The Devil went down to Georgia
the devil is dealin’
and he holds the cards
are you sure you want to sit in at this table pard
what game will you play
your soul is at stake
its his game
will you take the bait
you can not beat him
he’s a cheat liar and snake
most choose the broad way at quite the cost
playing a game they cannot win
dead men walking they’ve already lost
prop them up once again
there is no escape
you’ve sealed your fate
just look down under
at what it’s become mate
with destiny you have a date
in hell there are no friends
only judgment to await
you love a lie more than the truth
by the way how well do you play the fiddle
show me the proof
the devil will order a few rounds
to medicate the blow
in the end you always reap just what you sow
johnnie told it in a story
played it in a song
and he’s never been known to be wrong
chicken in a bread basket pickin’ out dough
granny does your dog bite
no child no
thanx charlie