The terror without…… ………The enemy within
The Terror Without
The year 1898
Intent on making its political meaning clear, while deliberately courting controversy, Rudyard Kipling wrote a classic poem “The truce of the bear.” In it Adamzad, the bear that walked like a man, stalked the land. Nothing was safe. Not field nor flock nor the peasantry gathered in their hovels in fear. Knowing his habits and intent, the Hunter pursues Adamzad finding him in front of his lair exhausted, returning from his last excursion of pillage and plunder. “Your reign of terror is over the hunter declares.” Adamzad stands, his posture not one of aggression but of humiliation and defeat. He began to placate, asking for mercy and forgiveness pledging never to harm again as he slowly crept forward pleading, shoulders swaying with his hands in prayer, as nearer he tottered and nearer. Moved with pity the hunter did not fire, hesitates, and then sudden, silent, savage, searing with a single blow the steel shod paw ripped his face away. Beware. “The moment you hesitate you’ve already lost.” Adamzad’s feigned weakness only disguised the hate and cunning in his little swinish eyes. When he shows as seeking quarter and forgiveness, hands in prayer…….this is the time of peril !!!
Fool your enemy making him think you are far away, and with stealth approach. Feign weakness. Its all based on deception.
The leopard cannot change his spots Jer 13:23
Kipling wrote about the bear…….RUSSIA. He had personally witnessed their hidden motives and aggression. In 1917 the Bolshevik revolution set in motion a chain of events that would cost the lives of ten’s of millions…..
Present day and probable future
It stalks the land….this plague of fear….this reign of terror. It learned to catch the prey and devour men. Where was the promised peace, the prosperity, the return to normalcy. Only the longing for yesterday. The bubble headed bleached blond belched out her blatant fiction repeated everywhere by other mindless apparitions appearing omnipotent and all knowing. At one time high on hopium and trusting for a deliverer, a fictitious figure, a champion of lies who never arrives, now you huddle with your family indoors, fathers not knowing how to protect their own. The shadow of death is everywhere. You never know where the next attack may come from. A knock at the door. Possibly neighbors, even family. Shops closed, doors were barred, and then you were denied basic necessities. Without food, water, income, and hope your paralysis assured. No place to run, no place to hide, your mind a waste land. Able to conquer, but not knowing how. Now hunger, panic and acts of barbarism, “if you believe in absurdities, you will commit atrocities” the streets controlled by terrorist thugs and subhuman souls(zombies) cannibalism the only cure for their cursed bestial appetites. There is no appealing for mercy. You take your family and attempt to escape. Silent running you realize you waited too long, prepared too late, and prayed too little.
This stalker, this destroyer, masquerades as a force of universal good while manipulating power worldwide. Using the specter of a non-existent phantom pandemic, they that created this evil offer the cure. By constant impregnation and continuous repetition they engender conviction and compliance. Make no mistake of willful ignorance that you alone are responsible for. The truth regarding these kill shots, their contents, and now your subhuman state. Your eternal salvation is in peril. Bow the knee to big pharma or to the living God. You cannot serve two masters. Complicity with evil will destroy you. An attack is being waged against decenters, using door to door intimidation, loss of livelihood, travel restrictions,. lists, internment camps and more. There is no avoiding their multifarious agenda. Not only covid, ebola, and new variants, there is fire, flooding, the geoengineering of weather, drought, famine, and water wars. Expect a major catastrophic event, most likely an earthquake probably out west. They (TPTB) want a common enemy to unite us in order to create their new synthesis, a combination of problem, reaction and solution all created by them, Ordo de chao, “order out of chaos” and Novus ordo seclorum “a new order of the ages.” They believe in Annuit coeptis, “He favors our undertakings”, mottos on our great seal and dollar bill, taken from maxims of 33 degree Masonic esoteric beliefs. They, the high ranking members of freemasonry pledge their belief in and allegiance to Lucifer, the illuminated one. He that blesses their undertakings is not the God of Heaven and Earth. He is the Prince of the power of the air, exuding his power and influence over the entire earth from above. All his minions on earth, though powerful and prominent obey and give homage to him. Remember the words of the Saviour….”the whole world lieth in the wicked one” whom He called “The Prince of this world”.
Once it was Horace Greeley’s “go west young man”. Now a massive migration from the west to the mid and southern states, and all the while the country is being invaded by tens of millions, saboteurs and sickly, hands out to freely receive all the candy “Uncle Joe” will give them. As well the threat of a military invasion….. make no mistake in judgment. At the appointed time they will come for a spoil. For God will put hooks in their jaws. Ez 38:4 Supply and delivery issues continue to intensify along with unprecedented shortages of everything. Soaring prices, loss of buying power, elevated inflation, increasing food costs. This last May to May seeing an increase in food costs of 39.7% along with aggravated problems with food supply chains partly because of near empty warehouses, already with parts of the country with bare shelves. There’s trouble in River City folks. But deception dies under discovery. Seek truth in a tapestry of lies and give your brain a bath. Wash, rinse ,and repeat. Look at the enemy of our souls as a conquered foe, and so he is, not only to God, but to us. “When there is no enemy within, no enemy outside can hurt you."
Having done all, STAND! For our God fights for us !!!
The Enemy Within
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.”
