
“a shadow is never created in owes its birth to light”

there are things just beyond our grasp

a fleeting image a ghostly apparition

a smokey vapor gone so fast

a knowing….something or someone is there

our eyes fail us as does our touch

this is beyond our five senses but recognized by others though obscure always aware

an innate knowing a intuition a gut feeling the second brain

dwelling in a conscious dimension beyond our casual observance

speaking to us not audible but with whispers like a gentle rain

our lives are lived like a shadow

an arbiter between darkness and light

sometimes murky sometimes clear

a phantom of the dawn and the dusky obscurity of moons glow at night

often beautiful sometimes flirtatious dancing

a dreamworld of a young virgins romancing

what becomes of each of us then our great reveal

can only be known in transparency beneath the patina and conceal

the light reveals what has always existed

sometimes forces and entities horrible and monstrous

macabre testimonies told by survivors of encounters

a hideous strength bizarre and twisted

feeding in the darkness using ignorance stupidity and lawlessness

seeking souls willingly compliant easily manipulated and captive

slaves to evil which often masquerades as light

justifying themselves while they live in wantonness

make no miscalculation the Hounds of Hell have been unleashed

millions of demonic ghouls possessed and energized by Satan

stirred with rabid rage immense anger and bloodlust

this nation being gutted great judgment being released

the medical establishment and pharmaceutical nexus only smile

if not by abortion(murder) then we will kill by injection

this consortium now the number one cause of death in America

the cause offering the cure masked in their guile

there is a light that shines to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death to guide their feet in the way of peace dwelling under the shadow of the most high with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning understand we have been warned about the evil that is being poured out described as abominable filth it is coming to pass just as it was spoken likewise nothing can prevent all the good that our future holds

come out of her and be separate we cannot cling to the world and to the ways of the heathen(unbelievers) that surround us we cannot serve two masters we must not attempt to confront this level of evil until we are fully prepared you do not take this cloak upon yourself these chosen souls are presently hidden their whole life spent in preparation for this great climax of the ages

“to light a candle is to cast a shadow”

“do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow”

often we are fearful of darkness and shadows even in a place familiar only to realize as the sun arises that nothing has changed its all the same

Shadow Knows




A long walk for the Dead