Oz and the tin man

“The two most important days in your life….the day you were born and the day you discover why”.

“Oz didn’t give nothin’ to the tin man that he didn’t already have.”

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our substance was not hid from Him when we were made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Yet being imperfect all our members were written when as yet there were none of them. Ps 139. Our fashioning in the womb was delicate and deliberate. Long before the moment of conception our gender, physical characteristics, mental acumen all that composes us as a unique creation of God was fixed. We were given choice, freewill, and gifts. I did not say we were given life. We were given breath and mortal existence. The saviour offers us the opportunity for life.

Speaking to the people with blood coursing through their veins, hearts pumping and syntax firing in their brains…I have come to give you LIFE , and LIFE more abundantly John 10:10. He further said I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE. Jn 14:6. To the would be disciple a mourner in a funeral procession the saviour called “come and follow me”. His response was I will, but let me first take care of the deceased. The saviour then made this profound statement “let the dead bury the dead”. Luke 9:60

The prodigal eating from the husks he was feeding to the swine, realizing his pathetic condition said I must return to my father. But here’s the crux of the matter…no man comes unless he is drawn by the Father and no man comes except through Jesus Christ. All others…your self help guru’s, those who channel evil spirits even using patronizing biblical names, the ascended masters and their veiled hidden wisdom, and all attempts of self realization, self analysis, self awareness, christ consciousness, and all paths of self worth and discovery, narcissism and the vulgar specter of self indulgence, gratification, and exultance…to all of this new age deception that opposes Christ and the Cross and exalts the putrefying remnants of the dead…to all the thieves and liars, those who come to kill and destroy….the saviour says, Depart from me, I never knew you!

In seeking for what you need, do not neglect the salvation that is offered, the gift that was freely given from the foundation of the world, the price for your LIFE. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, all that appertains to this life and our vain, fallen self and all it exalts, to gain what he cannot loose, Life abundantly and eternally.

All that you and I, and yes the tin man ever needed was provided before we ever breathed a breath.

P.S. This evolved differently than we expected. If it seems we were pontificating (preachin’) we do not apologize. If it offends then go from here. You are not part of the few that are called and to whom this was written

“The Most High made the world for the sake of many, the world to come for the sake of only a few” 11Esdras

“Earth creates large amounts of clay for earthenware, but only a small amount of dust from which gold comes. Many created but only a few saved.”

In Noah’s time only a few, that is eight souls were afloat in the boat

“But that which keeps and that which is kept shall both be kept by your keeping”

Like as a wave is greater than a drop……

There is a culling….…the time clock of the soul is ticking


Numbers…….their wonder and wisdom


Sight Unseen