The sins of Sodom

“The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God. God is in none of his thoughts” Ps 10:4

“Woe to them that call evil good…….and good evil” Isaiah 5:20

Ten……………I will not destroy for the sake of ten righteous souls

And it came to pass as Lot sat at the gate in the evening, for he was one of the judges in the city, that he was visited by two angels. After their encounter with the men of the city and Lots offer of his two virgin daughters they were forcibly compelled to leave by the angels because of their hesitation. Only four soon reduced to three, as Lot’s wife disobeyed and turned back looking with longing on what she had left, becoming a testament of salt, judgment to a perverse heart. No man having put his hand to the plow looking back is worthy. No one else would heed his warning. Not his sons in law or married daughters, not until the day that Lot left and it reigned fire and brimstone upon the cities of the plain. Lot didn’t fare much better. Commanded to flee to the mountains he looked for a refuge more readily attainable. Afterwards Lot had his comeuppance, his daughters becoming pregnant by him unknowingly, his offspring an enemy and thorn in the side of Israel continually. The saviour warned us about two times at the end of days. The days of Noah, when the adamic seed line had become so corrupted by interbreeding and genetic genocide, even cohabiting with the Nephilim and producing giants and perverse anomalies, the pure seed line threatened unless some how sustained Then came the flood and the purge. No one believed Noah excepting Noahs Eight until the day it begin to rain. Today genetic experimentation is being conducted in labs in various places in the earth, off the earth, and below the earth(think-Dulce). Everything imaginable and unimagined being undertaken. Thousands have been abducted, kept alive for awhile in pods and capsules often attended by the most grotesque of creatures, their lives hideous, their screams unheard. DO NOT LET THEM BE FORGOTTEN. Oh Lord of Sabaoth hear their cry!

The second warning…….The days of Lot. Separating from Abraham Lot choose the fertile well watered plains where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah dwelt, a thriving commercial center on a well traveled trade route. A vibrant economy but utterly corrupt. There was a satanic infiltration in the human race. Peoples hearts were constantly set on doing evil…all of the time. They were eating, drinking, marrying, and being given in marriage (genetic corruption) up to the day Noah entered the arc. Same in the days of Lot. They were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building until the day Lot left. What happens to a people, a nation , when they succumb to vile and unspeakable behaviour and call it normal (the byword of our day). There is a change in attitude, viewed as an orientation, like being left handed. Normal! They declare their sin. It is not hidden. As the sun sets and darkness descends there is a period, neither night nor day, mostly gray. The sun exudes its influence even though gone, Its traverse through the Heavens finished. Darkness now rules, And gradually all becomes black and indistinguishable. “Lies become truth……and truth become lies”.

The Five Sins of Sodom. Ezekiel 16:49-50


“God Bless America” proudly displayed on bumper stickers, shirts, and church marquee’s. No nation in the world sells their sorcery like America. From Hellywood to Disney, the number one purveyor of witchcraft and divination in the world, packaged diaphanously for our children. Their “magic” includes the abduction and seduction of children and adults alike, and so much more. Well I probably just burst your bubble, so enjoy the modicum of joy that ignorance and imprudence temporarily brings because the myth of America, her nakedness and shame, is being exposed before the whole world. Our corruption—- morally with every filthiness of the flesh being marketed and greedily consumed via multiple mediums—the theatre of politics— big pharma, the word pharmaceia the root word from which witchcraft and pharmacy is derived, in collusion with government , science, big business, the AMA, CDC, WHO, and the global agenda of genocide to the masses, otherwise referred to as “useless eaters”— the imminent “force majeure” of a failed economy, the day the dollar dies.. The dollars status as the worlds reserve currency repudiated by all governments, its buying power diminished by 96-99% since 1913, remember Jekyll Island, and again since 1971 when we vacated the gold standard. Its value like all fiat currencies returning to their original worth…..nothing. All that remains is its death rattle —the educational system being the conduit for social change, and the subversion of values and sound education— and the voices of over fifty million murdered children. Make no mistake. These children sequestered in the protection of their mothers womb have their own blood supply separate from their mothers. They grow because the are alive. Do you really think a holy God who does not look upon sin with impunity will bless this mess? Unable to reconcile this dilemma, I realized much of present day Christianity worships a different god, the illumined one, giving allowance for everything while they peddle their mistaken patriotism, supporting our wars and intrusion in the world(currently we have our boots in 150 countries, being at war for all but seventeen of our 239 year history), and encouraging their parishioners to take the poison in the form of the jab. And so much more……… Our arrogance, hubris, and self serving narcissism, our vulgar pride is a fist thrust in the face of God. Thus the first of Sodom’s sins….now the second


It was only a five mile stretch of road, but I estimated 200 eateries. Everything to satisfy anyone’s cravings. With billions spent on advertising food and beverages every year, one in five adds, and an average of five thousand adds seen daily by the herd it is no wonder 72% of folks over twenty are either overweight or obese. Most of the food is void of nutrition, highly processed and packaged, genetically modified and full of sugar (high fructose corn syrup and the like), contributing to skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. There are 500 cooking shows available on the boob tube, netflix, and hulu, with want-to-be gourmets showing off their latest creations on social media platforms. With hormones feminizing the male population, additives to increase your cravings, and ingredients compromising your immune system, we have become slaves to our fixation of food. We fill our bellies with empty calories and soon return to the trough for more of the same. The effect of all these poisonous chemicals (have you ever tried to pronounce the vast array of ingredients on the back of your bag of chips) has contributed to the chemical lobotomizing of your minds. In this state of cognitive impairment and dissonance your judgment is undermined along with your ability to discern right from wrong. You become prey to all the predators of evil and mischief, easily persuaded and overcome. The second of Sodom’s sins……now the third


“Idle hands are the Devils tools”…..”Idleness is the root of mischief”

How does America spend its idle time every day? The statistics elaborated below is the way most Americans days are filled. These facts seemed reasonably consistent in my findings.