1600 Pennsylvania Street
The Horror House, The Palace of Pedophiles, and the home of one of the seven dwarfs “sleepy Joe”, the Thief of State. And in the Capital, Supreme Court, Treasury and Pentagon, acting in collusion, the greatest assemblage of traitors, liars, and deceivers ever known. They engorge themselves in power, various vices, and wealth from corporate donors, wealthy contributors, and special interests, all of which they are beholding to. The wishes of the people having almost no impact on the laws they enact for public good. The plan is to manufacture the consent of the people thus gaining voluntary slavery. Media technologies give shape to ”mind forged manacles” while they influence our behavior and shape our perception about our rights, freedom, sovereignty, and privacy. Through governance by technology, AI, algorithms, transhumanism, and science (the new name for “magic”), we have global warming, a global pandemic, gender confusion, strange sexual orientations, and cattle flatulence endangering our atmosphere. This is all approved by science (magic). They plan to de-humanize us, an egregious betrayal of trust. Technocratic exploitation of the covid non-crisis is a push for their authoritarian control. This will color laws, think of the 9/9/21 extension of the National Emergency Act with sweeping mandates across the country, while last rites are given to our struggling economy. This is the theatre of the absurd when “all the kings horses and all the kings will never put Humpty together again.” Kiss this grand global figure sitting on “Wall” Street goodbye. And that’s OK. It was never a true barometer of the economy and did not represent the common man on the street. With constant infusions from the Fed, digital transfusions in the trillions, the Fat got Fatter while tens of thousands of business’s closed….. Forever. “If you want Daddy’s money, you must play by Daddy’s rules”.
We live in illusionary dwellings afraid of the truth, having accepted for decades fabricated lies. Edward Bernays, described as the father of public relations, propaganda by its old name, helped the government, CIA, and corporations write the script of acceptability, lies by any other name, to the gullible public. From wars to wheaties and everything in between we have been told what to believe. Like the Spirit who became a lying spirit in the mouth of all the prophets 1 kings 22:21-23 except for Micaiah, we bought the farm, and now the encroachment of AI into every faucet of our lives, all resources and commodity, including you and I owned by them. With our relentless undying faith in science, technology, our leaders, and our “righteous” cause, …..we’re always the good guys, our epitaph will read, “Because they did not love the truth, they were sent strong delusion that they would believe a lie” 11Thes 2:11. “I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them, because when I called none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not” Is 66:4
It is noon time. Our walls have been breached. The Judas betrayers within have deliberately sabotaged our defenses. Their plan, a dystopia of absolute monopolistic control. If Deagle is right, the present population of the USA of 330,000,000, will be reduced to about 100,000,000 by the year 2025. “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”
It is a dark night on a mountain road. The storm rages. Up ahead around a curve the bridge is washed out. I set flairs and run back to warn you. Is it just doom and gloom or did I just save your life….
“It is better to know the truth, than to be comforted by a lie”
“Truth is truth even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it”
“Never have so many been controlled by so few”
“The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in a time of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality”
Take care and be prepared for all or nothing; but be ready anyway. For they that do know their God will be strong and do exploits Dan 11:32
And now the enemy within that is closer and more subtle
“The enemy to be feared most is one who wears the face of a friend.”
Never let your frenemy, a person who pretends to be your friend but is really your enemy, know your true potential.” It is said to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. “A man’s enemies shall be those of his own household” Matt 10:36. Betrayal can only come from our family and friends, never from our enemies. “Even my closest friend who I trusted, the one who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me Ps 41:9.” “Even a small degree of betrayal is sufficient to cause the death of trust”. Forgive…. it allows your heart to heal, but don’t forget. You don’t want to be gullible and fall into the same entrapment again. “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” Their intent was to hurt, but God’s for your good. Know who you can trust, how far, and with what.
Never try to change anyone, friend or foe, just the face in the mirror. “For the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it.” Jer 17:9. You are your own worst enemy. For out of the heart the mouth speaketh, and then there follows a litany of evil, all proceeding from the heart Matt 15 18-20. Often I have heard folks say they felt they should do this or that, or that God spoke to them, or a “Thus saith the Lord” from pulpit or in a prayer…. but God ain’t speakin at-tall. Nope!. The one who deceives himself speaking lies from his heart, with his lips, does not know who weighs the heart and renders to every man according to his deeds. Oh the presumptuous heart. But “If any man hear my voice” God is speaking. Are you listening? Would you recognize His voice if He spoke?
Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me Ps 51:10
Search me, oh God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting Ps 139:23
“Exhausted I arrive at a rocky mountainous precipice bearing a great load. For three days I sought a way to get to the other side, my destination. A deep wide chasm prevented it. I was at my end. Finally, I began to unload the weight I was bearing. Unburdened I fell to my knees. It was then that a great light shown illuminating a cross behind me casting an image to the other side. I arose and with renewed vitality and joy crossed over leaving my burdens behind.”
When He appears will we be ashamed? When we come before the audience of Heaven what will we bring? There is nothing of ourselves acceptable, no sacrifice sufficient, only the blood, the work of the cross. Come bearing the blood atonement, which alone is sufficient for our redemption. Then the Heavens will rejoice and we will hear “well done thou good and faithful servant.”
“Our greatest enemy is not the evil around us…..but the evil within us”
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.”
Some friends will only love you as much as they can use you, and then their loyalty stops when the benefit drops.
“In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
”Once we searched Google… Google searches us”
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
And I hear the Sound of WINGS…………………