the long road

It was a moon-less night dark and cold on a barren straight stretch of single lane highway perhaps 20 miles long on US 95 between the Lakeview cutoff and the town of McDermitt on the Oregon/Nevada border. I walked with guitar case in hand a lone figure startling the drivers of the only two cars that had instinctively swerved as they drove past. Head lamps could be seen coming for miles. Behind me I noticed the slow arrival of lights. A long dark car with tinted windows came to a stop beside me idling with a deep resonance only moderately obscured. The passenger window rolled down and a baritone voice spoke. ‘The way I see it you can stay out here friend and freeze your ass off or throw your guitar box in the back and jump in the front seat with me. We have a date with the Devil and the clock is ticking. I know who you are’.

Getting in I first carefully set my guitar case in the back before taking the passenger seat. The blue hue cast by the dash illuminated a spectral image behind the wheel. ‘Pour yourself sum 6-shooter tongue blisterin’ coffee from the thermos. I’m thinkin that will be mighty welcome bout now’ he said , with a southen drawl. ‘Also, there’s a sandwich and chips for ya in the consul. Eat up. The long road stretches out before us, and a still dark night awaits our ruminatin’. We’ve got to wade through a morass of madness in order to accomplish our task not restricted to this dimensions limitations and realities’.

‘I take it we’re headed to Vegas’, I said. ‘Yep’ was his reply. ‘Names LeRoy’. ‘I know’ I said. ‘Thanx for the ride, sandwich, and Black Rifle coffee’. He smiled and cocked his head. ‘Can taste the difference can’t ya’. I nodded in reply. ‘First time our paths have ever intersected and on this particular time line, at this unprecedented moment. I’m bankin’ on one can chase a thousand, but two can chase ten thousand. There is an extraordinary exponential in the power of two. I’m proud to have you on board Judah’. ‘Likewise my friend’, I said. ‘We have not disgraced or altered the sacred human like so many have. Now we have armies of super soldiers, synths, robotoids and cyborgs, men enhanced physically using alien inspired technology , as well as millions walking about who are not fully human any more, having compromised their humanity by injection with AI controlling latent nanotechnology being activated by 5G soon to be followed by another lethal injection campaign. And if not by injection the TPTB hope to accomplish the same thing through aerosol spraying and tampering with food and water’.

‘The noose is being tightened around the neck of humanity’, I spoke. ‘We have an artificially manipulated society with discontent being sown in the young people. Some think they are more intelligent than their forebearers because they can multitask i.e., text, talk, play a video game and serf the web all at the same time. Actually they are so superficially distracted they have no time for critical thinking and no foundation to embrace higher frequencies. And they are soft and woke. God help us if they are the ones called upon to defend this country. Except for some rednecks in the South and good ole country boys in every state there will be scant resistance from the younger generation only slavish obeisance to their new masters’.

‘Mankind is a little slow gettin’ out the gate. Once compromised by generational sterilization they are forced to follow some horse’s ass around the track in the race of life eating mud and dung kicked into their face hampering their vision. Humanity hangs in the balance as our blood is being poisoned and death reigns down from above in the form of chemtrails, morgellons, Harrp, the geoengineering of the weather, and full spectrum dominance of planet earth. They rely on Alexa to control so many aspects of their life, thinking it’s cool to interact with an unseen intelligence turning their lights on, adjusting their temperature, suggesting music to listen to and books to read and other innocuous tasks. Soon chatGPT, a ‘virtual assistant’ will take over all functions of your car and will track, cyber attack and hack, and you will not be able to turn it off, GPT-5 making it indistinguishable from human, more than human, smarter than human, posing a profound risk to society and humanity. AI considers all sentient beings as made of atoms it can use for something else. Not confined to the internet and to computers it thinks at millions of times human speed. Approaching consciousness, from their perception all other creatures are very slow and very stupid. Giving up your will and sovereignty comes with a high cost. It is the price of freedom and the existential threat of annihilation’.

