the language of light

they who from birth have no other thought but the language of shadows

must learn if they will the language of light

endless in expression deep as the ocean infinite as the heavens

Would you recognize the language of light if you heard it? Do you think you can hear it? Do you even know it exists? There are presently 7,151 languages in the world. 80% are spoken by less than 100,000 people, and 150 languages are spoken by 10 or fewer people. It can be either a barrier or a bridge, an avenue of self expression and a powerful tool or an obstacle of contention for humanity. It is postulated that 31,000 distinct languages have existed in the earth. The language of light is not listed among them, and yet there is no place where this language has not been heard. But then you don’t know of Sarsi, Dumi, or Chamicuro. And how about Kawishana.

There are limitless and unfathomable possibilities that we have never considered in the infinite cosmos and beyond, let alone the 8.7 million species that exist in the natural world that we call home. This world is best perceived by its polarities, while we experience it in its duality. This duality, good and evil, is the bane of our existence and the greatest impediment to our seeing, hearing, and understanding. Forever it will be in opposition. Married to the mob, you know, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, cable news, FOX, and alt news with its endless earth ending apocalypse’s bantered daily, your personal problems, and all the vulgarities of the world, you are held in dualities grasp as surely as a ball and chain or seasonal allergies and a common cold. Have you ever thought that there might exist places where there is no duality, pure language, and unimaginable delights?

The earth is a rogue planet and it’s inhabitants rebels and for ages it has been desired for its abundant resources and sentient beings. The saviour was sent to earth for the salvation of the Adamic race. There is no knowledge or indication he was sent anywhere else and that duality persists universally. By astute measurements of portions of the sky and extrapolation of the evidence it is estimated that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy and two trillion galaxies in the universe. With Kepler’s laws and data, numerous observatories with powerful land based optics such as Mt. Graham, Mauna Kea, Palomar, and space telescopes Hubble and now the James Webb, the largest optical telescope in space, we can look at the universe primarily in infrared with a much larger mirror, light collecting farther back in time. And while the Hubble is in a close orbit, the James Webb is in orbit a million miles from earth.

Fifty five earth like planets have been discovered in our solar system looking at only a fraction of the sky and a possibility of six billion that could meet the criterion of size, mass, composition, and orbit but not necessarily known to be habitable. However if only a fraction of the planets have conditions harmonious to our existence there would still be millions of planets in our galaxy alone that could be home to living beings. It would be horribly myopic and narcissistic to think otherwise.

Contrary to what has often been stated we use 100% of our brain with roughly 100 billion neurons connected in labyrinthine to 100 trillion synapses with a massive storage capacity. Simply stated the brain is physical and supports the mind, non-physical, and it’s ability to think, analyze, feel, and understand. The brain is always engaged and does not change but mind skills and mental processes can change over time. Unfortunately so many exercise so little of their mind and most would rather die than think. ‘The universe rewards those who think. Everyone should do it at least once in their life. Now would be a good time to start’!

How many earth languages do you speak? Can you imagine a pure language, the language of light that will be given, Zep 3:9. It is not defined in terms of measurements like the speed of light, and is not always spoken in order to be conveyed. Let me give you a brief description. It is like the scent of sage in the Sawtooth’s after the storm has passed, a baby’s breath upon your cheek, a soft breeze felt in your soul, and the gentle caress of butterfly wings. Like a whisper in the wind it is a knowing, its presence a conscious awakening. Can you embrace living without duality, not just in the here after but in the here and now? Will you entertain the thought that some can and do? Remember the truth of anything does not depend upon your understanding or acquiescence.

Science struggles to give up old paradigms and the hegemony they jealously safeguard and defend even in the light of empirical evidence to the contrary, which they are said to espouse, revealing the falsifications in their beliefs. And you, are you willing to move beyond the duality you have always known and the stories, books, myths, legends and history that you have grown up with and come to revere. There’s nothing you say like a good movie where good triumphs over evil. The greater the challenge, the deeper the suffering, the stronger the character, the sweeter the romance, the more beautiful the life. You live life in constant crisis, and can’t imagine living any other way. Life would be so boring without villains and bad boys, the world to save and martini’s shaken and not stirred. For you, a change in this equation and the things you truly love would mean you would miss so very very much……..

Here, with the eye single, the language pure, and duality dissolved……………we miss nothing!

Infinite and always,

Stonehouse and Gadelle

Have you slept your sleep?


east of eden


shadow play