sticks and stones
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but your words…. they really do hurt me
We were pilots, Marines, preparing to go to Vietnam. We were plunged into the Gulf’s salty bath water cold enough to make us shiver. We swam ashore and entered a swamp along Florida’s coast, simulating the jungles in Vietnam. After three days exhausted and hungry we went ‘primal’. A small coon was all we had to eat shared by seven soldiers. Another group of soldiers converged with us. We sold them the bones for $20. Three days.
It will take only three days to strip the shelves bare at your favorite grocery store once the system crashes and the trucks stop running. Desperate and hungry, people will thoughtlessly commit criminal acts to assuage their empty bellies. Now it is your neighbor that you have to fear.
This looming chaos has been deliberately facilitated. Now de-dollarization and a banking crisis most recently in California at Silicon Valley Bank and in New York at Signature Bank. Silvergate Capital in San Diego is winding down operations and liquidating it’s bank with stocks plunging. SVB’s crisis stemmed in a large part by pushing woke agenda programs over safe profit investments helping spread awareness of the lived queer experience. Remember it is the agenda that is all important, not the solvency of the bank and certainly not your individual bank account. Just look at Anheuser Busch and their cascading profits. Yellen the felon stepped in and rescued these ‘too big to fail’ while the US deficit topped another one trillion dollars in only six months, the first half of 2023’s fiscal year. When asked about the thousands of local community banks she said they were on their own. You can’t hide those lyin’ eyes.
The new message on my small town banks marque:
S ecure
A lways local
F inancially sound
E xcellent service
Convince me! My old frayed tent holds water better than that!
Walk in the door and they will greet you by your first name and a smile. They are their to help (use) you with money created by a key stroke and backed by nothing. Using fractional banking they can loan 10X the deposits they have at hand holding your property as collateral and foreclosing upon non payment. ‘We hang petty thieves but appoint the great ones to office’. Often they are bank presidents living opulently occupying the finest commercial and residential buildings in town. ‘Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank…give a man a bank and he can rob the world’.
Remember these three truths about your money in the bank
1) the money isn’t really yours
2) the money isn’t actually there
3) the money isn’t really money
Now Deutche Bank. Considered a derivatives failure crisis. If you print a dollar every second without interruption it will take 31,688 years to print one trillion dollars. The derivatives market with highly leveraged speculative transactions has a notional value which is how much worth an investment theoretically controls compared to the current market value. It is estimated to be at one quadrillion dollars. That’s 1,000 trillion dollars. As long as every thing is peachy, blue skies prevail. But when the charade begins to unravel the big banks heavily vested in derivatives will be in serious trouble. Folks, this is a weapon of financial mass destruction.
Taking a dollar bill that had been folded in half and snapping it open it was declared ‘toilet paper’! It has no intrinsic value of it’s own sustained only as the ‘petro dollar’ with agreements made with the Saudi’s and the OPEC nations to trade only in dollars since the 70’s. This has been a boon for the dollar and the US economy enjoying the status as the reserve currency of the world. Until now. Now the dollar has been militarized seizing assets of Russia and other countries, with sanctions. No government feels safe holding US dollars and they seek new alliances with the BRICS nations and others using the Yuan and alternate currencies of choice.
Further eroding the buying power of the dollar is its status as the most counterfeited currency in the world, $20 bills locally and $100 bills abroad the most popular denomination used. The US treasury leads the pack as the number one currency counterfeiter on the globe and together with other slick printers have flooded the market further devaluing the dollars buying power. Not anchored to the gold standard since 1971 we are experiencing run away inflation directly related to the volume of currency in circulation. Our present dollar is worth only a few pennies compared to its value in 1930. But you don’t seem to care. Put a wad of $100 bills in your pocket or purse and it will make you feel rich. What magic! Houdini would be proud and business’s all across Americana will still gladly take this false symbol of power and wealth in exchange for goods and services. It is hard for you to realize that soon it won’t be your tissue of issue as it won’t even give a good wipe. You’ve been hypnotized, the dollar is fake, and fake money and empires always lead to war and depression until their final demise. Always there is distraction as legerdemain reigns.
The wolf approaches the door of your house and smiles. Wolves eat sheep. That’s what they do. Maybe you think you can help him identify as a lamb, the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. Can a leopard change it’s spots’? Surely there’s strength in numbers, so many of us and so few of them. We must be careful what pronoun or name we call him. After all we don’t want to be accused of bullying or hurting his feelings. We don’t know about all his suffering and wounded past. Maybe he was abused as a child and he’s just acting out and eating us out of anger and aggression.
Your house of sticks is a bundle called faggots bound together to be burned, severed from their roots and dead, destined for the fire. Is this your house, fiscal and physical, tolerant and progressive willing to adapt and accept new cult-ural norms. Do you still trust that your money is safe in your bank your retirement secure nurtured in the knowledge that your government will protect your investments? Your confidence will be rewarded, but not like you think. The wolf is at your door, salivating and ready to devour. Your days are numbered. ‘A fool and his money are soon parted’.
If you built your house out of stones then your life will be a living memorial and an alter unto the God you chose to serve. This house, your mind and body, is a temple. Guard it wisely. The wolf is always watching, relentlessly seeking an opportunity for entrance and a chance to chow. Remember the wolf lied to Little Red Riding Hood and he’ll lie to you too.
Better be ready to float the river as more than the 25” of rain Fort Lauderdale got in just over a 24 hour period will breach the dykes in DC. God knows there are plenty of them sitting in session. It’s sink or swim. As for me I’ve got a boat to float……
Be smart enough to come in out of the storm