“Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
if I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take”
“The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams”
I sleep. I dream. I wake. I dream. I leave one dreamscape for another. In the sleep dreamscape (sds) I encounter places, people, experiences often unknown to me in my waking dreamscape (wds). Sometimes they are frightening, phantoms of the night. Sometimes I remember. Mostly I forget. Sometimes they are relevant to the wds. There is a connection. And sometimes I know that I am dreaming within a dream. The possibilities are endless. It is here in the sds that God speaks in dreams and night visions free from the influence of the conscious mind. I see things and go places never thought of while in the wds. In the wds things are familiar, faces and places known. Patterns are defined and day follows upon day.” Some are in a spirit of stupor and some sleep a perpetual sleep never to awaken. Jer 51:39. Adam was caused to fall into a deep sleep. It never says he awoke.
We learn. First by repetition, then by trial and error. And if we tire of these mundane approaches we can learn from a much higher way. We awake and arise from the dead Eph 5:14, the path now revealed for the most excellent way of learning…… we now learn by remembering. For In the state of slumber and forgetfulness we come to realize and only with divine help that we are living in a dreamscape. This path of remembrance recreates for us all that we have ever known when we were first in the bosom of our Father….. for we were there with Him in the beginning. We sleep but our heart awakens, restoration a “fait accompli” We are never the same. Everything about everything can be known and understood by us, with the wisdom that created all things and brought everything into existence along with a detailed manual written upon our minds so we can do it again. Everything changes. Things appear differently, and sometimes we aren’t so sure of what we are looking at. While most remain in a deep sleep, we awake and strengthen the things that endure Rev 3:2.
We understand life best by its polarities….sickness/health, poverty/wealth…..and sometimes we never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. This present dreamscape (wds) can be beautiful and delightful; loved ones, mountains and sea. Surround your self as much as possible with beauty, order, and harmony. You will glimpse the divine. This dreamscape can also be brutal with dying, death, and decay. Pain and suffering is evident everywhere. We face a mountain of lies every day. Once we realize that everything that we have been taught, everything we believe is fraught with lies, we are awakening. This is a bad dream….a nightmare. Both beautiful and brutal, either way In the end it demands death. “Death is certain, life is not.” In the wds we exercise will, choice, and belief. We are accountable. This is not so pronounced in the sds. And because these parameters exist we are being prepared to leave. Like a city sidewalk with a expansion joint down the middle, we may walk on one side while on the other side there exists a parallel world, a dimension unseen but far more imperishable than this one. There is no permanency in the wds , for all tears will be wiped away. No more death, sorrow, crying, or pain, for the former things are past away. Rev 21:4
“I will be satisfied when I AWAKE with thy likeness Ps 17:15
He that watches over us neither slumbers or sleeps Ps 121:4
In some cultures the ceremony that proceeds a funeral is called a WAKE
Your WINGS are ready……
P.S. I am only responsible for what I write, not for what you understand
P.S. II “The writer creates. The reader recreates.”