la ley del fuego
the Law of the Fire
There is a law that governs the outcome of men and nations. It is unalterable, unwavering, and immutable. Events unfold in a cyclical fashion long ago ascertained by Socrates and today by modern frequency models. Nothing is random. Nothing by chance. What is, has been, nothing new, only the places and faces, as time folds back on itself only to repeat itself once again. There are no coincidences, no accidents. Incidences to be sure. God didn’t create the universe as nothing more than a church potluck, a Sunday social for creation to nibble at. And there is fire. And at the exodus of this present genesis fire is the element of choice to purge all men and all things. It will consume but not utterly destroy as that which was so tangible and solid is transformed and changed into another form, invisible, dwelling in the vaporous eithers.
Now facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored and what you see is now the color of gray in the form of pronouns, principles, politics, preferences, prejudices, play, profit, moral virtue, and racial integrity. Taken as a whole this fish bowl of unique peculiarities characterizes who you are or better yet who you appear to be, and want others to think. All are sinners. The world is getting awfully short on saints. And above it all, truth reigns. Not your truth or my truth. It can’t be dissected like that. It is only your present persuasion about something and surely subject to change. Truth does not change.
The history of man is the chronology of good versus evil. This is indisputable. But now at this pivotable juncture in time, writers, entertainers, historians, educators, politicians, preachers and massive media manipulation aided by psychic and electronic control exert ubiquitous dominion over the mind of men. The line between black and white, right and wrong, is obscured and blatantly designed to confuse and deceive. Over time this chord that binds is now so closely intertwined with strands of black and white down to a microscopic level and appearing gray. No longer is good and evil separate and distinguishable. Like DNA this serpentine twine has been melded into a single force and energy to deceive the whole world.
There is nothing of this world that has not been corrupted. NOTHING. If something is 100% pure what does it take to contaminate it? One drop. You consume it nevertheless and over time more arsenic is added, undetectable without taste or smell, until it kills you. The greatest lie is the one drop that renders the truth impure and less than its billing. At first it is not noticed so slight is the deviation. But given time the straying from the old path becomes self evident and destructive. How many things do we yet believe and adhere to that have no real basis in truth, because they are contaminated and defiled?
Now like a dead decomposing body laying in darkness do your thoughts ever ascend above the tragedy you call your life. Or are you so self involved with your family and friends, activities, vacations, work, and leisure as not to realize you are waste deep in dung.
Charon the ferry man is calling, sending souls across the River Styx into the underworld, as you robotically watch the daily recital on the news or at the Oscars, the teleprompter orchestrating what is said, and what you are told to believe as you sit absorbed by their rules of engagement. Perhaps it is daily episodes or a library of recorded fictional fantasy, police horror shows using force and their own rule of law giving the illusion they are dispatching criminals and crime. Does this make you feel safe as females are cast in the role of protectors, brutal, hostile, vulgar, and vicious in opposition to their true nature, the feminine betrayed and on the chopping block in the next episode. Family is forsaken as you strive to be just like a man, good as any man, as you protest for urinals in the powder room. A little messy but worth it. Better yet if the men have kotex dispensers in their bathrooms lets not make any distinction at all.
Go girl. You’ve come a long way baby. I ask. Does the slipper fit? Sorry Cinder-ella. Never has and never will. You didn’t just lose your innocence. You willingly surrendered it!
The fire will be heated seven times hotter for you, but still I think, not hot enough. Ah the fire. If you won’t willingly go into the fire now, you won’t have a choice later.
And it shall come to pass the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burned and dissolved with fervent heat. The purpose of fire is for purification, as the dross is brought to the top over heat, separated and removed. Just like gold that is tried in the fire, He sits as the refiner and purifier of the hearts of men. For there is one who walks in the midst of the fire. His garments are not singed and there is no smell of smoke on his person. This fire is much greater and not to be confused with the fire that burns within men, fueling their own pursuits, feeding their own passions. It is from above and is not defiled by the desires and appetites of men, and is not known to them, neither is it desired by them. It is not likely to fill their coffers or make their name great.
This fire extinguishes the lesser in order to fully prepare and provide for the greater. And remember you don’t have to be burned by actual fire, only in close proximity to extreme heat for your skin to peel right off your bones. Your flesh (lower nature which all are born with) does not desire or see value in that kind of fire, only enough to warm you from the cold. But all things will answer to this greater fire. For everything will be revealed for what it really is. You cannot serve two masters. For either you will love the world and all that’s of the world, the mistress of mammon, or you embrace the fire until only what is beautiful, undefiled, and eternal remains. All else is vanity.
For our God is a consuming fire!