Alas oh land of whirring wings
written contextually in a unique WINGS fashion
no capitals no commas no periods no punctuation
at first an indiscernible sound
a whisper a vapor a shadow of diffused light
the quaking of aspens the sound of footsteps marching in the mulberry trees
hot breathe on my neck i turn
increased pulse no one is there
someone is watching a vibration then a breach of waters an overflowing scourge
high ground i must get to high ground
to late i remember the warning flee to the mountain
i see no mountain
where do i run
is there a place to hide
no place feels safe
how do i survive
in a perceived place of privacy i speak
then a beep a tone on the phone it answers my inquiry
it hears they listen do they know my thoughts or do they simply think through me
realizing my entrapment as a caged animal i pace
back and forth back and forth
in a maze an endless craze
bottom hitting bottom my only direction up
i breathe sitting still very still that i might know
my eyes are leaden sleep over powers i fight it in vain
i do not wake
whispers in the wind echoes of heaven
a vague memory something important
so quiet very quiet nothing else matters just this moment this recognition
my bones are dry my flesh shriveled and forsaken
then breath the four winds the noise of wings
like the sound of mighty water the voice of god
a shaking bone to bone
i awake i breathe once more
oh sweet aroma the womb of the morning fresh with dew
death has left i view the new
on the wings of the dawn i now arise
to dwell forever in the skies
do not follow me but follow he who leads me