It’s just the Weight of the World
Dateline: October 2001
Location: Afghanistan
America’s first “official” military excursion into Afghanistan ostensibly for the purpose of eradicating the leadership of the Taliban backed al-Qaeda. Ben-Laden was the Bad Boy picked for the role responsible for the bombing of the twin towers even before the third building, the world trade center building seven collapsed at free fall speed into its own foot print. Hit by nothing, this was surely an act of concrete compassion by building seven for the destruction of the twin towers….you think? Financed by the CIA, Ben-Laden was an asset trained and used to fight proxy wars for us in the middle east. Now a liability, not convenient, and a possible embarrassment, his usefulness over, except as the poster child for our “War on Terror” his face ubiquitously appearing everywhere used as a focal point for our anger and aggression , removing any speculation regarding the true perpetrators in question. He had to be removed. Killed several times, he just wouldn’t take his death seriously. This red-flag event, spoken of as “the new Pearl Harbor” was an inside job, the people responsible casting the blame elsewhere, opening the door for the Patriot Act, the USA Freedom Act and other lesser legislation, professing to preserve our life and liberty, paradoxical to its actual intent and function.
America now ranks 23rd among the freest countries of the world, poised to be among the most enslaved as her freedoms are fleeing like rats on the sinking ship, the USS Constitution, the flag ship of America..
Dateline: August 2021
After almost 20 years, America’s longest war though never declared so by Congress is “officially” over. The war ends, the costs don’t. Abdicating our role of peace keeper and protector we desert the people of Afghanistan pleading for us to keep our promises, as their dark night of terror descends. We abandon American citizens and soldiers to the fates, leaving behind billions in high tech weapons, while with bawdy show we bring Afghan refugees to America with their hands out to “Cotton Joe” for their piece of “American Pie” with all its entitlements. After all, this is the home of everything free.
The script was written. We followed. The governments of the world adhering to their role. They posture, bully, threaten , and release the dogs of war with destructive acts of aggression. Soldiers are fodder for their ravenous appetites of revenue and resources. Look what we just did to ours! Both sides controlled by the same featureless players, mannequins and puppet masters pulling all the strings, corporations and men of power reaping the windfalls, wars always fought for profit and gain. In Afghanistan they posses a wealth of nonfuel minerals: beautiful stones for jewelry, lithium, copper, rare earth elements and world class iron. As well, large resources of gold, silver, and platinum. They are the worlds largest illicit opiate supplier producing more than 90% of the heroin globally, and they are the worlds largest producer of hashish, the most potent and concentrated form of cannabis that exists, up to triple the amount of thc found in normal marijuana. These drugs provided a conduit for millions in black opts. And note, with our pledge to eradicate drugs in Afghanistan, production has doubled since our occupation began in 2001.
We have satellites orbiting 300 miles above the earth with the capability of image resolution allowing us to see objects from that distance as small as five inches; and with constant drone and digital surveillance we knew where the Taliban was at all times. Allied with technological sophisticated DEW (directed energy weapons), plasma , laser and a host of others developed with the help of extraterrestrial shared intelligence, we could have eliminated the Taliban threat remotely at any time from far away. DARPA is hesitant to share their secrets, but we do find out. The hideous truth: The controllers knew and did nothing about it. They didn’t even care, human life meaning nothing to them….it was all part of the plan.
The casualties of war: The indigenous people, their land and families, often everything lost, their psychics shattered and scarred by the horrors they have seen. When questioned about 500,000 innocent lives that were sacrificed by our bombing the sands of Iraq into a sea of glass, almost without hesitation Madeline Albright our secretary to the UN responded “that’s acceptable collateral.” We don’t fight wars to win, only to further their continuance. Supported by Christians, conservatives, and patriots whose emblems are snakes, one coiled resembling the tower of Babel and another with the familiar motto, “don’t tread on me” all symbols of Satan, we sacrifice our sons and daughters upon the alter of the military industrial complex, the controllers caring nothing about them or their health and welfare, with more deaths of soldiers from suicide that combat in the middle east, a price we willingly pay. Billions are spent annually but our blood lust remains unabated.
Filled with patriotic zeal, and a felt sense of moral obligation a militant mindset now prevails in America. Like pavlov’s dog we salivate as a conditioned response to the mandates of executive privilege, and an aggregate legion of lies. Thankfully the citizenry is armed. Otherwise the party is over, the 12th monkey wins; but for such an hour we have come, born for the moment. “Facing our enemies and offered weapons, their tech toys, we refuse. Emboldened we approach them. They fall backwards. Their queen appears riding a great horse and wearing a grand ornate sword, a symbol of invincible power, but unable to unsheathe and use it. Looking upon the man, the remnant, she is compelled to render the sword to its rightful possessor. Receiving it, then unsheathing and lifting the sword to Heaven, as in Excalibur, a radiant light appears. Lowering his gaze he, the remnant, looks upon the enemy who are retreating and cowering in fear as they declare “Now we have a fight on our hands.”
Don’t focus on the figure heads, the president select and other leaders. That’s exactly what the talking heads and much of the controlled opposition, the alt media, would have you do. Always a tool of usefulness, a circus of distraction, grabbing your attention away like a magician with slight of hand from what really happens. Seems to work every time for the weak and easily embroiled mind. Stand fast, fearing no evil. Be a fortress of adamant power and strength secure in the bastion of your pure mind, a citadel of hope and light in a very dark world.
Is the bitter pill of truth to hard to swallow. Only bitter because it trashes the facade of truth you hide behind. Open yourself to the scrutiny of the Spirit of God, the only remedy for the fear that harbors your unlimited slave like servility.
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God, and keep His commandments: this is THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN Ecc 12:13
H…..G…. because you asked