Patience and the plan

Concurrent with the pilgrims, puritans, and plymouth rock, Sir Francis Bacon was laying the foundation for his vision of the New Atlantis in the new world across the pond. His adherents helped build the frame work of this nation, its constitution, and later its capital. It was laid out in accord with masonic symbolism and occult mysteries replete with pagan gods, phallic designs and the womb of Osiris. No where was there anything Christian. Only on the steeple of churches, not part of their model, was there a reference to our Christian faith in our nations capital. What is now unfolding across our nation is their plan for its fulfillment. With great patience over many generations they have diligently worked for its attainment. With multifarious agendas, subject to alteration and change, they unabashedly reveal their plans. They love to flaunt it in our face. Arrogant SOB’s (Sons of Belial)

Below is a cartoon from 1930. Uncanny in its prophetic portrayal of the present.

All government exists for two reasons… confiscate wealth and control the people. All laws lead back to these same conclusions

The more numerous a nations laws the more desperate the attempt to control

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be”

Behind the curtain………….the Killing Fields


The sins of Sodom


The frog’s epiphany