The solace of silence
“He walks in quiet solitude the forest and the trees
seeking grace in every step he takes”
Around us a guttural soup of sound
a 24/7 marathon of music, voices, and clatter
mostly an addiction to the nothingness of noise inescapable and enslaving assaulting our ears and space
every day silence hinged to constant sound
if not in my ears certainly in my mind
But silence is wisdoms best reply more eloquent than words golden
silence and time a great necessity and a luxury when found
all that is essential coming from quietness and waiting
the restless and fearful must do something the wise in stillness waits
finding a true friend in knowledge that stillness guards always awake
to be silent and at rest is beautiful the stars in the night sky not making a sound
we listen best when silent we are quiet not blind our hearing unbound
the morning light reveals a solitary eagle flying in the heavens
listen as he speaks
do not forsake the ancient way to walk on other paths and not with the meek
quietness and observation will guide you
the most excellent of teachers to seek
there are times for laughter the sound of wind in the pines the rhythmic procession of the sea of children playing a friend in season and a loved one whose voice caresses our ears to everything there is a time and a season and learn we must to listen to be silent and to be still
listen is an anagram to silent