east of eden
‘Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
with silver bells,
and Cockle shells,
and pretty maids all in a row’.
I was in a dark tunnel with a pencil of light in the distance before me. Memories, faces, events, my life’s story played out like a movie at a future drive-in theatre. Going forward I felt no pain, only the desire to be fully emersed in the light and the love I felt. A beautiful calm engulfed my soul. I had acute visual perception and 360 degree peripheral vision. My hearing as well was amplified and astute. Approaching the light everything appeared bright and beautiful. I walked through a grand ornate gate and into a paradise, beyond any imagining of the garden eastward in Eden. Children were there laughing, playing, singing, and dancing in rapturous delight. Others strolled in the garden enjoying its surreal beauty. No one was old or infirmed, bearing no scars from their former existence. My sweetheart and little daughter, who now appeared to be about the age of five, were there embracing me with glowing smiles. Other family members joined. What a glorious celebration my heart nigh unto bursting.
After our joyous reunion I was approached by two men and they motioned me to a bench. We talked and my mind was opened to understand every event of my life, its triumphs and tragedies. Then they spoke at length about things that still needed to be done, a powerful purpose with someone to share it with. I was given a heavenly mandate and the tools and skills to accomplish it. Though acting predominately alone I would always be accompanied with invisible allies guaranteeing my success. Fear would never be a factor as I had already passed from death into life. If I chose to return there would be suffering and pain but with the promise of total restoration. It was then when one of them lifted my right hand that I became fully aware that my thumb and forefinger had both been severed above the first knuckle. Smiling he said, ‘including your hand’. Even now preparation for that reconstruction was being implemented.
It seemed that all my life I was championing the cause of justice. As a child at school I protected those who were poor, weak, or just different from bully’s and beatings. I was fearless, often outnumbered and ready to defend any damsel in distress. After experiencing a life changing tragedy my course was set. I was not a gun for hire, but a champion sought after to aright wrongs and avenge the innocent, often folks desperate with little hope and no other recourse in a truly lawless land. Wanting to stay I reluctantly but willingly turned back, the warrior within me rising to the call. This was not going to be the first time it was ever said I backed away from a challenge. Entering the tunnel once again a bright light flashed around me and I felt my body falling, traveling weightlessly, semi-conscious and cold, clinging to a log.
The cold water shocked me awake as well as acting to cauterize my wounds. Losing all awareness I was awakened by the barking of a dog and the warmth of the morning sun on my back. I felt hands around me and then a rope as my body was dragged out of the river. A woman’s voice was speaking soothing words as she grunted and groaned with the help of the dog and her horse to keep my head above water and get me safely to shore. Suffering from hypothermia and shaking severely she positioned me in the warm sun. Stopping to look at the extent of my injuries she opened my shirt with both hands that had only one button remaining and gasped. Tears fell upon my chest. ‘Who would do such a thing to another human being, and furthermore who could survive such a beating’.
Rallying herself she spoke softly in my ear like a whisper from some ancient past, ‘I must go for help. I won’t be long. Your dog will be here by your side to guard and protect you’. Inwardly I smiled. I didn’t have a dog. Well, until now. Then I realized he was sent with me as a companion and partner to help eradicate a great injustice, our mission upon our secret resurgence back into this world.
Trying to move to acknowledge the dog’s presence all I could manage was a flicker from my finger. Jake, what I decided to call the dog named after my buddy I had growing up with, licked my hand in response while he maintained his vigil. He was part German Shepherd and part wolf, a force to be reckoned with. Unaware of time I became conscious of a low growl emitted by Jake, as he stood between me and the hoofbeats he heard coming. Upon seeing Alexandra my rescuer, a princess plucking me from the water of the River Nile, he relaxed his defensive posture, wagged his tail, and barked in welcome. With her was Yellow Hawk, a Salish chief, two young braves, and Citana, one who is a star in the sky, their tribal healer.
Dismounting the chief looked down sadly at me and sighed. Then looking up at Alexandra with tear filled eyes he said, ‘this is Jack Par-dee who like you is my friend. Several times he has fought to defend our tribe and protect our people. Stories of his glories are told over night fires. He is a great warrior and loved and respected by everyone. Citana is strong medicine. It will require all her wisdom to keep Jack alive’.
While we talked the two young braves with Citana’s instruction carefully put Jack on a travois they had brought. She then administered an herbal concoction while she hastened our departure, carefully pulling the travois back to their camp only eight miles away. Arriving there was a genuine expression of concern and cries that emanated from the women, while the men howled fierce with rage. Gently Jack was laid in a teepee on a soft pallet that had been prepared in their absence. With assistance Citana removed Jack’s clothes to better access the extent of his injuries. There was a big gash on his head still oozing blood. His eyes were blackened and his face and lips so swollen he was almost beyond recognition. Dark bruises, abrasions, and red swelling covered his kidneys and torso, undoubtedly with fractured ribs and internal injuries. His knees where crushed, battered, and swollen, and his right arm was broken the bone pushing on the skin. And then they cut off his right thumb and forefinger above the first knuckle, his knuckles swollen and cracked. He certainly didn’t go down without a fight. He must have posed a great liability as the removing of his finger and thumb symbolized the end of his threat and ability to ever confront them again. Though quite unnecessary as he had been slowly, brutally, beaten to death, a tortuous execution with no bullet holes or knife wounds to hasten his departure and then driven by wagon south of Helena and dumped into the Boulder River. Some sons of Satan had taken a fiendish delight in his savage slaying. Thing is…..he lives.
Looking steadfastly upon this broken body I wondered if he was the one I prayed earnestly for, beseeching Heaven for just the right man to love, a soul mate and one who would fearlessly stand to oppose the evil in our midst. This was not the way I had envisioned him making his grand entrance into my life. Blushing, lowering my eyes I realized I had been staring at his manhood. At least, I thought, that was still intact.
Finding the chief I explained my need to return to my ranch, leaving instructions with my two faithful older ranch hands. They were the only family I had left after Ma and Pa had been robbed and murdered returning from town under very suspicious circumstances. Evidence had been planted to make it appear that some Indians were the guilty perpetrators with arrows and scalps taken. Additional evidence suggested otherwise. There were no unshod ponies and money was taken which meant nothing to the Indians while all the supplies, weapons and the horse that pulled the wagon were left, things of great value to the Indians. It was 1878 and there were no attacks for a couple of years in the area. But the local paid lackey, lapdog to the Committee of Twenty, Sherriff Sheep Dip Dobson declared that some renegade Indians were responsible, case closed.
Leaving instructions with my ranch hands Sweet Pee and Crowder I gathered all the truck I needed for a hoped for extended stay. They knew where to find me. Returning I maintained a vigil with Jake who never left Jack’s side except to move for Citana and to go outside to eat and relieve himself. It had been most of a week and Jack appeared to be resting well. We all recognized a miraculous change in his appearance. Everything seemed to be healing at warp speed. The bruising and discoloration had all but disappeared from his body and face and for the first time I realized how handsome this man was. On the morning of the seventh day I had been dozing when the warmth of a hand embraced mine, jolting me awake. Startled I lifted my head and turned looking into the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen as he spoke my name ‘Alexandra’. With a startled expression I answered ‘yes, but how did you know’? ‘She told me your name’ he said, ‘but failed to say how beautiful you are’. I was surely smitten!
For the next two weeks Jack ate, gained strength, began walking, and proudly took care of his own personals. Much to the tribes delight he went among them getting a hero’s welcome, a living legend in their midst standing almost a foot taller, interacting, laughing and leading the children like a Pied Piper. He was idolized and revered by all the young men and warriors, and adored by the women with their beautiful bright brown flirtatious eyes and laughing smiles. Having acquired a good working knowledge of their language, he would sit and amuse the children with stories. Chief Yellow Hawk beamed like a first time father, feeling he had received a son back from the dead. Citanna likewise bore a jubilant expression distinct from her normal stoicism and confided that Jack’s miraculous restoration was the work of the Great Spirit, and she only happy to do her small part. Jack’s phenomenal recovery as well added in no small part to the awe and esteem that they held for him. He on his part walked humbly among them fully aware of the power that enabled him, responsible for his being alive.
Returning to the ranch I prepared my folks bedroom for Jack’s arrival filling Sweet Pee, P with an e on the end on account of how much beer he can consume before he has to relieve himself with an awe, and Crowder in on the events that had occurred in my absence. Next day they accompanied me with a horse we believed was Jack’s and a stout young bull from the herd, a fitting addition to the celebration that was planned for Jack’s farewell. As we arrived a jubilant Jack cried out ‘Sundance’! No one and nothin’ would keep that horse from going to Jack. ‘How did you find him I asked’? rubbing his neck and muzzle. ‘I’m thinkin’ he found us actually’, Crowder said. ‘Seen him one day in the far pasture after Miss Alex returned to be with you. Took several days to coax him in and several tries to get the saddle and bridle off. Ain’t real trustin’ of anyone cept maybe you’, Sweet Pee added. ‘Had a grand ole time gettin’ him saddled to come. Took Miss Alex’s sweet talkin’ to get er dun’.
The Salish were grieved to see him go, but glad for his healthy departure. A grand time was had by all, aided by a few bottles of whiskey from my father’s larder, much to the delight of Yellow Hawk. The women prepared dishes from nuts, grains, and berries while Sweet Pee and Crowder butchered the bull and the young braves prepared a large pit for the roasting. It was delicious with plenty left for drying and jerky. Saying our goodbye’s we reaffirmed our commitment to one another and rode for the ranch, Jake, me on my red sorrel gelding Chappie, and Jack on his chestnut quarter horse, Sundance. Sweet Pee and Crowder rode ahead leaving some privacy for Jack and I. Anyone could see the affection we already had for one another.
