On the Borderline
I did not start this fire
but I will remain
for I am a keeper of the flame
When the smoke has settled as it curls and swirls up and up into the sky, there will arise a light in the darkness. Come make the climb…meet me…’On the Borderline.’
Feedlot freeways, modern cattle drives. You must work harder and harder to maintain your quality of life as now no straw will be provided for you to make your quota of bricks. You have a bucket list, bills to pay, mouths to feed as your purchasing power is in dismal decline and your assets in monetary freefall. But you stay in line, myopic, lost, and blind, ITunes and cell phones helping you to pass the time, still worshipping at the feet of mammon, the Almighty dollar, until herded into a shute (off ramp), castrated and branded, your resting place on a plate, food for the rich man. A present day cattle drive, to work and back home again. You go astray in herds, and if you return it is only one at a time.
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
keep those dodges rollin’
move ‘em on head ‘em up
head ‘em up move ‘em on
Is this the good life, this insane Christ-less chaos, the new normal, the enlightened brave new world spoken of by their prophets? Our cities are forsaken as darkness descends cloaking out the light, as we desperately cling to the mantle as a dominant world power. We are buried in immense levels of debt, vacuous leadership, willful inexcusable ignorance, and a military focused on wokeness. And as the fabric of American society is being torn to shreds we still speak of the future and all our personal plans as if nothing has changed. ‘There are only two alternatives…..Christ or chaos’. Do you really believe you will own nothing and be happy?
And there is fire, Rachael weeping for her children refusing to be comforted for her children are gone. 64 million babies since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. We have become the executioners, the ’Angel of Death’. These aborted fetuses are used in pharmaceuticals, medical procedures, cosmetics, and food to enhance taste and prepare the pallet for cannibalism. How many more babies conceived in America are slated for death? Where are the guardians of the unborn? Add to that the millions of innocents, non-combatants wherever are boots touch the ground. America what have you done…..what have you become? Like a beautiful starlet adored and idolized by all, now old and ugly as all the cosmetic surgeries have only created some apparition faintly resembling the glory days, not loved and venerated any more. And there is fire…it will all be in flames --freedom, fuel, food, farms, and a future. The smoke ascends. There is no escaping the night stalker. And there will be blood…. so great a flow and high as the horses bridle. We have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. Relentlessly our enemy never stops. He must devour, satiated only with blood.
And I beheld a wonder in Heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, travailing in birth. She flees into the wilderness to a place prepared, shielding her from the Dragon who sought to devour the child. He is caught up into Heaven and they rejoice, but woe to the inhabitants of the earth for the Dragon is angry, cast out of Heaven and his time is short. I seek safe passage. Like Zebulon the corn stalks I will not bend as I flee from the wrath to come. Give me a double portion, strength for the task. Girding up my loins, Ahab will not precede me. I run. The stench of the Dragon’s acrid breath fills my lungs. Energized by pure evil and undeviating, but he will never catch me. The borderline is in sight. He cannot cross over. For border and line are two witnesses each conveying the same meaning of a boundary, found somewhere between Heaven and earth. The merchant of death and his stream of wanton destruction stops here. I fear no evil.
‘Can you hear me, can you hear me runnin’, can you hear me callin’ you’?
There is a light that shines like a beacon in the dark. Come I await you in a different land with a different sky and different time line………’On The Borderline.’
All these little ones who died so young, stillborn, by spontaneous abortion, aborticide or infanticide have a very special place in heaven. They mature although still a child and one day there will be a wonderful recognition and reunion.