a pandelon delivery

A long time ago darkness covered the deep and the earth was void and without form. And God moved upon the face of the waters and drove them back creating the dry land. And there was a new genesis. Ample evidence in the earth’s stratum support multiple catastrophism’s preceding the present paradigm. And this is not the last, for this present earth and all its elements shall melt with fervent heat and then the next beginning with a new heaven and new earth this time where righteousness dwells.

And in the councils of Heaven on a cosmic calendar a rare event was set to arrive at a predestined time. So rare, modern technology suggests that the last time this happened was millions of years ago. How do we know for certain? We don’t, but then does that really matter? What we know is that this event will not be seen again in our lifetime. We are the habitants chosen to witness this unfolding. It is the path of Nineveh’s crossing, two along the path of totality and eight altogether with one in Canada. These present Ninevehs are often called with an additional moniker such as Township. It is also the time of Nimrod’s folly, accredited for building ancient Babel (Babylon) with it’s mysterious ‘tower of power’, the creator of ‘the cities of men’ and the wicked city of Nineveh, ‘the place of the fishes’. ‘No place is God forsaken unless it is the cities of men’. Visited by the reluctant prophet Jonah, he was the only sign the saviour would give regarding his life and second return; three days and nights in the bosom of the beast, 40 days to repent before judgment, the Bar-Sagale eclipse over Nineveh, and in Jerusalem darkness from the sixth to the ninth hour.

Here in Conus (Continental United States) there were two solar eclipses during the Revolutionary War and a total solar eclipse preceding the civil war on May 26, 1854. Unknown to most of the nation because its path was over just a portion of the Northwest. However it was preserved in pictures for the first time with daguerreotype images.

In 2017 ‘The Great American Eclipse’ spanned the entire continental US only. The 2024 eclipse spans 13 states and three countries traveling over 9,000 miles entering the US at Eagle Pass, Texas, ground zero in the Niagara of illegals, now in the tens of millions changing the complexion of this country and its once proud racial stock into a laughing stock, and the Eagle, a symbol of the United States, witnessing the dismantling of our borders and national sovereignty by deliberate design and a coalition of allied forces; the cabal, the cartel, and the global power elite, the enemy within and the enemy without. Deprived of borders we don’t have a country…….only a land mass.

The path of the 2017 eclipse together with the 2024 eclipse create an X(on its side) and loosely on those paths the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet Tav, (mark. sign, truth, and perfection). Add the annular eclipse path of 2023 and you get the symbol for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph (origins, oneness, leader). The first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, a name Christ called himself. The crossing of the 2017 and 2024 paths is adjacent to Carbondale, Illinois. Think carbon copy and carbon foot print. Without carbon there is no life. The area is also known as ‘little Egypt’ when their abundant harvests help feed their less fortunate neighbors in the mid-1800’s.

The current signs in the heaven under consideration begin with an annular lunar blood moon eclipse on March 25th and the crossing of the Pons-Brooks ‘Devils Comet’ in its 71 year cycle in space. A comet was also visible in 1861 at the start of the civil war dubbed the ‘War Comet’ adding to the insane inexplicable enthusiasm for the war. Remember the picnics and parasols at the battle of Bull Run. Oh what fun until suddenly terror struck. On April 4th we have four planets; Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars in alignment as well as a large planetary alignment on April 20th of five planets of the aforementioned and the addition of Mercury. There will be four conjunctions and between April and December a massive Nova explosion from 3,000 light years away and bright in the night sky for about a week. During the eclipse the Sun will be in the constellation Pisces (fishes) a water sign, while the constellation Cetus (the whale) will be directly above.

The shadow band created by the moon and sun, 91,000,000 miles from earth, will affect the entire land mass of Conus to varying degrees, as the equation of 400; the children of Israel 400 years in Egyptian captivity, the sun 400 times greater in size than the moon and the moon 400 times closer to the earth than the sun creates ‘The Great North American Eclipse’. On average a total eclipse happens every 370+/- years wherever you are in the earth. This triad is less than seven years apart and the ‘path of totality’ 115 miles wide has a centerline that passes right through my home town. I am awakened by a Pandelon message arriving at this precise time.

Do you tremble at the possibility of calamity, or do you tremble at the word of God?

The night was still young and the party a great success. Succulent meats, breads, sweets, and never ending amphoras containing wine helped release the recent tension felt with the massing of our enemies army outside the wall that protected our fair city with its hanging gardens considered one of the ancient seven wonders of the world. We mocked the attempts to breach our walls that were over 300 feet high, 60-80 feet wide, and protected by over 200 defensive towers. From this vantage point we could reign down hell on any adversary. Feeling impregnable and heady with wine the suggestion was made to bring the golden goblets and other vessels from the trophy taken years ago from Jerusalem and use them for the feast. ‘Please reconsider my King’, the voice of the Queen spoke, ‘those are sanctified and holy, used by the priests only, not even their King’. Ridiculing her suggestion I spoke, ‘the Hebrews are our slaves and their God is dead’. We will use their golden and silver vessels in a show of our power and invincibility’.

Thus the vessels were brought and with feigned homage they drank to the gods whoever they were. Then suddenly there were screams and the entire assemblage was hushed, as a hand appeared and wrote on the wall. It read, ‘mene, mene, tekel, uparsin’. The Kings loins began to shake, his face white with fear, as he trembled unable to stand. He called for all his wise men. counselors. astrologers, and diviners. None were able to decipher the writing. At his mothers suggestion Daniel was brought before the king, a wise and devout man in whom the spirit of the Holy God dwelt brought to Babylon with the first forced migration of captives from Jerusalem. Now old he rejected all the kings offers of wealth and position and upbraided his pride and arrogance. He then interpreted the message. ‘God has numbered the days until your kingdom will end. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and your kingdom will be taken from you and given to another’. Thus Daniel spoke and removed himself.

That very night the Medes and Persians unknown to the Babylonians diverted the water from the Euphrates River that fed the city. A few miles upstream and away from prying eyes a dam and diversion ditch had been erected. The river ran underneath the wall, and now rechanneled allowed the army to secret into the city along the empty river bed. The very next day the people arose surrounded by an enemy inside the wall, there city routed, there kingdom conquered, and their King put to death, all preceded by a lunar and solar eclipse evidenced to have happened prior to their demise.

Turn out the lights, the party’s over. In one day it will all be taken from you. The enemy is within and the Francis Scott Key Bridge representing all that was glorious and good about America has been sabotaged. America, mystery Babylon, your days are numbered, and the handwriting proclaiming your judgment is on the wall. Leviathan awaits lurking in her dark murky waters to suck you into the sea. Your watchmen watch in vain. Soon the waves will envelop you and the stars, silent sentinels will give testimony to your watery grave. While you sleep in your drunken stupor, there is a Titanic convergence of forces both in heaven and the earth; signs, symbols, and events, many more than have been addressed here. Note worthy is the activity of the sun forecast to be at a solar maximum for its present cycle sometime this year. And consider the epicenter of the 1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes will be in the Path of Totality. The ‘great’ comet was visible in the sky known as Tecumseh’s comet or Napoleon’s comet in Europe as a solar eclipse happened just three month’s prior to the first quake in December 1811. This trio of quakes represent the largest seismic event in US history, and due to the nature of the bedrock in mid-America an earthquake here can shake an area 20 times greater than those in California.

Time enfolds, history repeats………… and I can hear the bells in Boston!

The heaven’s drop down and this ‘Pandelon’ message has been delivered. Best be ready………….


lacey’s lament


la ley del fuego