Arriving before noon the boys set to chores while I introduced Jack to his new accommodations. ‘This ain’t gunna work for long’ he said as he grabbed me in his arms and gave me a long lingering kiss. ‘Ima feared not’ I replied with a huge grin. Sitting at the kitchen table with cups of hot joe and nibbling on pieces of beef from yesterday’s celebration we chatted about the ranch’s needs and solutions. Jack and I settled in rockers on the front porch with Jake as I described my parents mysterious death and the pressure I was under from the bank and my neighbor Doc Rivers, a rich rancher constantly expanding his empire. We owned three sections bordered by the Boulder River on the east and forest on the west with tributaries, springs, and rich pasture ideal for cattle. Strange things were afoot as people simply disappeared, were forced off their land, or died under suspicious circumstances.
The Committee of Twenty ruled Helena and the surrounding area with an iron fist. Named after the Roman numeral for twenty XX a double-cross revealing their dark agenda. No one really knows how many members there are but they include lawman, lawyers, legislators, judges, bankers, businessmen, large land owners, cattle barons and the rich. 1880’s Helena boasted fifty millionaires more per capita than any place in the world. They influenced territorial legislatures to make Helena the permanent capital of the Montana Territory, and later the state of Montana. Their motto, ‘grease their palm and they’ll sing your song’.
Sitting in the shade on this idyllic summer day Jack had grown quiet. Then taking my hand in his he said, ‘you know, I got to see them again, my wife and daughter’. Sighing with soft tears flowing down his cheeks he spoke, ‘I never wanted to leave them’. ‘It was after the two men talked with me, that we sat down once again with Angelica on my lap. Looking at me, the same way that you do now, Suzanna held my gaze and smiled. You must return. There are so many that need you, and I have heard Alexandra’s prayers. She will make you a wonderful wife. I am so happy you have her to go back to. Bowing my head she wrapped her arms around me and released me to love again. Even before I made the journey back into this body, I began to love you. And now my heart is overflowing like a stream after a hard spring rain’.
‘So’ he said clearing his throat, ‘would you make me the happiest man in Montana, and hell, all the USA by accepting my hand in marriage and becoming my wife’? I was so choked with emotion and my heart so full of love I found it hard to speak. After all my young life had already experienced, and now all I could ever imagine or hope for sitting next to me, the best I could do was shake my head in affirmation bursting into tears and crying knowing that Suzanna was sharing this moment with me. I was such a mess, but finally got control of myself and lifted my gaze tilting my head with eyes gleaming and a radiant smile and said, ‘Mr. Pardee, the pleasure is mine’. Then we both laughed and hooted to the hills. What a rapturous moment. It was our special time. Shared with no one else……… just the host of Heaven!
Reveling in each other’s presence and so happy Jack asked, ‘tell me about your special relationship with the chief. ‘Like you, I rescued his young son from the river, my speciality! I was riding in the early morning as I am prone to do, probably praying for you, just didn’t know it, looking for strays when I heard his cry. He had escaped early that morning from some Flathead after he had become separated from his two companions and taken captive. Returning him safely to camp, there was great joy and the chief made me his daughter with great honor and ceremony. I was so proud, and I know they will do anything to help me in my time of need’.
‘Please tell me Mr. Jack’ I smiled, ‘about your life and what brought you here’. He paused as said ‘ok, I want you to know. As a child I lived on a large farm outside of Philly. My mother engendered the love of books early in me, reading aloud daily sitting in a rocker while I was yet in the womb. She read from the scriptures and introduced me to Dickens, Cooper, regarded as the first American novelist writing The Last of the Mohican’s, Melville, who had just released one of my favorites, Moby Dick, Shakespeare, and the classics; Homer, Virgil, Aristotle and Aesop with his famous fables. She was very intelligent, a trait in women my father thoroughly enjoyed as they engaged in conversation about most anything. She was also a graduate of Mt. Holyoke, the first of the Seven Sister’s Ivy League colleges for women and introduced me as a babe to foreign languages at an age when language acquisition could most readily be developed. That’s the reason why I’m comfortable with the tongue of the Salish along with others I’ve learned to speak. ‘Mademoiselle, tu es tres belle’ to which I replied, ‘Merci. Et tu ainoms monsieur sont tres beaux’. Cocking his head at looking at me with surprise and wonder he said, ‘tu es juste parfait’!
‘My father had what was called ‘old money’. It had thrived in England and now the United States. He had invested in foundries, shipping, and gun manufacturing. His fortune though was made in railroads. He became a multimillionaire but never really cared that much about money and never flaunted the fact. He used it as a tool to accomplish things. His motto, ‘never use your own money’. He was a proponent of leveraging using equity to acquire new assets. Always a cowboy at heart a man of the West, his happiest times spent in the saddle working with the wranglers and our small herd. I learned early to ride, rope, and value the satisfaction of a hard days work’.
‘Though tutored at home, they sent me to the local country school. ‘Just because we have money and what folks call privilege’ my father said, ’that doesn’t make you a good man or better than any of the other children’. ‘Actually’ he said, ‘money often creates monsters, wealth used to control and abuse people like they were mere cattle. To whom much is given, much is required. Use money to bless and provide for the widows and fatherless, children cast into the street, women and families who have fallen on hard times’. And that’s exactly what they did establishing orphanages and shelters with food banks and clothing, planting seeds of kindness and generosity exchanging temporary wealth for an eternal reward’.
‘My father was a pugilist. ‘If you’ve got money, others will attempt to help themselves to it, you know to lighten the load the burden of wealth carries, or they will despise you, envious and jealous casting contempt into your face. ‘Sometimes’ he said, ‘it might seem you were born with a bullseye on your back’. So I learned early how to fight and defend myself with my fists, taking private lessons from very capable teachers. Then he introduced me to guns and the proper respect for all weapons. He would even blindfold and time me putting a gun back together after I had thoroughly cleaned it. Over and over again I would dry fire until I was big enough to shoot live. ‘Don’t ever get into a fight having only your fists’ he said, ‘when you are facing a man holding a gun’.
‘Now playground bullies’ he continued, ‘are most often frightened young boys, but if they grow up wearing a gun, well, that’s another matter. Learn the art of diplomacy and if possible how to diffuse a situation. Speak softly and never leave your opponents eyes. His eyes will telegraph his intentions. You just never know when you might make a friend of a foe. If you do you will have a faithful friend for the rest of your life’
‘Long before there were bugles, bayonets, and boys in blue and boys in gray my folks had discussed moving west. It was 1860 and time to go. To my mothers chagrin I filled my mind with penny dreadfuls and fictional heroes, triumphant against impossible odds. I was surely ready for a grand adventure. Against a backdrop of ominous forebodings we made a quick jaunt to New York City and boarded a steam ship for the Caribbean Port of Chagres. Then we boarded a train for the 48 mile trip across the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Port of Balboa, before boarding another steamship to San Francisco a trip in total of only 30 days. From there we got tickets on a small steamer headed north to the mouth of the Columbia River at Astoria, and then inland to Portland before turning south on the Willamette River to Oregon City, the first Euro-American settlement in the Willamette Valley and the first incorporated city west of the Rockies in 1844. It was founded in 1829 and was the first territorial capital until it was moved to Salem in 1852, Oregon gaining statehood in 1859. It was known as the ‘end of the trail’ and final destination for many of the early immigrants’.
‘A few years prior to our life in the west, my Father began making inquiries through multiple contacts laying the foundation for our arrival. Our first priority was acquiring property for a working ranch and modest herd of cattle, and building a home with just the right view of majestic Mt. Hood, a sentinel rising above and unmoved by the surge of change and activity it towered over from on high, people like colonies of ants jostling about and attempting to tame this virginal unspoiled land. Father immediately set to work hiring men to build a grand house spacious but not ostentatious with a rap around covered veranda and quarters for guests and our live-in servants. As well there was a large barn for hay and horses and a bunk house for the ranch hands and a kitchen and mess hall for all the hungry eaters with a constant pot of hot joe. Often I would take lunch enjoying the company of cowboys and carpenters soaking up this new experience of living large in the West.’
‘My father invested in pulp and paper mills and acquired large tracts of old growth timber for logging and whenever possible used rivers to float the logs to mills downstream or ox drawn wagons to pull the logs, often to mills that were built on site where small mill towns near forests proliferated. He also acquired commercial saw mills and in 1868 spear-headed the effort to lay the first railroad tracks in Portland and then on to Oregon City in 1869 continuing south all the way to Roseburg’.
‘My folks opened their arms and hearts wide open to new families building homes with them and encouraging enterprise and entrepreneurship with generous profit sharing helping them to get a foothold in this new land. Soon there was a smithy and saw mill with crops and large gardens, orchards chickens sheep and cattle. Everyone’s pantry was full and there prevailed an attitude of cooperation, benevolence, and brotherhood amongst these poor people, survivors of a grueling and often cruel 2000 mile trip’. Arriving with not much more than a few personal items and the clothes on their back they at once began to thrive. For they had brought a strong will to work and the flame still burned keeping the dream alive’.
‘One of the first families to arrive and embrace this joint venture were the McFarlands. They had two boys and a girl sandwiched in the middle, my beautiful blue eyed blond Suzanna. Maybe you can’t call it love at first sight when you’re only eleven but we had an instant attraction and our feelings for each other never diminished but only grew until we married, her at the age of nineteen and me at the age of twenty. In our first year of bliss Angelica, a beautiful blue eyed girl was born, the image of her mother. She was an instant sensation, the belle of the ball. I joked that she would be a five year old before she ever had an opportunity to learn to walk. Everyone wanted their chance to hold her including the grizzled old cowboys on the Sundays we would get together for a potluck dinner, games, women’s confabing with other women and the men enjoying some apple jack and fine sippin’s. Angelica was passed around like the offering plate at church on Sunday. But it was the old guys with radiant wrinkled faces that looked like deep furrows in a freshly plowed field cooing and talkin’ baby talk that I loved most. That child was infectious, bringing out the very best in each of us, laughing, smiling, and answering back as best she could with an absolutely beautiful angelic face already oozing a vivacious captivating personality’.