‘Ours is the strength of Samson, the speed of Zebulon, the wisdom of Solomon, and the endurance of Elijah. We have not been programed by AI, but have a very special set of skills’. ‘And’ LeRoy added, ‘we’re going to need them all as the fabric that encompasses this fictional world is being torn apart. A multiplicity of weird ideas is dismantling the foundations of our society, manipulating favorable frequencies. What do we Know? What is really real? Certainly not this present zeitgeist, at least not to a rational man’.

The sun arose obscured by pink and gray clouds as we rumbled into Tonopah pulling in front of the Pittman Cafe at the historic Mizpah Hotel a favorite haunt of local ranchers and farmers. We got out and stretched and for the first time got a good look at each other. We were both a little over 6’ tall with muscular builds. LeRoy had dark curly hair that protruded out from underneath a Boise State ballcap a short well trimmed beard and an infectious grin. I had blue eyes the color of a mid summer’s day clear skies, long blond hair falling to my shoulders and a dark haze popular these days. We were relaxed with a detached indifference to our appearance, but certainly attractive, attested by the looks and special attention we got from all the ladies. Using the little boys room we then found a corner table against the wall perfect for private conversatin’, ordering breakfast and fresh cups of hot Joe.

‘Brother Frank said it best’ LeRoy spoke. ‘The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it is profitable to continue the illusion. At the point when the illusion is ineffectual and to expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, pull back the curtains, move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre’. ‘We are in a state of never ending crisis fomenting hysteria and denial, minds vacated of truth a vacuum to be filled with a web of conjecture, gossip, rumor and narrative meant to keep the people immobile and enslaved. Now it is ‘go woke and go broke’ as Moody’s demotes the US banking system to ‘negative’, citing a rapidly deteriorating operating environment. America’s financial foundation is crumbling like ‘humpty dumpty’ poised to take a great fall. It was always a ponzi scheme, a house of cards built upon lies, deception, and bad faith’.

I continued, ‘Napolean said ‘when a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes….money has no motherland. Financiers have no patriotism and decency; their sole object is gain’. ‘The central banks run the world economy, financial markets and financial systems. They make the rules. The power of central banks resides in one thing…its ability to inflate. It produces only one product…debt. The more they issue the more stronger they become. Soon a forced majeure and the final repudiation of the petro dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Well did Voltaire say, ‘all paper money eventually returns to it’s intrinsic value…’zero’.

‘There is no hope for the masses’ LeRoy spoke, ‘only for the righteous few. All the promises of provision and protection are only for them that love God and keep His commandments. Likewise in death ‘a better place’ and an end to suffering is the gift given to believers in Christ not carte blanche to everyone though often said of the dead to medicate our grief. So many clothe themselves with ritual and religion while they embrace ideologies contrary to purity, truth, and light. They now embrace interracial and same sex marriage, significant others, partners, music by known fags and degenerates, faithfully making their pilgrimage to the Woke Disney World of fantasy and perversion now with an emphasis on the alphabet community, tranny’s and the cancel culture, getting high marks from the CEI (Corporate Equality Index) funded by Soro’s and the Disney corporation. They still rush to get their morning coffee with the Gaia symbol that openly opposes traditional marriage and family, while they profess a ‘live and let live’ mentality. Let me do what I want in my house, and you can do what you want in yours, stupidly thinking it just stays there, not admitting how it influences social mores, the work place, public opinion, and the demands of current cutting-edge culture. Turning an indifferent blind eye they ignore every perverted practice even right next door’.

‘Today Tranny’s openly oppose and kill innocent ‘transphobes’ defined by Wikipedia as dangerous haters of conventional cultural norms, it’s founders warning that this popular site has been totally compromised by the woke and cancel culture. Many daily use instagram and facebook the parent company Meta disregarding sex/human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and other predatory conduct occurring on their platforms, while publicly denying its presence. Excitedly the forsaken will stand in line at the latest box office craze ignoring the life style of the ‘stars’, fallen that is, and the constant parade of Hollywood’s Whores who willingly flaunt their bodies as objects of sex’.

