of Sand and Stone

innumerable as sand…….built upon stone…….the Kingdom that we seek

water through persistence not force hallows out stone

the storms of life shape the shore, a boundary decreed for land and nations.

the foolish man built upon the sand………the wise man on the rock(stone)

I stand at the edge of the ocean facing eastward, the direction of our primitive origins. Eden is not there, but the land of Havilah still abounds, though not found. The Pamir plateau and surrounding civilizations give testimony to our early habitations. I look back and down at my footprints erased by two gentle waves. LIfting my eyes I see wave after wave indiscriminate one from the other. 385,000 were born this day, 140,000,000 every year. Unless you are a rogue wave or a tsunami you likely will be remembered by only a few. Life is a vapor, a mist, like footprints in the sand the cycle of the symbiotic conjugal relationship of birth and death rolling on as the earth absorbs the bodies and blood. One day the sea, a major gateway for the diaspora of nations and cultures will give up her dead and reveal her secrets. Until then in our present state of somnambulism we get up each day and go about our duties…. but we are still asleep. Trained from birth, children are taught to behave and be like adults more or less adjusted to this mad world of normalcy with over 450 definitions of mental health disorders, automatons appearing as human. We immerse ourselves in the herd mentality for a mess of pottage, consumerism and the constant spending and accumulation of worthless wealth, one in the latest of great American tragedies. We work so we can spend, put it on credit, pay for it twice and buy it all over again when the new latest and greatest is introduced. The condition of the normal man…a slow suicide. Normal has been responsible for the killing in the last fifty years of approximately 100,000,000 of other normal people. Our behavior is an attribute of our experience. What we see is what we do. A living death……. lives led in quiet desperation…….the habit of years so hard to break.

There are troubles in the sand, blessing in stone. Documentation of records of importance were often written and painted on stone …never in sand. In sand only castles and dreams. Out of the heart of the fire we were given the ten commandments written by the finger of God. The original written on both sides on stone tablets within and without symbolizing the law written on our hearts as well the rules for our governance. Out of the midst of the stones of fire will He raise up children fit for the kingdom. It is also the stone cut out of the mountain without hands that will give us the victory over the beast. Build a wall of stone like Hadrian, still standing, a symbol that Rome still rules but stone nevertheless. Have the heart of a stone that adversity can only shapen, never wash away. Stand like a wall. Things lie behind us and before us. What lies within us?

Once again I stand at the oceans edge. The surf washes away the sand between my toes. I feel my feet sinking as the last rays of the evening cast their final feint light of luminesence in the western sky. East to west the prophetic tale completed. Journey accomplished. The passage of the sands of time complete. How much is left in your hourglass?

“Advice from a rock(stone)

Try your hardest

stay grounded

start each day with a clean slate

keep still

be well rounded

live in balance

never take life for granite”

“The stone age didn’t end because people ran out of stones”


The Rise of the Spirit of the Skinwalker


The Elevator