the exodus of man
go lightly……..rider
the morning sky awakens cloudless but gray
smoke fills the horizon
the rich men north of richmond are on the hunt
you are the prey
pausing you listen your senses alert
someone follows
leaving the main trail while covering your tracks
you wait watching
soon you will know friend or foe
go easy….…rider
but don’t delay
fires rage it is the fourth turning
not the first time but surely the last
an iron fist in a rainbow colored glove
the burning platform stoked by man’s basest desire
predators they know everything the ancient promise
destroy the seed of the woman
kill the heir
steal the inheritance
the final triumph
a boot print on the face of man
go softly……..rider
a misty isle of indecision
faded dreams still prevailing
time will expose and will not lie
secrets for the telling
it is the scrutiny of heaven
what we get is what we earned
it is the justice in judgment
no loaf without the leaven
go bravely……..rider
a solitary man you face the enemy
lightning flashes with flames of fire wind and smoke that sinuously ascends
the earth absorbing an abundance of callous calamity
now saturated it sighs it is enough
this is its final act it will consume no more
scavengers gather as carcasses fill the ground
so dense they touch one another
there is no place for the sole of your feet
birds of prey assemble
the sky darkened by the sheer number
eagles vultures the kite and the falcon
fattened by this toxic display
multitudes in the valley of decision
the noise is deafening the fear palpable
alas seek not the living among the dead
go wisely…….rider
dwell in the castle of your mind
a fortress not withstanding
is holding on making you strong
or perhaps it is letting go
but never giving up
not letting tomorrow come as an arbiter of regrets and failed dreams
so you change where you stand
seeking higher ground a greater view and unexpected discovery
go boldly……..rider
atlas shrugs olympus rises
and mercury is in retrograde
it is an event horizon and the crossing of the rubicon
there is no returning
the sea of humanity gives up her dead
as step by step they ascend to the top of the tower
an open door apollyon greets you
he is the keeper of the gate
your descent is into hell
where fires await
go humbly……..rider
there is a great wonder in heaven
a woman clothed with the sun
the moon under her feet
birth pains in the wilderness a son is born
caught up to the throne
the remnant of her seed must fight
it is a life or death struggle
the line in the sand is drawn
go quietly……..rider
the mountain has a heartbeat the sky a voice
and in the wilderness a whisper
your raison d’ etre is spoken
you pause to rest your head on a pillow
the storm like a lullaby rocks you to sleep
the path stretches out before you
it is the exodus of man
all creation groans in travail
and a new genesis awaits
A wagon careens dangerously down the dirt street, the horses spooked and a young boy on board. Risking his life a young man is able to climb onto the wagon and grabs the reigns pulling hard stopping the horses rescuing the boy. Years later that same boy, now a man, stands before the courts to receive his sentence. Recognizing the judge as the young man who once saved his life he pleads for leniency throwing himself upon the mercy of the court thinking to gain favor. The judge looked steadfastly upon the prisoner and spoke. ‘Once I was your savior now I am your judge. Having despised the gift once offered, now you must pay the price. Truth or consequences. You made your choice. Your sins have found you out’.
man cannot control the consequences
he can only control his decisions
and it came to pass just as it was spoken