‘My Ma and Pa wanted to build us a fine house for a wedding gift, and they did, sitting just far enough away from everyone else to give us some privacy located on a promontory with a year round creek and beautiful pasture dotted with trees and an unobstructed view of Mt. Hood. It had a large kitchen, dining, and living room with plenty of bedrooms for the grand youngin’s sure to come. It was outfitted with the most modern of appliances and lighting, a stove with a chamber for heating water, a claw foot tub and pumps for running water gravity fed from the near by stream and spring. Suzanna sat with both mothers ordering from a Tiffany’s Blue Book catalog the precursor of Aaron Montgomery Ward in 1872 and Sears in 1888 both based out of Chicago. Everyone was delighted to supply the labor and along with a four man crew Pa hired, not father anymore cause we’s out West, a beautiful home was built for my new bride’.
‘On a frosty fall morning Hawkeye, my Indian blood brother and I, led a pair of pack horses into the nearby forest teeming with wildlife, sure to get a couple of bucks or large does. His family, a small band of Clackamas Indians led by their chief, Sky Is Blue, lived in the southeast corner of our property once their home and hunting grounds. Pa, Ma, and me had gone out shortly after first arriving to introduce ourselves and assure Sky that he and his people would always be welcome. Pa then legally deeded the area to them and handed Sky the documentation. He did not understand at first but then after it’s significance was explained, he took Pa’s arm in his and with tear filled eyes he looked long into his face before saying, ‘friends forever’. Now, Pa and Ma never went empty handed bringing a beef, sacks of grain and meal along with bolts of cloth and personal items for the women and tools for the men. They in turn showered us with gifts many of which festooned our house giving it a genuine western feel, much to their delight when they would come for a visit’.
‘Going out a few times a year and needing a break, my folks would once again laden the mules with necessities and gifts not the least of which was some fine Southern tobacco and Kentucky bourbon. Accepting Sky’s hospitality they would sit the fire, laugh and relax, a great time had by all before retiring in a teepee for a good night’s rest and returning in the morning. Pa always said this was the best of times’.
‘Sky’s son, Hawkeye and I became the best of friends, sometimes inseparable, he teaching me about the old while I introduced him to the new. The day before our hunt, Hawkeye came with his wife, Aishwarya, with a baby in the basket thoroughly enjoying the soft mattress and bed and all our modern accoutrements. Sitting in a rocker on the porch after dinner enjoying a cigar and sippin’ some Old Fitzgerald Hawkeye said, ‘I could almost be persuaded to live soft like a white man, a big Nancy just like you’ he said grinning, blowing out a puff of smoke and sipping from his bourbon. ‘And you aren’t helping brother’ he said, pointing to the inside of the house. ‘All Aishwarya will talk about for days is being here and enjoying your company and modern home. I’m starting to lose my edge. The old ways are dying and it’s hard to let them go’.
‘Returning before noon with two field dressed large bucks over the backs of our pack animals, we were enjoying each others company and the reward of a successful hunt. Aishwarya had gone back home early after breakfast. Immediately upon exiting the forest and entering the pasture we got our first clear view of the house. There was no smoke. No greeting. Looking at Hawkeye an overwhelming feeling of dread swept over me and we galloped the rest of the way home. Jumping off Hawkeye, without needing to be told, rushed with gun in hand around to the back. Creeping up the stairs with my Colt Navy Revolver I noticed there was an eerie calm. All was silent. No sound came from birds, squirrels or any of the farm animals. The whole forest and property stood in a reverent silence. Entering cautiously I first noticed furniture tossed about and things strewn around. Then I saw her on the kitchen table naked with her throat cut, her blood creating two rivulets as it dripped onto the kitchen floor. Rushing into the babies room I found her still, lying in white sheets, now with a dark crimson stain’.
‘Barely able to breathe I returned to the kitchen. Hawkeye was there, diverting his eyes from her naked form and looking into my face motioned with his head to the baby’s room. I slowly waved my head no, dropping my eyes. Picking up Suzanne’s body I took her into our bedroom and covered her with a blanket. Dropping to my knees I placed my hand in hers with blood under her nails, now still, lifeless, and cold. As the shock wore off grief began to capsize me, wave after wave flooding my soul. Hawkeye stood silently close by and then put his hand on my shoulder. It was hot and his countenance was filled with sorrow and rage. Speaking softly he said, ‘I go now. Others will come and help with the bodies. I will follow their tracks and find them. I will be back at evening. Then we will have our revenge’.
‘Ma and Pa came rushing to the house, and then entered quietly finding me in the bedroom. Ma began to wale with uncontrollable grief and Dad stood weeping barely containing his. Then everyone arrived and eventually I was escorted out to the porch and a rocker. My friends stood together in families. And there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. The men seethed. No army in history would dare advance upon them this day. Sheriff Daly had been notified and rode to the ranch sitting with me and my Pa on the porch when William Patterson approached us with his two boys James aged eight and Elijah age seven. Looking first at me and then the other men gathered around he said, ‘my boys have somethin’ to say’.
‘Both boys were ashen gray with dark hollow eyes rimmed in red. ‘We saw something we need to tell you Mr. Jack’ James spoke. Slowly I motioned for them to speak with a nod of my head. ‘We come over with a hand stitched patchwork quilt that Ma made for baby Angel. She would have brought it herself but Emma was fussy and she didn’t want to delay gettin’ it to you what with cold weather coming on. Ma had worked on it for nigh unto a year and was right proud for you to have it’. ‘Go on son’ their Pa said. Lookin’ at Elijah, James sighed deeply and through anguish and tears he slowly got his words out. ‘Walking up behind the barn we noticed three horses hitched hidden from the view of the house, a Bay, Palomino, and tall Red Sorrel. I looked hard at them cause I really like horses. Then we heard a scream’.
‘Looking at each other with eyes just a buggin’ we set the quilt in a safe place and ran to the porch on the side of the house. Crawling up we peaked through a side window. Miss Suzanna was pitchin’ a fit fighten and usin’ words we never heard afore. Elijah you stay here’ I said, ‘Ima gunna get the pitch fork and hoe we seen nearby in the garden. We got’s to do sumthin’. Then William had Elijah talk. He commenced to cryin’ so hard he couldn’t speak. Then William knelt beside him comforting his little man. ‘You can do this son. Mr. Jack needs to know’. Haltingly he spoke trying to get his words out. ‘I seen em tear Miss Suzanna’s clothes off and hit her hard in the head to quiet her screamin’ while they dragged her on the table to hurt her. It was then that Baby Angel awoke and did sum loud cryin’. I heard one of them say, ‘go shut that pig’s snout’. That’s when Miss Suzanna went crazy’. Then James returned with a pitchfork and hoe’. ‘Let’s go’ he said’. ‘No’ I said, ‘it’s to late. I seen them put a knife to Miss Suzanna’s’…..and that’s all the words he could speak his Pa taking him into his arms and looking at me with tear filled eyes and holding my gaze, nodded, turned, and walked down the steps. James gave us a rough description of the killers before Sheriff Daly stood and knowing the sentiment of the men simply looked at me and said, ‘make those bastards pay. Make it slow and make them hurt’.
‘I was finally able to get out of the rocker and walked over to the Patterson family. I knelt down and hugged the boys. ‘Thank you for having your say. You were both very brave’. Hanging their heads they began to cry once again. ‘But we didn’t do nuthin’. We didn’t stop those men from killin’ Miss Suzanna and baby Angel. We was too scared and too late’. ‘No’ I said, there was nothing you could do. The last thing Miss Suzanna would have wanted was for you boys to have been killed too’. Standing I looked William and his wife Evie in the eye and said, ‘no child should ever have to see what your boys seen today. Please keep them close and help them to heal’.
‘Early that evening Hawkeye returned with three of his braves. Walking directly towards me he said, ‘when you are ready we will go. They are being watched in case they move, but I do not think so. Already they have begun to drink some of your whiskey. Chief Sky Is Blue, Ashwarya and most of the tribe arrived earlier to share our sorrow. I asked them to come in a few days and cleanse the house with hyssop, sage, and ceremony. They were most happy to do anything to help’.
‘It seemed all the men wanted to go with Hawkeye and me especially the two fathers. I told them that even now the vile scum were being watched and quietly our small party would be most effective. Besides I didn’t want any chance someone else from our family would die this day. ‘I need to do this’ I said, looking at them with a dark fierce countenance ‘It’s not something you want to see’. Reluctantly they agreed and Hawkeye, I, and our small party left for our date with the Devil’.
‘Arriving before midnight we found them drunk and snoring and after surrounding them we gave them a startled wake up call. We checked the horses and the men’s description and along with some personal items from the house confirmed we had found our prey. Awakening with groans and bleary eyes they were disarmed and bound, cursing and defending their innocence. ‘Boy’s we don’t know what this is all about. We ain’t done nothin’ to no one. We ain’t the type to murder and rape’. ‘Shut yer pie hole’ the oldest one said. ‘No one said anything about murder and rape’ I spoke, while pulling my wife’s necklace off the neck of one of these lower than scum filthy maggots. ‘Judgment has been declared and we are the executioners’.