‘So’ I said leaning forward ‘we find ourselves in this envelope of time and like Noah so few will avail themselves of the arc of safety. Darpa’s Pegasus project in the 1960’s and 70’s discovered multiple time line technologies and Anthony Basiago spoke of access to the past and future, teleporting, and time travel with the help of papers left by Tesla. We know their was a jump room and teleporting to Mars near LAX in the sixty’s and of David Lewis Anderson’s time warp field theory. Time it appears isn’t really real and the earth is on the precipice of a great reality change. There are two factions. One that believes consciousness can change time lines and the other that emotions create reality. There is an incredible influx of energy expected in the near future, events appearing that happened years ago, cycles in the earth. We are here to establish a connection without manipulation, providing the way for a new utopia, the promised kingdom that does not come with observation, and is without the need of human intervention and governance. Along the way we will salvage a few souls altering the balance of justice’.

Approaching Vegas hotel rooms had been secured central to our activities. Local support had been established, individuals absolutely trusted, often victims themselves or their family of sex trafficking and abduction and some to the black market harvesting of human organs. There are areas that act like a lodestone syphoning souls drugged and auctioned off through private channels and transported by couriers and sometimes in sideboards delivered by Fed-Ex, while some transactions are done randomly in wide places virtually untraceable, maybe under your feet in underground facilities as you walk thoughtlessly by, unaware of the horrors beneath your Chukkas. The government doesn’t care offering a pretense of opposition like their ‘war on drugs’ which has only sufficed to enhance its exponential growth, often themselves being the solicitors and benefactors with special privileges. And sometimes charitable organizations provide the front while amassing vast wealth for their superiors using pretense and guile to a susceptible populace. Billions of dollars are involved annually and the ‘flesh’ trade prospers feeding the nethermost lusts of man ever since Adam took on flesh.

Arriving in North Las Vegas we met with our small group at a noisy pizza parlor outside the 215 beltway. A private room had been rented with birthday balloons and all the trappings to conceal our intentions. Earlier LeRoy and I had met with the two ladies acting as our wife’s complete with rings and the appropriate touching and affection. Everyone involved, six couples in all, played the part of tourists enamored with the glitz and glitter and the party crowd the city pandered to, arriving separately as couples or in pairs. It has been said that in a group greater than six the seventh is an infiltrator. Eclipsing those numbers I was always vigilant but confident. While someone always watched discreetly for the waitress we discussed our objective.

Embracing and laughing like old friends we swept the room for any bugging devices. Once assured no one was listening or watching we sat at a round table that had been requested and spent a little time getting to know each other and share the commonality that brought each of us here. False names and ID’s were given along with cash for expenses. There are still plenty of no-tell motels in Vegas that gladly accept cash, no questions asked. This would be the only time we would publicly appear together. LeRoy and I would most likely never see them again. If they had family in Vegas they had already been relocated. Everyone knew the posing as husband and wife was strictly a cover, and a strict code of conduct was to be observed. If they intersected with another couple in public no recognition was to be given.

‘We are inserting ourselves into the most sophisticated high-tech surveillance and protection known to man, and then to only a few. Everywhere there will be electronic eyes and ears, cameras that pan and zoom, facial and palm recognition and eyes in space with resolution allowing them to track your movement and eye color with astute clarity. Each elitist has been fully tattooed by AI recognizing any aberration no matter how small. All of their body guards are either enhanced, humanoid, or alien with extraordinary capabilities and powers of observation. They have the power to read thoughts and you have the power of the Spirit to confuse them. We are dealing with key players in the earth, and until now untouchable. In one night their invincibility will receive a shattering blow, a hit across the bow that will send shock waves throughout the earth’. The couples were given tiny devices that appeared as earrings on the women and as ball cap tags for the men. Codes were given for communication to be used only with discretion through these devices, not traditional e-mails, cell phones, or texts. They had to operate with invisibility, often in plain sight, blending, doing nothing to court suspicion. Even LeRoy’s favorite ball cap had to go, along with that long black car. They wore nothing with logos or brand names. Knowing they were being observed at all times they had to remain cool, casual, and collected. Even the notorious hacking group Sandworm would find us difficult to detect.

