secrets lies and alibies
tell me no secrets…..whisper no lies
ask me a question…’ll only get alibies
Pssst! come near, let me whisper a secret in your ear. I know you will tell. No one is so fond of secrets as those with no intention of keeping them. Secrets are often lies by another name and seldom parted. A lie told once is still a lie, but given time and many telling’s it retains a new status now regarded as truth. Add a historical profile written long after the supposed fact, with personal testimonies and pictures while you fill in the byline. It will appear quite believable even undisputable. Sitting in a circle the young people play ‘telephone’ passing from person to person a simple sentence that at the end is so misconstrued and often unrecognizable from the first telling. This seemingly innocent game of hearing and telling now far removed from the first person we now use in the platform of social media: facebook, snapchat, instagram in a tell all bear all format.
In the past where privacy mattered the old cowboy told it somethin’ like this. Ridin’ my horse and alone in my thoughts I am approached by two strangers. The thong is off my colt. ‘What’s your name?’ they inquire. ‘Who’s asking?’ is my reply. ‘Where you headed?’ ‘Well, I reckon that’s my business’. Givin’ me the stink eye they let me pass. Thus a cowboys meet and greet. We on the other hand bear all inviting a constant assault upon our privacy, an endless invasion by government, business, and a world wide web of surveillance. Just speak about something or do a web search. You will be inundated by unsolicited adds and telephone snake oil salesman.
It is self-evident that you place little value in privacy, spending on the average 145 minutes a day on your phone feeding at this trough of hog swill. Do you smell something? It is the rotting decay of putrid flesh, your mind full of waste and excrement. When will you learn to be quiet and still, shutting out all other voices so you can hear the voice of God? Do you prefer idle gossip and secrets making you feel special and party to exclusive information supposedly known only to a few, failing to consider you cannot trust people who tell other people’s secrets to keep your secrets. If you can’t keep your own secrets don’t expect anyone else to. Anyone who will tell secrets to you, will tell secrets about you. To tell other people’s secrets is a betrayal, to share your own is stupidity. Grief is increased by telling and sorrow follows a loose tongue. Some secrets are meant to stay secret forever, some tales should not be told.
Often the word secret is a misnomer, the words knowledge, information, or facts more appropriate but not as compelling. There is a plethora of books, editorials, seminars, and videos using the word secret. From the very start you are being lied to. There are no secrets only well crafted narratives enticing and profitable in the telling. You indulge at your own risk. Easily fooled and you are the easiest person to fool.
In a group of fifty people if each is told the same secret and none ever tells another is it still a secret if everyone knows? And if a hundred people all know the same secret how many would it take to tell the secret before it’s not really a secret anymore? Why would we tell a stranger, a passenger on an airline, a hairdresser or manicurist who provide tactile stimulation all, while withholding that same information from family and friends who need to know? Secrets can be insidious to families. There are things that need to be told. The excuse(alibi) that we wanted to protect a person is ruinous to relationships. If in a given situation if something is known to most everyone, including those who had no need to know but kept from you, just don’t tell ____ how does that make you feel? Born in the dark? it just wasn’t last night!
‘Little secrets can grow up to be big lies’
‘If you don’t want your enemy to know your secrets then don’t tell them to your friends’
‘Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead’.
A secret told is a slander shared. Heaven alone is worthy of our secrets
‘He revealeth the deep and secret things; he knows what is in the darkness. There is nothing that in time won’t be made known’
The secret things belong to God. I dwell in the secret place and I Am. Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. I trust in the covert of thy WINGS
do not tell me your secrets…. for I will not tell you mine