‘Seeing their gig was over one of them began to brag how he made that pretty filly moan and groan for more. Why that whore spread’ and then the barrel of my Colt was crammed down his throat and violently shaken back and forth. I then pointed it at his manhood and pulled the trigger. He bellowed in pain screaming epitaphs. He was hoping to make me so angry he would get away with a swift death. Not so much. Looking at Hawkeye I nodded and he instructed his braves to scalp, strip, and stake them. ‘You can’t do this’ they yelled, ‘we are white just like you’. Looking at them I hissed, ‘I am nothing like you’! Shrieking they were scalped and then laid on their faces while their clothes were cut off and their skins filleted. Then they were turned on their backs and staked spread eagle while the remainder of their clothes were removed once again filleting their flesh. And then with a nod from Hawkeye they extracted three large timber rattlers placing them between their legs. Begging and screaming for mercy the snakes rattled, coiled, and struck over and over again biting their legs and groin. Quickly they began to swell before a slow agonizing death bid them adios’.
‘Spending the late night with Hawkeye I bid him, Chief Sky, and the tribe a tearful goodbye before returning home to the ranch, my friends, and parents. Sitting on Sundance, a chestnut quarter horse, faithful as the day is long, tall with speed and endurance I gazed at my house and property once a happy home now only sticks and stone. I would never cross the threshold again. I had asked my parents to gather my personals and have the house thoroughly cleaned before the Clackamas purged the evil with herbs and ceremony. I did not want it razed. Suzanne would want a family to once again fill it with love and laughter without the dark shadow of our last moments there’.
‘My family was buried with others on a plot of land set aside for such occasions. I became acutely aware of other head stones. Ours was not the first. It is hard to imagine a graveside with more tears and weeping as we laid Suzanne and Angelica together in a common grave and casket as per my instructions. I looked about with dry eyes upon my friends and family; the McFarland’s, Patterson’s, my folks, Chief, Hawkeye, Aishwarya and members of the tribe, and the old men who wept unashamedly, bowed and appearing ancient cloaked in their grief’.
‘After the night of vengeance following the day of death and dying my soul was ice. I was falling into a black hole and didn’t know if there was any rescue for my soul. I implored Heaven for help and spent my days in a rocker on my folks front porch. Daily, Hawkeye would visit and there were others, the old men, James and Elijah. Slowly the mist in my mind began to recede and a clear picture of Suzanne formed. I began to understand my life’s meaning and God’s plan. A long line of love reached down and plucked my soul from the depth’s of despair and I began to prepare. For in God’s infinite wisdom He picks the part, place, and time. All my life I was being prepared for this, my destiny to fulfill’.
‘It was early fall and I committed myself to a rigorous routine for the next nine months. Hawkeye taught me more in-depth intuitive skills, tracking, knife fighting and living alone in the great lonesome. I learned how and where to shelter, find food and water, and remain invisible, a phantom of the night. Pa once again taught me, now older, additional detailed instructions about fighting and defending myself, and enlisted an old Army veteran to teach me more about the use of weapons. I shot thousands of rounds becoming adept with pistols, medium and long range rifles, shotguns and small concealed weapons’.
‘It was 1872 and because my Pa had investments in both Colt and Winchester gun manufacturing he was able to acquire prototype models of the Colt first generation single action revolver, the M1873 popularly known as the ‘peacemaker’ and the ‘equalizer’. This gave rise to one of the West’s most memorable quotes in 1847 by a Texas Ranger and only slightly abridged, ‘God created men. Colt made them equal’. Now any man regardless of age, size, and strength could readily defend himself. It used newly developed metallic cartridges chambered for a .45 Colt caliber, much faster to load and fire than the older cap and ball revolvers. He also acquired first versions of the Winchester Model 1873 repeating rifle with a 15 shot tubular magazine, chambered for a .44-40 round. It was marketed as ‘the Gun that Won the West’. In 1878 Colt offered the Peacemaker chambered for a .44-40 round, now both guns using the same cartridge, no confusion, and a great advantage in a fire fight’.
‘Those two guns provided me with a lot of fire power and rapid rounds for an assault or defensive position normally requiring a few men. In addition to twin Peacemakers and the 1873 Winchester I was equipped with a .52 caliber Sharps for accurate long distances, a Remington model 1872 double barrel hammer .12 gauge sawed off shotgun with a sling for carrying on my back, a Colt top pocket .22 caliber revolver, a Deringer .41 caliber single shot concealed pocket gun, and not least of all a genuine Arkansas toothpick’.
‘But it was my mother who taught me most about the purity of purpose and critical cognitive skills recognizing a man’s true motive and intention. ‘Learn to size up a man in the first minute you meet’, she said. And then warned me emphatically to never trust a pretty face, man’s greatest weakness. ‘If she can lure you to bed’, Ma said, ‘you have become a patsy to an old scam, and basest of man’s carnal appetites. Like Samson you will be stripped of your integrity and power. You are one handsome man and there will be temptations for sure. Never let a virtue-less woman have that kind of control over you. Keep the memory of your Suzanna in your mind and trouble in your pants. You are not destined to live a celibate life. Be patient. Even now that perfect someone is praying and preparing her heart for you’.
Not realizing I had stopped, thinking it only a pause, Alexandra became aware I was staring at her. Turning her head and looking into my smiling eyes she was a little embarrassed and smiled too. ‘You know’ I said, ‘my Ma will be so glad to hear the news about you. One day when she finally get’s to meet you, seeing you for the first time, she will hold you at arms length and stare into your face with a jubilant smile and then say, ‘yes, she is the one, perfect in every way’. Overcome with emotion she reached out and held me with tears and sniffles. For us a new day was about to dawn but we both knew it was approaching the hour when the night was the darkest. The clock was ticking and the bell tower sounded the march to midnight and the end and beginning of the day. It was approaching our time to rise and shine!
After supper we sat on the porch with Sweet Pee and Crowder, explaining enough to help them understand. ‘No one must know I am alive and not dead, as folks tend to underestimate dead men. Alexandra says I can trust you with her life, and I’m asking can I trust you with mine’? Pausing and then looking into my eyes they answered, ‘Alex is the only kin we got. Her folks were good to us and we think of her as a daughter. Ain’t nothin’ we wouldn’t do for her including laying down our lives. Noted she was awful sweet on you and you on her. So if you don’t mind us askin’ we hope your intentions are honorable. If not we might have to shoot you, and you would be kilt over dead again. Right now we’re not thinkin’ that Alex would be very kin to that’.
With a big grin I answered them, ‘boys since yer askin’ this was going to be part of our dissertatin’ with you. I just asked Alexandra to marry me’, ‘and I said yes’! Alex interjected beaming. ‘We will explain your part in helpin’ get that done’. ‘Wahl then we think yer a mighty fine fellow and truly happy for you Alex. If she trusts you, well then we do to. Yer life is safe with us’. Then we all hooted and hollered laughin’ and doin’ a jig. ‘This calls for a celebration’ Alexandra said, and went in the house and came back with the finest bottle that was left of her Pa’s whiskey and four glasses. ‘That’s our girl’ Crowder said just a beamin’ as we all sat and sipped doin’ some more talkin’.
‘Boys’ I said, I’ve been around the Helena area comin’ and goin’ for nigh unto five years. Can’t say I know if there is anyone there I trust’. Seems everyone is a committee member, informer, infiltrator, paid lackey, in fear of their lives and under their control. What about Boulder? Specifically I’m needing a lawyer and a preacher’. Pausing to consider my request they spoke. ‘There is a young lawyer new to town and an old Bible thumper been thar fer as long as we can remember’. ‘Ok, that’s a start’.
‘Saturday I want you to go to town all leisure like but very guarded with your tongue, with eyes in the back of your head and ears alert to remarks and information especially regarding Alexandra or the ranch’, known as the D bar D. ‘Remember they aim to have this ranch even if it means killing all of you. Make a note of anyone giving you extra attention but never stare in return. Acting relaxed and normal one of you go to the church as if needin’ to talk about somethin’ and tell the preacher to take a ride out here Sunday with a marriage certificate and under no circumstance to tell anyone where he’s a goin’ or what he’s a doin’. Just takin’ a Sunday drive with the Misses. Gunna need you boys to stand with us, so don’t be a goin’ and gettin’ drunk. Find where the lawyer is without being obvious. I’ll be makin’ him a late night visit’.
’Men’ I continued, ‘I know paydays have been a little lean lately, handing them both three one hundred dollar bills. When this is over I will establish accounts for you at the local bank. Your remaining years will be taken care of’. Stumbling to gather words to express their gratefulness Alex said, ‘until Jack you were the only kin I had left alive. I trusted you and you never failed me. Words cannot express my gratitude and love’. With eyes swollen with tears they thanked us profusely before sayin’ goodnight and walkin’ to the bunkhouse. Sweet Pee could be heard sayin, ‘my oh my you know how much beer this will buy’? ‘And don’t forget all them pieces of pie’ Crowder chimed in. Slapping each other on the back they went to bed with visions of sugar plums, beer, and pie in their head.
That Sunday come midafternoon the Reverend Hardscrabble arrived with his little lady Minnie May. Actually a more accurate description would be Maxie Mondo. Yep, a woman of considerable influence in the local lady’s society. She also had a grand heart, sparkling eyes, and sweet smile. Sitting on the porch after some small talk he inquired about our somewhat unusual request. Before answering I asked what he felt about the Committee of Twenty. Didn’t realize the extent of his vocabulary, mostly biblical but not all. When he finished breathless and red faced I knew we had found an ally and friend. Opening his coat he revealed a LeMat in a hidden holster. ‘Got a Yellow Boy in the buggy. Wasn’t always a pulpit pistolero’ he said. ‘Served with Nathan Bedford and before that in the Indian Wars’. Smiling I said, ‘I think I just found the first person in town that I can trust’.
