Under the influence
“warm winds blowing heating blue skies
and a road that goes forever”…….
has the jury arrived at a verdict?
yes your honor
we find the defendant guilty of “living under the influence”
“What begins in the cradle ends in the coffin”
From birth and Brahms to death and a dirge nothing is done outside the canopy of influence. By the age of seven a child’s moral development and values are instilled, continually shaped by the social community. They are taught fantasy and fairy tales (some of which were written to obscure truth which could not be openly spoken), and others about the Easter bunny, who by the way does not lay or hide eggs and Santa Claus which is in the female gender (Must be a tranny). Their heroes are fictional characters, spiderman and wonder woman their minds programmed to believe in looney tune behavior and Disney perversion. We lead by example and what an entangled web we weaved when we at first set out to deceive, letting the tell-a-vision and movies baby sit and train our children. This early programing, the chain that binds, was a great detriment to the full potential and extraordinary development and possibilities of our children.
“I’ve been talking to my neighbor and he agrees with me ‘it’s all gone crazy”
The seeding of generations. Your five year old son expresses attributes of his grandfather, a smile, his laughter etc. You recognize them but your son never knew him, being born ten years after his death (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree). The blue print of our DNA and unique genetic code over thousands of years has been imprinted on us by all the generations that preceded us. Prejudices, preferences, perceptions, things we are attracted to and things we disavow. There are predispositions for diseases, habits, and addictions, nothing done independent of influences.
We are immersed in a sea of genetic manipulation. Food, soil, air, water every living thing being affected and infected. On a subconscious level we are saturated with electromagnetism, and a tidal wave of unseen forces continually accosting the shoreline of our mind. From the cosmos comes an enormous impact upon the earth. The sun primarily, now in a solar minimum its UV rays penetrating a weak protective ozone layer. The moon in it’s rotation affecting ocean tides, seismic fault lines and human behavior. In our solar system Jupiter has the third largest influence on the earth, and on occasion objects of other origins sometimes from deep space. On earth we spend on an average 11-12 hours a day on some type of screen consuming news, music, and entertainment, around three hours daily on the phone which translates into nearly a month and a half in 2022, looking at our phone about every four minutes or 344 times a day, while exposed to four to ten thousand advertisements a day. “Who has bewitched you?”. With only an illusion of choice who are we granting the control of our mind, what we eat,, listen to, wear , drink and think. There is no originality only conformity, forces using the prevailing content of our mind to generate a Pavlov response. Man is not only what he thinks, he is what he hides.
“The eyes are of no value when the mind is blind”
Who are the major influencers in your life? Parents, teachers, preachers, friends. Fill in the blank. Some for our good, others with their hands extended for gain, wearing what ever mask is needed for their advantage. Know who you can trust how far and with what. Often there is a unconscious selection of influence, attracting what we want to hear, someone who will agree with us about what we believe. “There is nothing more deceptive than the obvious fact”, the elephant in the room.
“can’t see nothin’ in front of me
can’t see nothin’ comin’ up behind
make my way through the darkness
can’t feel nothin’ but this chain that binds”
We are all products of imperfect parents and childhoods as our parents were ad infinitum. It’s time to put our big boots on. No more playing the blame game, no more victim consciousness. The face in the mirror every morning is the only one that has to change. Ask God to cleanse your vessel of all the deep recesses and dark repressed images of the soul bringing all your history into the light. Let go of all the generational baggage. I call the process “severe mercy”. Your cup can’t be filled until it’s first emptied. Simplify your life. Rid it of influences that do not elevate your soul. The benign sweet influences of Pleiades producing spring and summer and the angels, wind and fire, will always be with you
“The future influences the present
just as much as the past”
If it wasn’t a part of the culture
you lived in …..you wouldn’t do it