Standing on the old shoreline now hardscrabble, silt, and sand I lift my gaze to the distant water stretching out below the dam. Now at 30% of capacity white ringed walls and old wreckages giving ample evidence to the shorelines retreat. I am joined by a stranger. We greet. ‘Where are you from’ I casually ask. ‘Not from here’ he replies. ‘Tell me’ He inquires ‘what do you see with your spirit as well as your eyes’. Pausing I consider his request. ‘It started with the construction of Hoover Dam also known as Boulder Dam in the early 1930’s. Built by a consortium named The Six Companies, Inc. It stands as a monumental accomplishment an icon in the West, built at the cost of over 100 lives. Its base is over two football fields wide, and it stands over 60 stories high superseded only by California’s Oroville Dam. There was enough concrete used in the dam to build a 2-lane highway from San Francisco to New York City. Hoover in tandem with the Glen Canyon Dam provide power to over 7 million customers, though now generating at a greatly diminished capacity. Lake Mead was created and when full is the largest reservoir in the US located 24 miles from Las Vegas. At maximum capacity it is 112 miles long, 532 feet deep, with a surface area of 247 square miles. It provides water for several states, some of Mexico, and acres of rich farmland. It is currently at a level of 1041’. At 950’ there will be scant power production and at 895’ water will cease to flow. We would then have a DEADPOOL. However, Las Vegas has determined to suck every last drop of water from Lake Mead boring a tunnel 600’ deep X 24’ wide underneath the lake, a seven-year project to provide water for the city even if for no one else. With only a population of 5,000 in the early thirties it is now the home of over 2,800,000 in greater Las Vegas entertaining over 40,000,000 revelers each year. It is a playground of perversion and pleasure flaunting the moniker ‘Sin City.’ The lights along the strip are the brightest place on earth when looked at from outer space, the Luxor Light seen by pilots over 200 miles away. ‘So’ he comments, ‘Nero fiddles, Rome burns, and the children play. How has it come to this he asks?’ ‘Well, for over twenty years there has been a drought in the west, some calling it a megadrought with ample evidence in the earth’s stratum of cycles of weather some producing drought. The sun in its cycles is at solar minimum, possibly a grand solar minimum, along with the extraordinary causative factor of covid climate operations, the geoengineering of earths weather causing drought, insufferable heat, floods and inexplicable weather anomalies. Well did LBJ say in 1962, “He who controls the weather will control the world.” ‘Ah’ he utters, ‘LBJ, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, FDR, Churchill, Kipling, Ford, Graham, Peale, Disney, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Trump to name a few, all 33` masons and part of a powerful secret society that vows to maintain the purity of their Luciferian doctrine. Many suits, different hats, same agenda’. ‘What is to become of the masses in the West’ I asked. ‘It will be like Vesuvius and Pompei’, he spoke. ‘Most will wait until it’s too late. Multiple warnings will be given but in a state of denial they put their trust in men, their own devices, and their god the government. The words of the prophets will fall on deaf ears. At the appointed time distress will break out on multiple fronts. Like a roller coaster the slow climb will eventually get you to the top and then the high-speed fall. There is a law of exponentials working here. Take a typical football stadium, seal it up, and begin to fill it full of water starting with a single drop and doubling the amount every minute (1-2-4-8-16…). How long do you think it will take to fill the stadium? Days, weeks? Only 50 minutes. At the 45-minute mark how full do you think it will be? 3/4 or 7/8’s? It will only be 7% full needing only the remaining 5 minutes to reach full capacity. It will be a domino effect. Don’t be caught out in the storm without power (what you put your trust in), protection, provision, and water. You will find yourself in a DEADPOOL! I turned to face him, but he was gone. A cold chill engulfed me as I involuntarily shuttered. Then I walked up the bank, paused, looking in every direction, got in my truck and headed home. And I thought, this is not about anyone else, what they think, what they are doing, how they live, even my loved ones. They are not answerable to me, each of us only to the High Court of Heaven…..
‘they would not listen, they don’t listen now
they would not listen, they’re not listening still
perhaps they never will’
An island in a sea of bayou backwater
the stage is set, the props erect
and me…….I’ve got a boat to float