4+ hours watching the brain drain which equals two months of nonstop tv watching per year

71% of kids 8-18 have tv in their bedrooms

600 hours on netflix yearly

5.4 hours on the phone

5+ hours face time

9 hours screen time

2 1/2 hours on social media

8+/- hours weekly on video games

4 1/2 hours listening to music

only 7% of their entire life out of doors

only minutes in prayer

being still before God—-ZERO

critical thinking ..ugh…what is that?

In contrast a famous psychologist stated years ago that fathers spent less than 30 seconds daily in eye to eye one on one conversation and connection with their children

This is the way the average American spends their time daily. What can we expect? Garbage in—Garbage out. When the grid goes down people will truly panic, for they are not prepared for the coming events on this timeline

When we commensurate(talk) about trivial things our attention gets taken up with trivialities. We become what we give our attention to. We may be angered by certain trivialities but when wasting our lives we hardly seem to care

A wasted mind is a wasted life

“redeem the time, for the days are evil”

Sodom succumbed . The debasement of the mind. Their is more than one way to destroy and conquer a nation

Next……Sodom’s fourth sin


“The poor you will have with you always” Matt 26:11

You will always have poor in the land. Be generous Duet 15:11 Do not cut the corners of your fields. Let people glean. Extreme poverty, living on $1.90 a day affects +/- 11% of the worlds population. Covid (certificate of vaccination ID) added 150 million souls to extreme poverty while it killed 20 million by starvation in the third world countries. Poverty in the USA, by quite a different standard is recognized at 18% of the population with 35 million experiencing hunger, 10 million being children. The average household has only three days of food. Panic buying sets in with the possibility of any threat. And now the specter of drought (1/3 of the US) fire and famine, our once great farm lands being reduced to dust. With inventories being depleted and storehouses emptied while delivery service problems continually mount we are being subjected to a contrived crisis of unavailability or delay of most everything. Folks things are grinding to a halt. The prudent man foreseeing the evil to come prepares himself. Pr 22:3. Noah being warned of things to come prepared an arc to the saving of his house Heb 11:7. The seven P’s…”proper preparation prevents piss poor planning” is critical. Planning for the future brings it into the present so you can do something about it. And as simple as it might seem preparation always has to be done ahead of time, before the crisis. Once it happens your opportunity for preparation is over. Don’t be added to the number of starving pilgrims. The poor of the world striving to have sufficient food, clothing, and shelter each and every day of their lives don’t really know anything else. They are behind the first veil, poor in mind, lacking the understanding to change, with little or no hope. Even though there will be no eradication of poverty in this world, never stop being generous and kind. “If you are generous, you are rich, no matter how little you have. If you are stingy, you are poor, no matter how much you have”. The greedy, those who withhold good when they should, are poor though rich, but only in this worlds goods. Not in spirit. The charitable are rich, even if they are penniless. A poor man’s blessing is far greater than a rich man’s gift. Giving out of your excess is not giving at all. It is when you give from your place of need, that you have truly given (remember “The gospel according to Luke”). Know when to give, and know when to withhold. There are so many takers (fakers), panhandlers, with their hands extended willing to let others do for them what they should be doing for themselves. If a man doesn’t work—-he doesn’t eat 11Thes 3:10. Remember God’s kingdom isn’t built on money and food only grows from the ground.

The first four sins of Sodom fostered the fifth. Their predilection for filth and the obscene, the groundwork for their destruction.

The fifth sin of Sodom


Before the audience of heaven and to Hell’s delight they flaunted their debauchery. Twice the Sons of Satan the inferno that’s prepared for them befitting their loathsome behavior. Homosexuality degrades and betrays the most sacred natural trust: perpetuation of the human race, Gods most treasured creation. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because of this sin. It is pathetic and appalling that this perversion is being increasingly accepted as an “alternative lifestyle”. And they are not satisfied. They want our children, some school districts introducing these alternatives to five year olds. Next is pedophilia, bestiality and every wanton wickedness of the alphabet crowd and the sorry souls who are confused about their gender. How the mighty are fallen. This nation has so debased itself. There is no cure—only judgment. Given over to a reprobate mind, their conscious seared, their smoking stench unabated.. Understand this is a festering rottenness that like a terminal cancer will suck the life out of its host until dead. If this bothers you, you have only a little truth because you have only a little good.

First a rain of water, then a reign of fire. Now…. both flood and fire. In the end a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells

‘‘Search me oh God and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts See if there be any wicked way in me. Lead me in the way everlasting”. Ps 139:23-24

“Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me”. Ps 51:10

I take no pleasure in writing these things but I will not retreat from the truth. The Prince of this world cometh. May he find nothing in you or me

P.S. know that I enjoy good food and fine sippins ,my down times, family and friends, love and laughter, music and merriment every thing bona fide and beautiful in its proper place. Every man should enjoy the fruit of his labors without being a slave to dishonorable passions. Then you can fully enjoy all that God has given




Patience and the plan