halfway to heaven

i breathe

not the breath of mortals

not the breath breathed into adam

then to all that had flesh

accompanied by dying decay and the sting of death

it is the very breath of heaven

not merely a lucid dream

this is not vain imagining

but a transcendent state of being

there is a staircase and light that illumines the way

a light as diverse as night is to day

not found in the dimension where darkness holds its sway

i no longer seek to acquire

for all is given all is mine

encompassed by pure sweet desire

it is the right of kings dereco divino de los reyes

as i think before i speak it is done

not tethered to the earth

unseen unheralded existing outside of the curse

i want for nothing understand all things

i know no boundaries i move through all planes

we see only what we are prepared to see

to you i am just another pilgrim on the way

existing but really not here any more

for those who have eyes to see come let me show you glimpses of things radiant and splendid

beyond the master pieces of mountain and isle

a magnificence that dwarfs the wonders of the world

always obtainable always there

but sadly so seldom sought after

without price stunning astonishing and rare

few will ever entertain these thoughts

doing only what others do drawing strength and finding courage in community

and some talk of things poor paltry and wholly insufficient only what they know

shallow hollow vessels

an entertainment and scripted show

even now i cannot speak in particular only in shadow and concealed form

things beyond the veil allowing no entrance remaining untorn

as an eagle i observe from a distance far above

sweeping down to intervene before returning ever vigilant ever watchful

tracking weary worn souls with healing in my wings lighting like a dove

from terrestrial to celestial to infinity and beyond

infinitely breathtaking and beautiful

forsaking the lesser to receive the greater

as the eye of a needle to the circumference of the universe

there is a stairway that exists shrouded in mist

take the first step climbing ever so high

soon you’ll be halfway to heaven under a different sky


secrets lies and alibies


the aroma of coffee