The Rise of the Spirit of the Skinwalker

This article is written so that you might understand the nature of the forces arrayed against us, the link between antiquity and the present.

Respect the power…….. You do not overtake a strong man in his house unless you are stronger than he. There are places in the earth that you should not go. Cursed and guarded, great evil lurks there. Even the angel Michael disputing with the Devil over the body of Moses did not bring a railing accusation but simply said “the Lord rebuke you.” All power is given to us in heaven and earth but we do not yet heal the sick, raise the dead, feed thousands with a few loafs and fishes, get gold from the fishes mouth…..not yet! Always respect the power. Our enemy still reigns as prince and this is his domain. One day we will possess the power and his Reign of Terror will be over.

circa 1540 A.D. A brief overview…..

Coronado and his forces arrived in the southwest eventually settling in the best farmland leaving many homeless, using the native inhabitants as slaves and servants. The Spanish did share many beneficial concepts teaching about animal husbandry, structural design etc., while establishing missions in their desire to make proselytes for the church. In 1680 the Navajo and confederate tribes began to push back and the Spaniards whose ranks had been thinned and not acquiring the riches they hoped for retreated. Mexico came next establishing strongholds through out the West. Texas was annexed in 1845 and a treaty in 1846 ended Mexican dominance in favor of the rising star, the USA. (Please note….this historical narrative is short as history is written by the victors and then altered over time by historians for the benefit of the ruling elite who want to control what you believe…about yourself, your culture, and your history, the truth of who you are. Put no trust in its authenticity.)

Initially the motive of the skinwalkers was to be able to spy on their intruders and take back the information gained to protect their people. Ancient tradition, myth, and legend from the Pueblo, Apache, Hopi, and especially the Navajo, testify to their ability to assume the form of most any animal which allowed them to travel quickly and hide in plain sight. These dark creatures often dwell in high, dry, barren territory like the Four Corners region of the Southwest. Their existence now being evidenced by numerous books, testimonials, and the paranormal activities of the “Skinwalker Ranch” in Utah and throughout this region. Cautious individuals are sharing their horrifying experiences, although the Navajo themselves will not speak openly about skinwalkers, only with very guarded conversation and rarely ever with an outsider for fear of reprisal.

The Spanish may have left….the skinwalkers didn’t. They now focus their attention on their own and anyone who ignorantly or purposely enters their dominion, shape shifting in to the form of most any animal they want to take the power of i.e. crow, wolf, predators. A therianthrope of the night morphing and wearing the skin of the animal they want to take the shape of. Their power is used for profit and retribution. They can read minds, control thought and behavior, trigger disease and illness, destroy property, cause death……just like modern medicine and technology. They can mimic the voice, cry, and whistle of an individual to entrap you, run as fast as a car and jump high cliffs. Reanimating corpses of the dead, with whom they commit necrophilia, they live on the unexpired life of victims. They must continually kill or perish. After initiation into the witchery way they must kill a near relative. They appear deformed, animalistic, and a blazing orange red. They are pure evil! They look human in the day, but they transform at night under the cover of darkness.

Germaine to this article is how our minds our being captivated through neuro weapons, chemicals , and psy-ops, the spirit of the skinwalker subtly exerting its influence. Shape shifting NanoSynBio entities mineralize in our bodies through physiological and pathological processes. They spontaneously reassemble in your body, changing your identity from human to hybrid…a synthetic humanoid. They are invading your blood and organs even as you read this post. Nano-bots planted in our bodies, replicate and can be remotely controlled. As the earth is being terraformed through the continual poisoning of our air, water ,soil, and food there is an unparalleled intrusion into our body and mind. There are evil incantations in books, movies (Harry Potter and the same ilk), music (where initiates sell their soul to Satan through ritual and consent to secure their success), the roll out of 5G “I phone, therefore I am”, GMO’S and artificial synthetics in food with manufacturers like Pepsi and Procter and Gamble who reject family values using satanic rituals to promote their products and sales, and our worship of witchcraft through drugs (pharmacia-the root word for pharmaceuticals) with tens of thousands dying each year, the 4th leading cause of death in America. 70% 0f the population is using.

It was in the early 1900’s that John D. Rockefeller used his power and wealth to alter the course of modern medicine rejecting natural earth derived remedies for petro based pharmaceuticals, building an empire of immense fortunes for a few, while robbing us of our health and wealth (health is wealth). Now, there are despotic demands from desperate men. Is this the time of the Pale horse of the apocalypse? Millions of souls are in the balance. The age of Aquarius has dawned. Judgment is set. Do not look back longing for normal. Normal does not exist. Events will happen. On all fronts be prepared.

A word of praise for doctors, nurses, paramedics and all others who give selflessly for the benefit of mankind. They put broken bodies back together, use emergency procedures to save countless lives and perform surgeries to help us in our time of need and crisis. For all you do we salute you.

P.S. And for those in the medical profession taking a stand against these forced inoculations, 60,000 in New York City alone……..a standing ovation!!!

“Fear not them who are able to kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell” Matt 10:28

“The curse causeless does not come.” Prov 26:2


Five kernels of corn


of Sand and Stone