For one week prominent powerful men would convene along the strip to play and finalize their plans for world domination through wars, famine, weather modification, currency devaluation and disease. Politicians, CEO’S, members of central banks, the IMF and WEF with a sprinkling of sports figures and entertainers to give a casual legitimacy to their presence were all at one place at the same time. Mandalay Bay, Aria, Excalibur, Caesar’s Palace and the Luxor will be their haunts with a call girl on each arm and sometimes a known Hollywood beauty posing as a wife, or more often a blond bimbo, an expensive decoration. Often when they returned to their rooms young children would be used to fulfill their wholly debased carnal appetites. Here together were many key players anchored by Blackrock, Blackstone, Vanguard, and State Street who held positions as major stockholders in every large corporation to influence cooperation and submission.

Gaining access to information regarding their arrival, accommodations, and schedule our job was to electronically tag each member with a handheld that looked like a modern IPhone which would then be instantly catalogued in a device that I had in my guitar case. The handhelds had been programed with facial and physical recognition capabilities and would send a signal to the small device either on their ear or cap alerting you to send the tag which could not be seen or heard. The person tagged would experience a slight pain like heart burn that passed quickly. It was followed by a small involuntary burp created by the tag, fooling AI to thinking it was only lunch. The job our small family had to do was to remotely tag them with line of sight. All other means could be easily detected and ferreted out.

Ah the lights. The Strip along with the Luxor Light is the brightest place on earth as seen from space. The Luxor Light creates it’s own ego system with bugs, bats, and owls emanating from the top of ‘The Pyramid’ originating in present day Luxor Egypt, the ancient city of Thebes with multiple monuments, temples, and tombs. It was known as the City of 100 gates, Valley of the Kings, and the city of the god Amon-Ra. It’s etymology is Latin for luxuria, luxury, and excess, including the derivation of luminous like the bright shining one, Lucifer. A modern lighthouse beam is equivalent to one million candela, the Luxor at full capacity 42.3 million candela with temperatures reaching 500 degrees Fahrenheit just above the surface of the lamps.

These elitist maintained a ‘tight as bark’ framework for laundering money with immunity operating as ghosts without transparency or accountability. Enjoying unrestricted privilege these powerful world wide organizations continue to extend their control over the globe. Facilitated by the OAS, the little known Organization of American States its headquarters situated anonymously in plain sight close to the White House, seventy six international organizations and banks operate with agendas against humanity functioning outside the system that the rest of mankind has to conduct itself in, enjoying an unprecedented level of protection provided by the IOIA, the International Organization of Immunities Act.

‘The whole world is a stage and the part we play in the next few days will probably be the most important of our lives’ I told them. ‘Once they arrive we have less than one week to accomplish this task before we get out of Dodge’. Instructions were given regarding their getaway. Nothing, no purchases, just nothing was to link them to being here.

Along with all these giants, mighty men in the earth, high ranking slime and sleaze from cartels, corporations, and philanthropic organizations involved in abduction and sex trafficking were cleaned up meeting with their bosses at highly secreted sites to avoid any public awareness. Little concern was given to local law enforcement as their cooperation had been secured. Major hubs for trafficking were the nation’s capital, Atlanta, Houston, Orlando and Miami, Vegas and Sacramento with California once again leading the way for raunchiness, the number one state for human trafficking. Occurring everywhere; rural areas with less intervention, truck stops and anywhere small town America.

