humans, with instant focus lens, and color vision with resolution and clarity. Thus the term “eagle eyes” for sharp sighted people. The whole world we see is nothing like the world that exists. We are surrounded and immersed in fields of electro-magnetism, spirit entities, multiple dimensions , and atoms, which are 99.99% empty space and energy, the construct of everything that exists. Everything that is real is made of things that cannot be considered as real.. There are only waves and frequencies which our brain converts into images which make up our world. Everything is displaced in time. Life is lived in the past, the present that we are aware of delayed by a fraction of a second. If the sun disappeared we would not even be aware of it for about eight minutes. At night we see light from a star that has traveled years to come into our visible spectrum that may have exploded long ago.
And what do we really see? The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. With rose colored glasses we look out over the world with bias, preference, prejudice, and years of generational patterning. Now we are subject to the most subtle and malevolent of influences. Our minds ,conscious, and DNA, this trinity constituting sacred ground are under attack, our enemy wanting complete control and transformation from human to subhuman (transhumanism). Using GMO’s, big pharma, the jab, poisoned air, food ,water soil, and MIND, there is nothing that has not been polluted and corrupted, the planet being terraformed for other species. Synthetics ,clones, and doubles abound making an original hard to be found. Virtually no-thing is as it appears. They can place thoughts in our minds that we think are our own, but not so. When 9/11 happened they showed the carnage over and over again until the mind was convinced. The holographic 3D image of planes disappearing into the towers so persuasive. Is the daily life we live in a holographic projection? Green screens and blue show the allstate man sitting in the middle of a busy intersection, as well as scenes from star wars , Lord of the Rings, multiple movies. . etc., Nat and Natalie Cole singing and dancing together looking into each others eyes (He had been dead for many years). Bubble heads on the tell-a-vision telling of some horror going on, the footage on a back drop created by the producers—-all false. Some times it may be a scene from years ago and sometimes a total fabrication as in “Wag The Dog” the movie showing the creation of a conflict to cover the malicious deeds of the standing president—-all false. There are “realfakes/deepfakes” where they can perfectly put words in someone’s mouth, things they never said. They can take parts of some ones body placing it on another engaging in acts of vulgarity. A fictitious person can be created with photos ,profiles, an entire history—all false. They never existed. Photographs are photo shopped ,subliminal messages used, recognized by the brain but not the eye to entice you to buy. Escape into virtual reality, a simulation of the “real world” offers a fated form of denial and vain imagination. YOU MUST GUARD YOUR EYES. Every conceivable illusion is being used against you. Out of sight out of mind but the problem remains. You simply cannot trust anything that you see. The old adage does not apply. We are told not to look at the things which are seen, but to the unseen. Our fixed world is not so solid. The saviour walked through a wall and proved that. What we see is not made of things that are seen. So many things we cannot see because we are blinded by our sight, things right in front of our eyes appearing invisible. We see best with our eyes closed. Too much light will blind us, sometimes painfully. Gradually like the sunrise light comes, the new morning arises and we awaken out of our sleep.
The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thy eye be single the whole body shall be full of light. But if thy eye be evil, the whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Matt 6
The heart is dull, rebellion abounds, the ears are heavy and the eyes blind. Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. Understanding is deliberately withheld .Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light. Pray for eyes that see, ears that hear—- what the spirit is saying. Quiet yourself. BE STILL, AND KNOW. After all the tumult then the the prophet heard…… THE STILL SMALL VOICE.
Nothing is ever lost—-it just changes form
We see through a glass, darkly
“Les yeux sont le miroir de l’dme”
Eyes are a mirror to the soul
‘Every closed eye is not sleeping
Every open eye is not seeing”
The pure in heart will see…
You and I dimly through the glass