There are no cell phones in Heaven
but dogs are always welcome
‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and’….’Sorry I can’t answer the door right now, my cell phone is ringing. It might be important’!
We sit together. A chance for open honest conversation, old friends seldom seen. The cell phone rings. You jump up to get it. ‘You don’t have to answer that I interject’. ‘Yes I do’ is your reply, ‘it may be important, one of the kids’, already the sixth phone call today only removed a couple thousand miles away. If there was a problem there’s nothing you could do anyway. You made your choice. I get up and walk away. No one is more important than the person in front of you. You’ve already allowed your cell phone to replace your camera, calendar, and clock; now your friends. It’s your most valued possession, the regard that it is given and your judgment of what is most important in your life.
You’ve become a prisoner to your cell phone, thus the name, a slave knowing the price of everything, but not the true value of anything. It’s an addiction. You’re never far from your phone, placing it where it can be seen, always taking it with you, feeling naked, helpless, vulnerable, and lost without it. On average you view your phone 344 times a day, every four minutes using it nearly one and a half months of the year, subjected to 4,000+ ads and constant dis/mis information daily, forgetting the major value in life is not in material possessions, but what you become.
The best and most important things in life are not things and you alone determine what you value and live for, the principles and standards of your behavior. Besides you say I get inspiration from a hot gospeler on the tele(from a distance or far away)vision. You drop a name. Am I supposed to be impressed? It sounds biblical. He’s worth a multitude of millions, must be a man of God. After all with his gospel of seed sowing even the poor widow gives in her need hoping her stipend will be multiplied, while this skypilot secretly despises her meager amount, ‘got to be fatter purses to fleece’ he says.
But you believe. He tells you what God wants you to do. Sits at the council of heaven. Even God asks his advice. He knows what God is thinking. Standing at his raised pulpit(throne) coiffured hair, makeup, Gucci and Armoni he addresses current affairs, opening the scriptures while he cunningly intersperses his teaching with doctrines of devils, new age and the wisdom of the East while he associates with known personalities, flocks of a feather, the all-seeing eye in stained glass behind the pulpit presiding over the whole affair, this grand paganism called Christianity.
Saint Peter don’t you call me, I’m not sure I want to go. If there are no cell phones in Heaven, you decide quickly, I don’t need to go. After all I’ve got a new I(me, me,me)phone, narcissism on steroids, bloated ego, inflated self-worth, a great plan and extended coverage. It’s all I need, Heaven on earth. I’ve got my phone, one of many electronic devises that entertain, clutter my mind , and sabotage my thinking, my preacher and a fictional fairy tell past. Don’t trouble me with the truth (a lie waiting to be exposed). Besides Fluffy my cat doesn’t like dogs!
Ever wonder why the government gives crack pipes to the citizens and cell phones to illegals?
We are not throwing out the baby with the bath water. There are many good and legitimate reasons for cell phone use and you wonder how you ever lived without one. Now attached at the hip, a buzz in your butt, the new appendage of the modern world.
Have you answered the call? Not your cell phone…. but the Cross.