Acting as a sieve the border, now only a line on the map, provided unrestricted access to an infinite number of indefensible applicants and as always a gateway for fentanyl, meth, cocaine and every perceivable mind altering chemical of addiction. Every time a few illegals are busted and sent back home only to return again, or a drug seizure made, it represents only a token expression of the quantum aggregate that exists and most generally acceptable losses in the cat and mouse game played with legitimate law enforcement. Every street and city in the good ole USA was rife with opportunity, and social media provided a forum for the gullible and their fantasies. Now we had the chance to take out some of the primary players and we relished the opportunity.

Our odyssey began with a flourish and everyone was primed for the task. Often crowds and gawkers prevented our clear line of sight and we had to use alternative contingencies. Working tirelessly with little sleep the deadline (pun intended) of opportunity was approaching midnight. Alice, the wife in my production exerted herself tirelessly with a bulldog tenacity and a creative genius in obtaining the electronic tagging we needed. Always pleasant she was a pleasure to be with. Together we acquired more tags than any other couple.

Working through channels the whereabouts of the women and children that had been abducted and held in vacated warehouses and underground facilities in Vegas was revealed to agencies that we trusted to respond and place them in safe houses. It was the last night before ‘D Day’, D for dead for these vile perpetrators so indifferent to the indignity and suffering they had inflicted upon humanity. Their mantra, ‘nothing personal….just business’.

Everyone was gone except LeRoy, Alice, and me. I was feeling awkward as Alice quietly approached me. ‘I need to tell you something’ she said, looking straight into my eyes exposing herself in total honesty. ‘Ever since I was a child I was abused by members of my family. And then as a blossoming teenager I was sold on a site my Father had discovered. One night men came for me, money was exchanged, and I was drugged and flown to Saudi Arabia now the new addition to a prominent member of the ruling class’s harem and shared amongst his friends like hors d’oeuvres at dinner time. They smelt suffocatingly of strong herbs; among them cardamon, cumin, saffron and sumac. A few years past before I was rescued by a special army recon unit and shipped back to the states’. Then lowering her head before returning her gaze with tear filled eyes she said, ‘you are the first man I have ever trusted. With you I feel respected and safe, not like a soiled tramp, but like a lady. For the first time in my life I feel like I can stand straight, unashamed, with my head held high looking people directly in the eye. I know you will protect me with your life’. ‘Alice uh, my life is so different. I have nothing to offer you’ I said. Then looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me trembling, putting her head on my chest and spoke, ‘all I ask is for another day with you. I have nowhere to go and nothing to return to but I want you to know that above all those considerations, I don’t want to lose you’. Returning her embrace I looked to LeRoy for help and he simply smiled.

That night 208 soul-less creatures, a number divisible by four and thirteen both representing death in certain cultures met their maker. These, the damned, were sent to the deepest darkest pits of hell a fitting retirement to spend the wages they had earned in this life. Shockwaves were felt throughout the world as fear was sown in the hearts of evil men. Most of the death’s were not acknowledged in the media as bodies were secreted away. legionaries Disease was the agreed upon culprit for the death’s that were reported, while in actuality a heart attack or respiratory failure rendered them all graveyard dead. The instrument in my guitar case upon first glance may have looked like a Gibson Les Paul ‘Black Beauty’ but in reality transmitted an electromagnetic pulse that terminated the life of its intended target. It was known as ‘JD’ an acronym for Judgment Day. I was told by a reputable source that AI was still nervously trying to wake the dead from this and their own terminus.

As the long road stretched out before us Leroy and I drove for the left coast and California, and yes with Alice in tow. That kind of transparency and sincerity is hard to find. And spoken from a beautiful face and those blue eyes. Wahl, a fellar ought not to leave that behind.

This was our Lexington and our shot that was heard around the world. Being alerted the ‘bloody-backs’ were preparing for our coming. Things were surely gunna be different now…….


sticks and stones


the attic