shadow play
how can you accurately define the meaning of shadow
while you sit in the darkness
Dwelling in darkness, manacled from youth, your reality is defined by shadows. With your head immobilized your vision is limited to images that pass before you in the cave where you dwell, shadow play on the wall. Behind the barrier you lean against is a path and behind that a source of luminescence. Images are carried along the path casting shadows on the wall. You hear sounds and voices and together with the images your reality of life is cast.
Being loosened from your constraints you arise and look behind you seeing the path, an inroad to your conscious and the lumination, appearing as a fire of the shining one Lucifer. Your eyes close adjusting to this light before you, and with effort, sometimes on all fours, you climb to the entrance of the cave. Once attained you are immediately knocked to the ground by this irresistible force called the light of the world. With your head bowed and your hands held tightly over your closed eyes you scream in excruciating pain. For the first time you experience the affect of coming out of darkness into brilliant light. After what seemed like an eternity you rise to your feet, trembling, and gradually release the grip your hands have over your eyes. Slowly, ever so slowly you are able to look upon a scene illuminated by the Son. It is radiantly beautiful and filled with animated creation. You bask in this new consciousness and for the first time realize you see things as they really are.
Returning to the cave in Plato’s allegory, you must tell the others of the true light and alternate reality you have found. The adjustment from light to darkness is not painful and once acquired you rush to tell. Your narrative of what is true is told to deaf ears and hardened hearts and they scoff as if it is a tale that is told to mock them and the reality they believe, a threat that would expose all the lies they live. Pulling at their chains they attempt to accost you screaming and plugging their ears to prevent the voice of the messenger from being heard and if possible to kill you like has been done to so many of the light bearers before you. Withdrawing you realize there is nothing you can do for them.
In this modern world your fictional reality and beliefs have been created by creations of shadow play i.e. tv, tablets, computers, gaming devices, and cell phones tethered to you from your childhood, electronic devices which amuse, entertain, and occupy. An adult may spend as much as two thirds of their lifetime staring at screens; up to 4 1/2 hours daily watching tv, 5 hours on a laptop, 3+ hours on a gaming device, and 4 1/2 hours on a cell phone. The images on the wall have so damaged and corrupted your mind it resembles a disfigured face and crippled body from a horrible burn. You got to close to the flame. For you there is no going back.
Forgoing redundancy we have been captives from birth only knowing what we have learned from the innumerable influences in our life. As always there was good mixed with bad, and often as twigs we were bent one way or the other. Sometimes we fail to grasp man’s fatal flaw…..he is the seed of sin. There is none righteous. All need the redemption that has been proffered. But now more than ever man sees himself as his own saviour rejecting the true light, often from an elevated sense of his own spirituality. Antithetical to their confession of enlightenment and love of the truth they embrace a path contrary to the cross. In reality they are not lovers of Christ who is the embodiment of truth, seeking paths of self awareness with lofty aspirations of their own goodness. Vanity vanity all is vanity and so utterly worthless. You choose darkness over light rejecting the notion of your own blindness. And none is so blind as he who boasts he walks in the light yet dwells in darkness.
Satan is a deceiver, seducer, and liar and because one does not love the truth they are given over to strong delusion that they might believe a lie. Either you embrace light or darkness, the truth or a lie, but never both simultaneously. Like a magnet the two similar poles will always reject one another. In his allegory Plato lamented man’s lack of cognition and inability to reason. The scriptures bid us to come and reason together. As for me there is no other rational reasonable choice. This is a mad mad world we live in, Stanley Kramer’s suitcase to heaven, where the hoary head of paganism has arisen from the sea of humanity declaring nothing is true and all things are permitted. To the pagan there is no fixed system of belief or set of convictions that should constrain us as we stumble our way through life. Change is their only real constant and it’s fruit is seen in all the cascading value’s of virtue replaced by gender dysphoria and the Lori Lightfoot’s of the world.
Ours is a God that changes not with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning. He is not a man that he should lie. The flower fades, the grass withers, but the word of God stands forever.
‘Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away and be at rest’
‘Choose you this day whom you will serve’
‘As for me I dwell among lions; and I lie even among them that are set on fire’…….