child of the west wind
lamentation pour le feminin
‘oh wild west wind thou breath of autumn’s being
lift me as a wave a leaf a cloud’
thy unseen presence so soft upon my cheek
a zephyr my soul endowed
it is the marketplace and souls are for sale
flesh offered at the modern alter of baal
make an offer the auctioneer cried
19 to a dozen cheap he implied
tramp stamped arms chest femurs and fibulas
on fat fleshy miasmic display audacious
piercings anywhere but the sole of your feet
every orifice a jeweled replete
color by clairol or garnier
lost in endless night in the middle of the day
you lick the dust and grovel on the ground
no one is interested lets leave there’s nothing here to be found
no originality only cult-ure clones divested of anything sound
and there are others still who own to their sexuality so dear
eyes cleverly colored with lashes shadow liner and mascara
kohl kajal and surma dressed to dare ya
throwing your lariat dressed to reveal not conceal
sensuously to a submissive slavish beggar conceding his will
he knows what you’re selling and he really doesn’t care your power so prevailing
the pendulum has swung now suspended in tyranny and aggression
fabricating the female an image of hate and repression
now you climb to the top of the corporate ladder
you’ve come a long way baby a hollow victory as you stand alone and lonely
at what a cost does this really matter
‘and in those wonderous far off days
the women will adopt a craze
to dress like men and trousers wear
and cut off their locks of hair
they’ll ride astride with brazen brow
as witches do on broomsticks now
and wives shall fondle cats and dogs
while men live the same as hogs’
awaken oh west wind ye angels of summers sweet assent
and then I saw you dressed in blue and flowered print
clothing your feminine form to ankles with all its content
red hair the color of mahogany genuine and authentic
with ringlets and tresses below your shoulder
blow oh west wind and rebuild anew
beautiful and divine
an image of the feminine virtuous
once existing only in my mind
you turned and smiled
and I knew with you the feminine was alive and greater than all this baleful display
a child of the west wind and all that was good to be admired
the true female and divine feminine together a most fragrant and beautiful bouquet
you are the water rivers and sea