Getting a hard elbow in my side and a caustic look that said, quit stalling, you’re not getting out of this buster! I grinned reading her mind and said, ‘I wouldn’t think of it’. Then a huge smile crafted her beautiful face. I had built a simple arching trellis under some trees with flowers and a view to the mountains. Sweet Pee escorted her wearing her mothers wedding dress. Minnie was there helping her with her hair and all the details. Words cannot express how gorgeous she looked. Crowder was the best man and Minnie the bridesmaid. Hardscrabble didn’t make it miserable with long sermonizing, addressed the important points and pronounced us man and wife. Didn’t have to be told to kiss the bride!
Afterwards Alex reluctantly removed her wedding dress for a full skirted blue dress with balloon sleeves over a spring green loose fitting chemisette. She was stunning. Minnie jumped right in and helped Alex in the kitchen, while the boys finished grilling some succulent beef ribs and steaks and Preacher and I prepared the table. Already figured he would enjoy some fine sippins with me and so we started the wedding celebration on the front porch.
After her initial reaction Alex fell in love with Minnie. Sittin’ on the porch after a sumptuous dinner and everyone else cleaning up preacher confided Minnie looked the size of Alex on their wedding day. ‘Weight can come as a buffer for sorrow. Most every day folks drop by for consolation and comfort and more often than not she is the one they seek out. All that sorrow and pain accumulates and added to her own, the body builds a buffer. We have no children no legacy only the sorrow at the loss of all three of our little ones. There are no more happy sounds of pattering feet and laughter and there will be no grandchildren to pamper and hold. And that leads to a very lonely life as you grow old. Often at night I hear her softly crying with tears on her pillow, mourning the loss of her babies’. Sniffling with hot tears on his cheeks he said, ‘she means everything to me. Selfishly I hope I precede her, cause I surely can’t imagine life without her’. Looking at me with those tear filled eyes he said, ‘She knows folks reaction, bears there looks and hears their whispers as they turn away in uppity arrogance and contempt. Always remember……. show mercy first, not judgment’. Afterwards sharing with Alexandra about our discussion she burst into tears. ‘Oh God, I am so guilty and ashamed. She is such a beautiful big hearted person’.
As Minnie and the sky pilot started to leave, I handed him a $100 bill. ‘I can’t take that he said. Why that’s equal to three to four month’s of preachin’. Most of the congregation are poor folk and they do what they can. We never complain but it ain’t much. Not in it for the money though’. Smiling I said, ‘was gunna pay you $20 but that’s the smallest bill I got, so just keep the change’. ‘I’m at a loss for words’ he said. ‘This is a great kindness. Lord knows we can sure use it’. Giving him a hug I said, ‘things are gunna change for you. I’m officially hirin’ you to be my eyes and ears in Boulder and only in matters that might affect the ranch and any of us’. ‘Done’ he said with a big grin.
We had already discussed if there was anyone I could trust. Not the law or the banker, but maybe the new lawyer. He had already agreed to pay him a visit and alert him to our Monday night late visit. If there was a reason for concern he would lean a shovel against the wall by the church front door, located on the way to town. We had already established a system to get us messages and invited them to come out inconspicuously for a monthly visit. ‘Minnie is already filling the void left by Alexandra’s mother’ I said, ‘and who knows if it’s anything like my first marriage, within a year the two of you would be our choice for grandparents’. If it don’t happen quite that soon, no one will be able to fault me for the lack of trying’. Laughin’ loud with big grins, we said our goodbye’s already friends.
Monday morning sittin’ coffee revealed an enhanced pheromone factory giving off those vib’s as we now say, two people very much in love. Finally gettin’ down to the task at hand we spoke of meeting with the lawyer that night and going to Jack’s bank in Butte. When I asked where he got the money to pay the Reverend and Minnie, Jack grinned. ‘When them boys killed me and threw me in the river they left my boots on, thinkin’ that might help the body to sink. In both heels there is a virtually undetectable hollow where I kept $1000 in hundreds in both sides. The money belt they took from me had only about a $100 in small bills and a couple of gold coins. That added to their frustration after Sundance fled with the rest of my personals’.
‘Do you feel like tellin’ about the night of the killin’? Did you recognize anyone’? ‘Well’, with a pause ‘I reckon’ it would do good to talk about it. There were about twelve men in all, gunnies and enforcers paid by committee members to do their dirty work. Didn’t matter to them what they did or who they hurt. It was just their job and they got paid well. The members were careful not to be seen publicly with any of these men, keepin’ their back trail clean and above suspicion, while they kissed babies, gave children candy, and established shelters and food banks for the poor courting the public’s favor. Powerful men often project an image of philanthropy and benevolence spending a little to get a lot, and in the process gaining favor and community support to accomplish their objectives. All the while a gullible citizenry like sheep were being sheared, or like cattle, castrated, branded, and steered, pun intended, single file down a shute following the ass in front of them. Then it’s into the cattle car and off to slaughter. Some in their miserable petty perception of life and themselves even welcoming it’.
‘Leaving the camp of the Salish a little before nightfall I was traveling by the light of the moon when I was first alerted by Sundance. Removing the thong on my Colt and ratcheting a round in my Winchester I stopped and listened, proceeding cautiously. I deliberately rode in the edge of the forest before being forced into a clearing by an embankment. Before me six men sat abreast blocking the trail as I scanned for any quick escape route. Suddenly I was lassoed by two ropes and pulled over the back of my horse. I yelled at Sundance and he bolted the lariat missing by inches, the loop fallin’ harmlessly on his neck and the saddle. ‘Well Hell!’ one of them said, ‘we’ll never catch that horse now’. And so true. He was as fast as any quarter horse I’ve ever seen. I trained him to bolt, rest and return to me when he sensed it was safe. Only thing this time I wasn’t there’.
‘Angered they drug me on the forest floor before throwing me over the back of a horse arriving in short order at a abandoned mine shack. Dumping me into a chair they held me down while throwing cold water in my face. They then began to ask questions getting no answers and I realized the end was near. Breaking free I head butted the gutter snipe directly in front of me, hearing the sound of cartlidge and bones breaking while I came up swigging gettin’ in some good licks before someone hit me on the back of the head, and I fell to the floor with a flurry of fists and kicks breaking ribs and rupturing my spleen and kidneys. They then repeatedly smashed both knees with the butt of their rifles and a club from a tree branch before placing a frying pan upside down below my elbow elevating my arm and stomping down hard on it, breaking it. Darkness descended as my life force ebbed out. Out of body I hovered above the scene as one called Ringo cackled taking a demonic delight in severing my thumb and forefinger’. Gathering the cut-offs in his hanky he said, ‘Old Man Zimmerman ought to be impressed as he said to stop his gun at any cost. These bones should bring a bonus’! They then tossed my dead body in the back of a wagon and drove to the river dumping me into a watery grave’.
Alexandra jumped to her feet, livid with rage, tears flowing, and crying out ‘bastards’! ‘I hope they are all skewered from arse to eyeball, roasted slowly on a rotisserie, and enjoyed by everyone at one of Hell’s finest. Let there be judgment without mercy to him who showed no mercy’. Getting out of the rocker I stood and held her until her anger subsided. Choking on her words with deep felt emotion she said, ‘I hate them with a perfect hatred. They must be stopped. I hear the voices in the blood of the innocent whose lives they have so callously taken, and it hurts me so to know what they did to you’. ‘I am alive once again’ I said, ‘and I am coming….there worst nightmare. Never forget they did their part in bringing me to you’. Smiling she said, ‘I love that part of the story and especially you’!
Gathering herself Alex said, ‘duty calls and I’ve got lunch to fix. Boys get their own breakfast, I get em lunch and dinner’. ‘Let me help’ I said, ‘we’ll talk more later. I’ll tell you about some of my adventures’. ‘I would like that very much’ she said. So after lunch and clean up we poured hot cups of Joe and headed for the porch and rockers. ‘I’m all ears she said’. ‘Well, there are a few other parts I like as well’ ‘I said, spoken with a devilish grin’. ‘Grinning broadly in return she fluttered her eyes and said, ‘and you are more than just ears yourself mister’!
‘Word got out about how we handled the Statler brothers, and Hawkeye and I left for the Rogue River Valley. Seems a shady land broker was operating throughout the area selling land and issuing fake government grants on tracks of property that either didn’t exist or were already occupied. After going through Hell to get to the Promised Land they found themselves penniless being swindled and without recourse their dreams shattered. Trusting the integrity of the brokers they either didn’t read or could not understand the legal jargon in fine print that virtually protected the scammers from prosecution, but not from us. Arriving in Ashland, a small town in southern Oregon located at the base of the Siskiyou Mountains a trail of alias’s finally led us to pay dirt. Catching them in their own trap the courts finally intervened to shut down their operation and slap these boys with a little prison time for their efforts. Using means of persuasion we recovered money which they could not now legally admit to and distributed it among these grateful pilgrims’.
‘Seeing the joy on the faces of folks finding some restitution and justice in a lawless land, I returned home and established an address for people to reach me using the mail or telegraph. I was known simply as ‘the Guardian’, derived from the Paladins, the twelve legendary knights in King Charlemagne’s court in the 8th century. Heroic, chivalrous, fighting for a cause in the defense of those with little or no recourse and protection against injustice. I placed an advertisement in a couple of major newspapers and rode inland first to eastern Oregon and then to Idaho helping some new immigrants resolve land and water issues. In this land of plenty there were always those who wanted it all. Then it was on to Colorado and Kansas when my mother notified me of a situation that certainly needed my attention and I rode for Deer Lodge Montana’.
‘An aspiring young writer had spread my fame creating mostly fictional accounts of my heroics and like the dime novels of my childhood, I became the knight errant of every child’s dream, a gallant defender and champion of the hopeless and abused. Illustrations depicted a cowboy wearing a Stetson, wielding a Winchester instead of a sword, clad in armor, and riding a horse with the head of a fire breathing dragon. The content was a mixture of mediaeval and modern pulp fiction based loosely on true events with a fictional story line’.
