night cometh but also the morning
with only a breath of breeze
the leaves escape the trees
soon silent sentinels to the requiem of fall
clear nights beckon cold mornings
an intoxicating elixir to a weary traveler
offering a refuge from the heat
an ephemeral moment captured
etched forever in our mind
one of those rare days when our body is enfolded
in color sight and sound
a lovers embrace
not a fading nocturnal dream leaving without a trace
the sun sits over the equator
in its assigned position as daylight wanes
and above……. the sound of honking announces their arrival
geese in military formation
hummers hiding in their fleece
catching a ride to a warmer destination
like snowbirds courting the sun and pleasant accommodations
you seek a place far from the foolishness of youth
and the ignorance of the elderly
perceiving life as a path yet unfolding
not looking back with faded memories and unrequited dreams
what might have been a bud never blooming
it is the seasons of our lives and the reasons for our living
bearing in our bodies the passage of time
weary worn scarred but still standing
knowing that the ignorance of consequences does not change the outcome
shades and shadows silhouettes and suspicions
everywhere and everything somewhere ahead
it is the hinterland remote existing but seldom observed
the simple do not tread there
satisfied with smoke and mirrors and trivial solutions
but beyond this childlike simplicity lies the complex very complex
a maze in a palisade of lies
a mosaic of deception
part of the ninety and nine or the one still sought after
walk softly
for in the darkness you must find the way
and if you find you must keep your own council
in the private chambers of your mind
it remains unspoken
no one else needs to know
you do not bend with the wind
the changing tide of man’s transgression
the foundations secure the sacred rite upheld
effortlessly across the shimmering surface of time and expanse
summer is swallowed by fall and fall by winter
verdant fields once clothed with green mantles
now hide beneath the power of snow
you cannot harness winters voracious appetite
so inside you warm yourself by fires glow
come journey fearlessly deep into the forest with majestic peaks
and blue clear skies with crystal clear nights kissed by the stars
endless oceans await as clouds dance in an azure heaven
and tranquil days reign supreme
the sun moon and stars look down with envy
for your labor has ended faithful servant
enter into your rest as angels assembled in grand parade grant you entry