
I broke bread with you and listened more than talked

simple but honest conversation about the path you have walked

the litmus test applied truth is we all have things to hide

what is this this thing called life that we know so little about

and understand even less we are forced to confide

that’s how we all learn builds character you say

to fall get up dust ourselves off only to do it all over again we don’t seem to know any other way

our progress impeded by generations of breeding

the habit of years so hard to break we bow conceding

look at the face in the mirror an image by design

it looks back you noah nuthin’ so to our fate we are resigned

God help us we are truly pitiful creatures

making our way the very best we can

but it’s not enough, not even close

our life but a vapor washed away by the last wave on the sand

this is for those the few who can be honest enough

no more reciting the famous quotes from afar

telling us to accept just the way we are

we are shaped by our beliefs and I believe in a better way

learning by remembrance and not by the presumed only way

it is therefore in this moment that I begin to discern

one not rehearsed planned orchestrated or scripted

maybe with a friend or in solitude just you and your creator communion unpredicted

maybe a drizzle dropping droplets of liquid sunshine everything so alive

brilliant green colors effulgent images of irelands countryside

the sky and its colors pastels pinks blues and grays

or splashes of radiant reds and yellows white and dark gray cast in bold display

hummers play capture the flag around their feeders while bats dip and dive to a sonar symphony searching their prey

over head I watch as a bird it does fly effortlessly wings outspread catching updrafts and soaring now a dot in the sky

an idyllic evening with flowers fragrances and fall emboldened by a delightful coolness and soft breeze

the heat and toil of the day bowing to this seminal display a joyous moment for all creatures to sieze

the evening cast its shadows sculpted by moons glow

special moments life’s sweetnesses a lingering fragrance in your soul

not recognized when it first comes only after its departure

like angels unaware carried by the spirit a requiem to capture

defining moments

‘what lies before us and what lies behind us are little matters compared to what lies within us’

‘life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breaths away’

‘don’t let your past steal your present’

‘we don’t remember days we remember the moment’



The inescapable knowing


Children of the Veil