Standing with a twinkle in her eye Alexandra said, ‘Ah sir knight clad in shining armor, Stetson, and steed, allow me to refill your tankard of ale, holding her coffee cup high, while you regale me with stories of fair maidens swooning and the common man crooning, lifting yet another flagon toasting your noble deeds saying, ‘for King and country’. Finding his way home to his humble hovel he slips into bed with a smile as he dreams of dispatching evil side by side with The Twelve Peers, the worthy knights of the realm. Waking in a alcohol induced haze he faces yet another challenging day with the ground and the goats but remembers that for a moment if only in his imagining, his dreary life was gallant and grand’.
‘Ah mademoiselle tis the burden of the champion to be adored by all the fair maidens, prattled upon by the ladies in waiting and revered by the men, while the ancients sing your praises and the children dance to your name’. Rolling her eyes Alexandra served another cup of ale this time with a little of her father’s sweetener. ‘Continuer toujours’ she spoke as she motioned with her eyes and head.
‘This was my first journey into this boom or bust area in Montana where some cattlemen had decided there was a greater cycle of longevity for potential and profit in the rich grass lands and beeves. Herds were driven up from Texas and huge tracks of land were obtained creating powerful ranches and their owners. One was the Murdoch family, Mason and his two son’s Carl Lee and Palaver. Though Mason held a tight reign on the business he never did on his boys, indulging them and buying their way out of trouble. They grew up as bullies and abusers always knowing daddy’s money would rectify any of their indiscretions or wrong doing’.
‘The general store in Deer Lodge was owned by Ike Meriweather, his wife Martha and 15 year old daughter Janie. One day the Murdock brothers found Janie outside the back of the store and dragged her into a nearby vacant alley where they beat and abused her. Ike became alarmed when she did not return and frantically searched for her finding her unconscious, beaten, bloody, with her clothes torn and he feared abused. Rushing her to Doc Thornton’s he confirmed the rape and trauma that left her speechless and terrified. Confronting Sheriff Hinkle with the facts of their daughter’s assault and the known assailants, who laughed and bragged in the bar about their merry making with the Meriweather maiden, young but ripe for the pickings he said, ‘Hell she can’t even talk and their are no witnesses. With no evidence to go on, thar’s nothin’ I can do’, as he patted his back pocket replenished with new greenbacks from old man Murdock. Smoldering with rage the Meriweather’s turned to me’.
‘It had been a few month’s since the incident when I arrived. Janie’s trauma had only worsened. She was able to help in the store, stocking and cleaning, but when a man would walk in she became terrified, her face filled with fear as she raced to the back of the store. She never left the premises, never went outside, never went to church, never went to school. On the morning I first entered the store it was early and there were no other customers. The temperature was mild and the door was open as I walked in silently and stood unannounced watching Janie with her back to me on a ladder stocking shelves. Presently she became aware someone stood behind her and she carefully stepped down from the ladder and paused, her shoulders rising and falling as she took a deep breath before exhaling and then slowly turned lifting her eyes to look into my face. Time stood still as she gazed intently into my eyes. Absolute tranquility prevailed and all was strangely silent except the sound of the beating of her heart. Standing ever so still she closed her eyes and a surreal calm washed over her. Opening her eyes again there was no fear or fleeing but a look of recognition that illumined her countenance. Then she ran to me and wrapped her arms tightly around my waste sobbing and saying, ‘it’s you, you’ve come, it’s you’. Returning her embrace we stood for some time before her parents appeared, amazed to hear her talking and fiercely holding on to a strange man’.
‘Acquiring all the relevant information I needed and getting one more hug from Janie, I left through the back and secreted myself away not wanting to draw any suspicion to the Meriweather’s. Arriving at the Murdock ranch and remaining invisible I did some glassin’ and observing movement. On Saturday night when all the crew was in town blowin’ off their hard earnings on whiskey, women, and song, they remained in town too drunk for the ride home. Mason’s boys had been escorted home by the sheriff after yet another drunken altercation. Amply paid the sheriff left while the boys pleaded their innocence. ‘Hell, we was just funnin’, didn’t mean no harm. Old man McCarn was just a dancin’ and dodgin’ bullets, but he was a little drunk and kinda slow, caught him a bullet in his big toe. As much his fault as arn’. Loudly reprimanding the boys and issuing out punishment with a slight smile on his face wishing he had got to see old man McCarn dance, the boys begrudgingly received their correction knowing that daddy would never hold them to it’.
‘Under the cover of a boisterous bravado of authority I quietly entered the house from the rear and startled them while they sat around the kitchen table. Dismissing all their questions they were disarmed and tied, taking a hard blow to the head with the back of my pistol to insure their cooperation. Throwing cold water in their faces I confronted them about Janie. They denied any involvement until I used some unfriendly persuasion. ‘Hell, she was asking for it, always flashin’ flirty eyes and fondling her female parts hoping to entice us. We was only doin’ what was natural’. Enough! I hit them both hard in the mouth with my revolver scattering calcium and cartilage everywhere before I gagged them with a heavy cloth. Turning to their Pa I said, ‘you are just as culpable. You know what they did and paid to have it covered up. You have always protected them from the consequences of their actions raising a couple of hellions, a disgrace to society and to your name. ‘Money, I’ll pay you money’ Mason said. ‘That would be acceptable’ I spoke as he led me to his safe and unloaded every bit of $10,000 in cash’.
‘I then tucked them all into bed secured with ropes before razing this house of ignominy, all traces of any collusion destroyed by fire. Their cries for mercy fell on death ears just like the cries of their victims. The sheriff disappeared at the same time, raising some eyebrows questioning the coincidence in the timing. At night I returned to the Meriweathers and handed them the bag of cash saying, ‘it is done’. ‘What is this’ they asked. ‘Mason attempted to reconcile the gross violation to your family and I accepted. I encourage you to sell the store and go far from here and get a new start away from all the whispers, rumors, and looks of contempt and laughter. Turning to Janie I said, ‘you are a beautiful young lady. Your distractors have been dispatched and your demons dissolved. You are strong and you can overcome this violation of yourself like many other women have had to do. The scales of justice have prevailed. So go now fearlessly and have a bountiful blessed life. Let your garden grow. And that’s exactly what they did’!
‘Heading north I arrived in the area of Helena, Montana. Word had filtered down about ‘The Committee of Twenty’ and their totalitarian abusive control. I kept a low profile, blending, and hiding in plain sight. This was a large operation with tenacles everywhere. Remaining anonymous, operating on the fringe, I was able to help several families. I also met and befriended the Salish and was instrumental in protecting them from hostile attempts to remove them from their land. My training and firepower was very persuasive. I was readily accepted into the tribe and it became my home away from home’.
‘And then Deadwood, a gold rush town in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Rugged, raw, rebellious, and untamed, the quintessential Western town in the post civil war era. Women were outnumbered 200 to 1, some say more. 90% were prostitutes, prospecting and prostitution flourishing side by side. Lewis and Clark passed through in the early 1800’s, but it was when men under Custers Command found gold in 1874 that the gulch lined with dead trees became a true western icon. Martha Jane Cannary Burke lived there gaining notoriety with her gun and horsemanship, as a pony express rider, and member of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. She was a notorious character but generous, warning men that offended her not to ‘court calamity’….Calamity Jane that is. It was here that Wild Bill Hickok took the only available seat in a poker game, in the corner but with his back to the door, a fatal faux pas when Jack McCall walked up behind him and shot him in the head. Hickok held the famous ‘dead man’s’ hand…..two black aces, two black eights and an unknown hold card. Wyatt Earp’s offer of help was rejected by the local law, while Harry Alonzo Longabaugh put his feet up and enjoyed free meals at the courtesy of the same. You know him by his popular name…’the Sundance Kid’.
‘Under the ruse of being a stage performer or mail-order bride or simply destitute losing a husband, provider, or family, women were cast into a role they despised. Lured by advertisements, a believable bio and hope for a better life, women arrived greeted by a dandy or handsome rancher who escorted them to a local hotel for rest from the journey and then treated them to a delicious meal replete with steak and wine. An enchanting evening was spent with florid descriptions of your new life and future only to wake up the next morning with your head spinning from the chloral hydrate added to your wine in the restaurant kitchen, now in a room with another dozen women or more. Too late you realize your virtue has been taken and you have been truly scammed’.
‘It was business as usual at ‘The Ranch’ a place outside of town where the women were prisoners kept against their will and taught how to please a man taking the walk of shame upstairs to a room with a smile, and then pretending to enjoy the performance in order to prevent a beating. ‘Mother’ Molly McBride had the task of wiping tears and consoling fears helping the girls prepare for this new and unexpected turn in affairs. There was no turning back, no leaving if you don’t like it, no goodbye’s, and no escape. You are now an asset like furniture, indulged like a dog or cat and fed only slightly better. You keep your mouth shut, your legs open and make money for the man. That is the only way you stay alive. You must adapt to survive’.
‘Mother would groom the girls in the etiquette of allurement. ‘It’s not all bad’ she would say. ‘Some of you may work a fancy bordello for Dirty Em or Madam Mustachio wear fancy clothes eat fine food and entertain the rich and famous. They were then dressed, painted, and prepped for pictures that were distributed to potential buyers before the bidding war was started by the ‘merchants of dalliance’ brokering bodies and damning souls without so much as a faint whisper of conscious or compassion. Like buying a fine racing horse at auction, it was all just business’.
‘It all changed the day Molly spoke words that Sarah recognized from her childhood to the girl in front of her. ‘You are going to be ok girl. The good Lord that made ya will never trade ya. You are such a fine specimen of his handiwork’. Then face flushed with eyes gleaming and a huge smile Sarah stood before Molly as she returned the smile and cocking her head slightly said, ‘What? did I say something’? ‘Momma’ I blurted out, it’s me momma, Sarah’. Staring with eyes threatening to pop, a stunning recognition filled Molly’s face. Putting her hand to her mouth she said, ‘oh my God! my little girl. It’s you! You are alive’!
