Numbers…….their wonder and wisdom

“Numbers rule the Universe”

Numero pondere and mensura Deus omnia

“God created everything by number, weight, and measure”

Lets take a journey. The journey itself will take a lifetime. The first five inches were your rite of passage from the womb to your first breath. Your days are numbered. The very hair on your head is numbered. Your life is circumscribed by seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years. You mark time. Its all numbered. Time, seasons, events, our very steps are numbered. Everything is determined in time and written in numbers. Know the number and you will discern the time. There are no words or works without number. Each has its own significance and meaning, sometimes appearing discordant, the lock in one place and the key in another. Casually we reference most numbers in our life. There is a woeful lack of understanding. Tesla said “If you only know the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9 then you would have a key to the universe.” Leadskalnin weighing in at 100 lbs. and about 5 feet in height, single-handedly built the castle at Coral Gables with pieces weighing thousands of pounds. He said, “The secret to the universe is 7129/6105195.” His novella “Sweet Sixteen” holds his secrets in a simple story form. The angel Palmoni, the wonderful numberer in the book of Daniel, presides over numbers and making known the things of God. His instructions in numbers reveal the time table of events at the end of this age. Days that reveal events are numbered. The words are numbered, Greek and Hebrew having no separate symbols for numbers using the alphabet to indicate numbers and values. The secret things belong to God , but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children. Ivan Panin the renowned Russian mathematician an affirmed agnostic embraced the Christian faith upon discovering the mathematical structure and extensive numeric code of the scriptures. The numeric value of a word being the sum total of all its letters. Sequences and patterns then emerged illuminating concealed meaning, like an onion one layer at a time.

In math (numbers) you must find the pattern. Patterns are represented with language. Math language is characterized by abstraction, symbols, and rules. It is precise, concise, and powerful, making fine distinction of things. Take photos for instance. There is the rule of thirds. Divide horizontally and vertically by thirds for eye appeal. The moon—1/400th the size of the sun and 1/4th the size of the earth. It is 1/400th the distance between the earth and sun. At a total solar eclipse it perfectly covers the disc of the sun with the corona around it. The golden ratio, 1.618033…. known as the most beautiful number in the universe is found in nature and when used in building and design assures that it will be aesthetically pleasing and in the case of furniture, strong. Then there is Pi, 3.1415..,. the worlds most astonishing number. It is a mathematical constant, the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter. It is used in physics and engineering to solve problems with curved surfaces and solids and in various formulas describes motion. vibration of strings and alternating current. And, we must not leave out the extraordinary Fibonacci sequence, one of the most famous formulas in mathematics. Except for the first two numbers it applies the golden ratio, approximately 1.618 times the preceding two numbers, which is the sum of those numbers. It has extraordinary revelations in nature.

The universe was created by God and designed with numbers, principles that govern the entire creation. They do not lie, but are easily misrepresented. You may represent yourself as 21 but the numbers don’t lie. Your birth certificate says you are only 19! Sorry. Statistics can be misconstrued to say anything. Look at VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system). They only report maybe a tenth of the actual cases. And let us not misspeak. It is NOT a vaccine. It is a kill shot! Throughout life’s journey numbers work for us and against us. Some use them for profit and those who know the cards and horses can do quite well. How often do we count our money or look at our bank account, or try to remember a phone number? We were never meant to be a slave to numbers. Use them right and they will serve you well. Understand them in greater depth and you will enrich your life. ”Teach me to number my days that I might apply my heart to wisdom.” Ps 90:12.

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And so………The Journey so far. It is characterized by simplicity with complexity. For most folks the simple is sufficient. A couch, a can, and the Cubs. But if you, like a rare gem unearthed and hidden from the surface world that is mired in mediocrity plunge into complexity dissatisfied with the shallow simplicity that pervades our existence, I would say ……The universe, our creator, rewards those who think. Everyone should do it at some time in their life. Now would be a good time to start.

You are standing at the beach. Look both ways. What do you see? How many others are with you? This is a solitary journey, but as you climb on your path you are never really alone. There are those who preceded you that will give help when needed, and extending your hand behind there will always be someone following.

Our journey is immersed in numbers. When you understand you will no longer be reading numbers……you will be reading meaning.

To everything their is a time and season. It is written in numbers and at the time determined it will come to pass. Know the number and you will perceive the time. You cannot hasten or delay it.

“He has weighed the world in the balance ,and has measured the times with a measure, and carefully counted the hours, and He will not move or disturb them, until the prescribed measure is reached.” 11 Esdras 4

You have to be odd to be number one.


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