‘Grabbing each other and rocking, tears flowed like rivers cascading down our faces. ‘Girls girls this is my daughter’ she yelled motioning for them to draw close. She then shared a brief history. ‘Eight years previously our family of four children, Me and Pa had been attacked by renegade Cheyenne and I was taken captive, still a pretty petite woman. Dazed from a blow to my head, my last memory of my family was bodies scattered on the ground all appearing dead’. ‘Then Sarah interjected she had taken an arrow in her side, painful but not serious, and in all the commotion found a place to hide, as she watched the Indians take her mother away face down across a horse and tied’. ‘A calvary patrol found me and kind neighbors raised me until the day I was taken, sure to pad the pockets of my captors they bragged, bringing me to the Ranch for my inauguration into the world of masquerade and men’.
‘I stayed alive’ Molly continued, ‘by keeping my wits about me until the day I was able to escape surprising the camp of a couple of old miners who took compassion on me and brought me to the nearest fort. From there it was Deadwood and survival, a bleak existence until I was used up and old, retired to the farm. ‘But look’ she spoke with tears and a huge smile, ‘I survived, Sarah survived, and you will too’! There is one who comes to help’.
‘A tentative plan was set in motion earlier when Molly first contacted me. Now was the call to action with the added necessity of an immediate extraction and I left with all haste. There were no riverboats or railways, only the Overland Express a solo route featuring me and fresh horses. I arraigned to pick up Sundance on my return trip home. I traveled well over 400 miles arriving exhausted two weeks later. A reviving sleep good food and hot Joe along with lots of special attention from the ladies had me boots on and back in the saddle ready for action’.
‘Immediately under the cover of darkness we moved the girls to a safe location on a ranch ran by sum folks Molly knew. Theirs was an empty nest with extra bedrooms. Like others finding out about the plight of these girls they were more than willing to help and amply rewarded. Two ole boys, Jethro and Tull, hired to protect the girls and run errands for Mother assisted, harmless and easily persuaded by the girls to do most anything. A wink and whiskey were all that was needed. While awaiting my arrival, Molly conjured up a contagion that spread rapidly with a high fever, backdoor trots and a general debilitation, ‘avoir and etra’ that left them feeling no better than pennies and pisswater. Impatient members of the ‘malveillant mechant’ came to the ranch greeted by a motley looking mother with her hand out warning them against entrance. When they questioned Jethro and Tull they were told, ‘we seen one of them girls try to come out and sit the porch and she began to hurl and had to be helped inside. We surely give em space as they plaster a path to the privy. Sum never make it. Sorry lookin’ bunch if ever there was’. ‘Damn it! That’s enough. You be sure to get us word as soon as they are up and about’, they said as they turned their horses and galloped away. ‘Will do’ Jethro and Tull said with a big smile as they walked up to the porch to be smothered in kisses’.
‘With allies, mostly women, a list of names was acquired of those responsible for orchestrating the fictitious solicitations, kidnapping, rape, and forced prostitution and another list of the owners of the saloons and brothels who knowing the blatantly bogus hustle, predatorily purchased these girls anyway for prostitution and profit. The former began to systematically disappear, some wearing an unfashionable necktie, and two who had the misfortune of riding to the ranch to check on their property, were left to the devices of the women they had defrauded’.
‘Federal judges who were friends of my fathers threatened the publications who printed these false and illegal solicitations with fines and discovery and were forced to immediately cease these advertisements and print bold retractions. Likewise US Marshalls served restraining orders and levied heavy fines against all the businesses where girls were bought and entrapped against their will. The alternative was the confiscation of all assets, a full disclosure of their nefarious activities and imprisonment. Their continued generous support helped establish homes for unfortunate women where they could flourish learning a trade and fulfill the dream of love, marriage, children, and family’.
‘Procedures for courting and a contract mandated and signed by any perspective suitor were implemented for the girls protection. Gone were the days when Eve could be beguiled by Satan, deceived by his slimy serpent tongue and entrapped without any possible restoration. The evil one, immortalized as a slithering serpent, actually stands on two feet feeding on the dust of man’s basest appetites implementing his plan of usurpation upon the entire Adamic race’.
‘Woe’ Alexandra breathed out heavily, ‘those are two extraordinary stories, chapters in a book that is written solely on the pages of your life’. ‘Tonight’ I said, ‘we will start upon the next chapter in earnest’.
‘Life has a way of making the foreseeable that which never happens, and the unforeseeable that which your life becomes’. I was granted a new life and now a new wife. Together we have chapters to write. That night we rode with Sweet Pee the short distance to Boulder, leaving Crowder and Jake to guard the hen house. We left our horses with Sweet Pee at a small stable behind the parsonage and proceeded cautiously behind buildings to the alley where the lawyer was expecting us. Gaining an immediate understanding of the reason for our clandestine presence and the unquestionable necessity of his discretion, confidentiality, and trust we proceeded.
Ambrose Pritchard was young, hungry, unpretentious, and uncompromised. My offer of a generous retainer brightened his eyes. With a sigh he visibly relaxed knowing his food, raiment, and the rent were now amply provided for. Legal documents regarding Alex and I, the property and multiple bank accounts were initiated. On our return from Butte and the bank and upon our inspection, signatories would be proffered.
It was late and we spent the night with the parson and Minnie before leaving early for Butte and the bank, while Sweet Pee headed back to the ranch. They both got a belly laugh at my appearance. My hair was died dark brown and I wore bib overalls, a bit short, a straw hat, and old boots that belonged to Alexandra’s father appropriate for the guise, along with spectacles, hankie, and an old stout hickory cane. A stooped back and a leg that was dragged and hobbled as I walked along with a thick Southern accent and a diminished mental faculty completed my disguise. If Alex was ever to be seen in public with me it was as her cousin Virgil, who was injured at Antietam with a blast from a cannon at short range full of every killing instrument known to man. Shredded, his entire body covered in blood and torn flesh, he was thrown on a pile of dead bodies. And then he groaned.
Escorted into the office of D.W. Felder president of The First National Bank of Butte Montana, and only after a look from Alex that said, ‘your manhood, now or later’! that the clerk, halting and stammering with profuse apologies and a sweaty bow to Caesar, allowed us entrance into the inner kingdom of the Han Dynasty. Motioning for us to sit with a look of apprehension and skepticism, I took off my straw hat and glasses. ‘It’s ok DW it’s me, Jack’!
Leaning forward and looking intently into my face he began to laugh, so loudly it could be heard in the lobby, much to the relief of the crotch groping clerk, who rushed home to correct a wardrobe malfunction. ‘I love it’ he said, still laughing and we with him, asking ‘what are the Pardee’s up to now’? Explaining our situation he then turned to Alexandra saying ‘Jack, you’ve outdone yourself ol’ boy she is a beauty sans comparison and then continuing with a serious face, ‘Jacks father, Jamison Donald and I are Ivy League and Eastern money, a band of brothers bound by oath. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him or he for me. Our latest venture, with Jack, is in copper mining and it is doing exceedingly well. You can now sign off on one of the bank’s most lucrative accounts as he showed her a ledger with the amount of our current holdings, She gasped and looked at me, ‘I never knew. I didn’t marry you for money, cause money can’t buy me love’. ‘Tis true my pet’ I said with my nose slightly aloft, ‘aye, but it does make things a bit easier without all the bother’ I said in my best Cockney brogue’.
Then it was to Isaac’s gun emporium where we purchased a double holster rig, new .44 caliber peacemakers, ammunition, and twelve 1978 version Winchesters, everything we needed, cash…no information given, no questions answered. Then it was off to Maggy’s ‘Mangey Mutt’ cafe where I read an article in a copy of the Denver Rocky Mountain News about a doctor, Charles Lister, who was the brother of the noted British surgeon Joseph Lister, and was pioneering the possibility of transplanting limbs. Recently having vacated a chair at the prestigious Harvard School of Medicine he moved West fulfilling a dream from his childhood. Previously he studied at the Oxford Cambridge College of Surgeons, the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and the University of Paris and was anxious to implement his innovative and certainly provocative procedures. I immediately contacted him explaining my situation and the renumeration that would be given. He agreed to meet us straight away in Laramie giving him a chance to experience more of the rugged West as it really was and take pictures, drawings, and measurements of my hand before returning to Denver. As soon as an ideal match could be found from fresh cadavers the careful surgical removal would be performed and kept on ice awaiting my arrival.
On our delayed trip home I held up my left hand up fully intact saying, ‘they didn’t take any fingers from my left hand. That was a big mistake’. And looking at both hands, always with gloves in public, the ends of the missing digits stuffed with cotton I said, ‘soon my restoration will be complete as I was promised’. In the meantime I practiced daily with my left hand becoming nearly as proficient with it as I was with my right hand.
With drafts in hand validated by either her maiden or married name we returned to Boulder and Ambrose the lawyer, and then home and Helena. With Jake, me in disguise and Crowder with his gun and eyes, Alexandra rode the buggy to town.
Initially it was to the First National Bank of Helena and to it’s blustering and stammering president I. M. A. Belcher, who after receiving us into his office and understanding Alex’s business said while nervously mopping his brow and attempting unsuccessfully to keep his toupee in place now perched precariously on his forehead, ‘this is quite irregular. I was compelled to place your property in foreclosure and proceed on a sale to a cash buyer’. I whispered to an enraged Alexandra and she then looked at Belcher with eyes that would have stopped Sitting Bulls slaughter at Little Big Horn declaring, ‘you can’t do that! By statue you must give me a thirty day notice that has been signed and recorded. I have never received any such notice and never signed any document giving you the authority to foreclose and sell my property. You are in malfeasance sir and therefore subject to the courts and the repudiation of your position and reputation’.
‘Alex let’s not be hasty’ he said, as cousin stood and hovered over him givin’ him the stinkeye not a foot from his face with spittle dripping from his chin. ‘I ain’t so fur gone that I don’t recognize a lyin’ thievin’ slithering snake when I sees one’ he said. ‘Are you threatening me sir’? Belcher said with a high pitched voice while sitting in a puddle of his own piss with his aire of importance shredded by Virgil’s cane firmly planted in his forehead threatening to topple his toupee. ‘That’s paraxially what I’s a doin’. Thar’s wolves and sheep and guard dogs. I’s the dog’! he said with a growl and malevolent grin, his canines on display. ‘If youse what to leave here still suckin’ aire ya best get that thar deed in here rat now’!
Humiliated and not attempting to get up Belcher called for the head cashier who retrieved the documents with a startled expression pinching his face at the smell of ammonia. ‘Get out’ he yelled at the clerk as Alexandra handed him a draft for the balance of the mortgage, his eyes questioning the source of her sudden windfall. ‘Don’t even ask’ she said, receiving the deed to her property, paid in full. Walking out she abruptly turned around and with eyes as piercing as arrows asked, ‘Who were you going to sell my property to’? ‘I cannot divulge that information’ he said as I stepped in front of Alex and started toward him and he blurted out ‘Doc Rivers’! ‘That’s better’ I smiled. ‘Didn’t wont to come any closer nohow, cuz you stink like a dead dog in an outhouse’. Having said we turned and left the bank just a grinnin’. ‘A dead dog’? Alex said, kilt over and bustin’ a gut from laughin’ so hard.
Then it was on to Murphy’s Merc where Alex took me up the stairs holding my hand with Crowder following. Settlin’ me in a corner of the store with Jake she proceeded to gather things from her list. Occupied with her shopping she was startled to turn and find herself cornered by an imposing Doc Rivers, blocking any exit with his legs spread, striking attire, and tall Stetson. Forced to engage in conversation a livid Alex was told by Rivers, ‘I will have your property and I will have you’. But it was when he put his hand on Alex that I stumbled into him from behind falling with my cane coming up hard between his legs as I tried to get my balance. Rivers went down screaming as I fell onto him with my knee firmly planted in his solar plexus as air whooshed out of his lungs and he was temporarily silent.
Trying to get up with Alex’s help I steadied myself by planting my cane directly into his groin and pushed down with all my weight to get up as he cursed profusely in between deep agonizing groans. Jake had seen enough and showed his displeasure by trotting over and hiking his leg, peeing all over the momentarily immobilized man. Sincerely apologizin’ I said, ‘I is so sorry sir. Don’t git round so good after the war, a bit clumsy and all. Can’t speak for the dog’. Screaming he said ‘get off of me you imbicile. Fool! You nearly killed me’! His face now blotchy and bright red as he slapped away my hand when I proffered it to help him up. ‘Get away from me’! he yelled. ‘And whom did you serve with during the war’ Alex said glaring at Rivers. ‘Did you sacrifice your life or well being like cousin Virgil and so many other brave men or were you home warming yourself by the fire while others fought, drinking expensive brandy, pampering your flesh, and counting your money’? ‘Out’! he screamed, ‘get them out of here’. Alex then led me and Jake to a bench outside in front of the store barely containing herself, saying ‘tres fantantique’.
Returning inside Rivers was screaming epitaphs and demanding we leave calling me a clumsy idiot and a menace to the public, threatening me with time in the hoosegow if he ever saw me again. Walking out he called me a sorry sumbitch along with every other curse word in his vocabulary, and then made a hasty retreat when Jake emitted a deep growl and bared his teeth. Alex was then approached by Murphy who said, ‘I’m sorry Alex but you will have to leave’. Looking at him with eyes so hot his brain cells began to boil, ‘I’m not leaving until I’ve finished my business’. Stuttering he said, ‘I can’t extend anymore credit, Rivers will’… ‘You won’t have to’ she interjected. ‘When I am finished I will pay my bill in full’!
Everyone was so shocked from Rivers outburst they stood silently without daring to move until he left the store. Then Mable Marmaduke put her hand to her mouth and began to snicker which released an avalanche of laughter, everyone bent from the waist and wiping streaks from their cheeks. Getting our supplies loaded with Crider’s help we barely made it out of town before another bout of laughter had us rollin’ in the buckboard barely staying in our seats. ‘This is one of the best days of my life’ Crowder said, seeing that pompous jackass brought down a notch or two’.
In the weeks that followed I practiced daily drawing and shooting with my left hand becoming confident and almost as proficient as I was with my right hand. The anxiously awaited news finally arrived from Denver and I began my long trek overland riding Sundance, grabbing a stage whenever possible and even a few miles on a train. I was accompanied by a recent hire, Scooter McCain, who was known to Sweet Pee and Crowder and who with six other men defected from Rivers, delighted to be rid of him and his ruthless underhanded ways. Scooter was a valuable asset and knew the country well. He also made a good traveling companion.
Arriving in Denver and the doctor’s it took only a couple of days for the final preparations to be complete. A team of surgeons each in their fields of expertise assisted Dr. Lister in the surgery and recovery. After three weeks I was able to travel home with strict instructions leaving a jubilant group of physicians who marveled at the apparent success of the surgery. Though I shared with them about my experience, I alone fully understood why. Returning home I exercised and practiced my draw everyday. I did my part and Heaven kept its promise. Except for two small scars, a reminder of the covenant yet unfulfilled, no one would ever know.
East of Eden in the land of Nod Cain was exiled and cursed by God. He killed his brother and offered a sacrifice from his own hand not according to the plan. It was inferior and rejected. He was not sorry for his sin. There was no repentance. He only grieved the punishment he would receive. In Nod he built a city and established property lines and weights and measures in craftiness and deceit causing the inhabitants of the land to tremble. Everything that has been shall be and the modern city East of Eden was Hell-ena. Purporting to be a shining light, a beacon on a hill, its light emanated from the illumined one using light to allure innocent but easily beguiled souls like vermin to any night time luminance.
Money, millionaires, and mischief are most often accompanied by wickedness, depravity, and baseness. The Committee of Twenty in their pompous pride ruled with an iron fist welding their will with enforcers, gunnies, killers without a conscience never getting their own hands dirty. These rabid dogs would disembowel you, wipe their knife on your clothes and then sit down to a rare steak or spaghetti dinner rich with red sauce without a twinge of remorse or regret. They were the first to be removed.
Our army of avenging angels consisted of townies who were tired of treachery and ready to fight, all the boys at the ranch, Salish warriors, and always my invisible allies. A noose was erected around the city and all exits were guarded day and night. At first we lured some of the assa-sins under false pretentions, but when they began to disappear the others fled like proverbial rats in a sinking ship. If they tried to flee the net cast about them they were simply shot. Others we would extract information from especially when threatened by a slow agonizing death at the hands of the Indians instead of a sterile bullet to the brain. And still others like Ringo were given no choice screaming and cursing as they were led away by the Salish. They never showed mercy and in turn were never granted mercy. Some men are wicked from birth and remain that way throughout their life. Their capacity for evil has no bounds. It is simply a mystery why people do what they do. There is no reasoning……. None escaped.
The Committee of Twenty was now fully aroused as we sowed seeds of discord among them. In an attempt to quell their fear and suspicions a secret meeting was set up with all members required to attend. Privy to their clandestine meeting and location we secured the entire perimeter and the Salish quietly dispatched any guards. Consoling themselves in their plans of protection both personal and financial they medicated their fears with copious amounts of bourbon and brandy.
Then a small army burst upon the scene removing weapons and anything of value. A roar of indignation ensued until one of the most vocal had his tongue cut out and his hair removed by the Salish. Quietude now prevailed and I walked out before them without disguise or gloves. Startled expressions and a loud murmer passed between them. ‘But you are dead. How can this be’? Then an icy fear paralyzed their minds and bodies as I began to speak. ‘Your arrogance has reached the Heavens and the cries of the innocent whose blood you have shed and the multitudes who had their dreams and hard work devoured by your greed testify against you. You left shattered lives scattered about like fresh dung to be avoided as you crossed the street careful not to soil your boots or dirty your britches. You are an evil seed and like Cain you do the works of your Father who was a liar from the beginning. Tonight is a taste of what awaits at Hells Gate’.
Legal documents were signed with Ambrose presiding over the occasion, leaving their enormous wealth to a trust dispensing it to families and citizens of Helena and Lewis and Clark County and establishing charities and places of refuge for the needy. No one hesitated to sign as the Salish mingled with the crowd their faces fierce covered in paint.
‘And now gentlemen’ I said, ’I bid you adieu’ as they began to sniff the air smelling the pungent odor of coal oil and kerosene. Scrambling and screaming in sheer panic they trampled one another trying to get out finding all the exits secured, the inferno consuming them all. Erasing all evidence of our presence the night sky illumined by the fire gave testimony to Heaven that I had indeed fulfilled my covenant and that righteousness prevailed.
Our sweet Priscilla arrived not two years into our marriage and the parson and Minnie were overjoyed delighting in the roll of grandparents. We traveled to Oregon so my parents and the entire community could meet Alexandra and Priscilla. My, what a great time of celebration was had as Priscilla like Angelica was passed all around much to the delight of the old men. And I remembered, ‘A child shall lead them’ as Priscilla helped heal the deep wounds and loss everyone had felt.
True to my word when Momma first met Alexandra she held her at arms length staring deeply into her eyes and then began to smile, slowly shaking her head back and forth as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. ‘Elle est si belle parfaite en tous points’…… She is so beautiful, perfect in every way.
La fin