the watchmaker
time….an illusion but so strongly entrenched in our mind
The old man sat at a table in the back of the bistro facing the door. His silver gray hair reached his shoulders complimented with a trimmed beard giving him the look of a gambler at the Bull’s Head Saloon in 1860’s Abilene Kansas. He sat relaxed with his feet on a chair enjoying an Americano, soup and sandwich special. He appeared nonchalant, unconcerned, with a writing tablet making notes, enjoying his afternoon ‘le repas’. In truth he saw every movement, heard every sound, and ciphered every intention, aware of everything and everyone around him at all times. When the two gorillas walked into the cafe, one black and one white, they espied the room and upon discovering the old man, walked directly over to him with the look of a cat that had finally cornered its elusive prey, that troublesome mouse that continued to evade his capture, saying ‘We finally got you old man’.
Sitting his feet down he calmly looked up at the two muscled enforcers with clear gray-blue eyes sparkling with fire and ice. Grabbing him by his upper arms with their right hands an electrical shock caused them to shake, frozen in place, eyes bulging as he placed his hands on their forearms and twisted with the force of a hydraulic press shattering their elbows into a multitude of fragments, tearing muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vessels in the process. Releasing their grip they fell to the ground groaning in shock caressing what was left of their right arms. Standing the old man said simply, ‘I don’t think so boys’ and walked away seeming to pass through the glass entrance door. They then began to scream as the servers rushed to help them and the cook dialed 911.
Aware he was being tracked and surveilled, his every action being watched on multiple screens he nevertheless was not hurried or afraid. His appearance could be altered and he knew how to blend. The all seeing eye attempted unsuccessfully to monitor his every movement, appearing and then randomly disappearing evasive and eluding their web of entrapment that every other living being was imprisoned by. All of this new world and dystopian inane folly accomplished with the indifference and culpability of the masses. But if just one escaped their net, this meant the system was flawed and not fail safe and would eventually ‘imploser de l’interieur’. Just one to create great fear, alarm, panic, and confusion as the citadel of their power and control is threatened. No one must escape their systematic seduction, no one. And yet one apparently has.
What happened? When did it all fall down? It was not by chance, happenstance or random actions, but by deliberate design one step at a time. Now Apple with the logo of an apple with a bite out of it, a symbol of the fall in Eden, has introduced the M4 a neural engine capable of 38 trillion operations per second. It is the pinnacle of efficiency and performance with unprecedented levels of power and unparalleled graphics, where intelligence meets achievement. An ad called ‘crush’ showed the things that historically gave people joy; a guitar, piano, books etc. being ground to nothing with a colorful implosion of oozing liquid and a vocal in the background singing ‘all I ever need is you’. You are left with a slender hand holding an iPad. All things human now removed.
How do we survive? How do we stem the tide? Is it by rallying the masses and sheer numbers? And yet God doesn’t rely on might or numbers. Just ask King David. The greatest number is ‘one’, infinite and indivisible, the number of the watchmaker. Existing in the future and the past, a priesthood forever, dwelling in the moment. From the beginning of time to the end of days he witnessed the conception of lies and the ‘light’ kingdom. He understood the fall and then the return of man. He is the most dangerous of men. Not augmented, but fully Adam man clothed with the divine. Having everything he had need of nothing and did not covet any man’s position or possessions.
Satan has been loosed for a season, but soon his time would be up. Everything the adversary does is for his own benefit. When he speaks what is true he seizes the opportunity to beguile you into his labyrinth of lies. Your heart is not pure and you so easily succumb, only doing what is right in your own eyes. Justifying yourself but never inquiring if it is just in the eyes of your maker. It was truly a lawless time.
Knowing what was in the heart of man the watchmaker put is trust in God, all others would have to earn it. Moving furtively he reached a predetermined place shielded from electronic eyes. There he encouraged and provided for a remnant huddled together, beautiful rare souls, jewels in the King’s crown not Pyrite, CZ’s, or Fugazi. Knowing that if the days were not shortened no flesh would be saved from the polarizing power that encircled the whole earth, the watchmaker deliberately made a target of himself deflecting attention away from the ‘few’, the last vestiges of sanity in a world gone mad, Alfred E. Nueman’s present modernity, living the new normal on the path of perdition. With over 70 regulatory agencies issuing about 3,500 new rules every year, the regulatory code now a burgeoning 168,000 pages, John Q. Public commits on the average three felonies unknowingly every day that renders innocent activities illegal. At the discretion of the policing powers they are enforced.
Entering a mall the watchmaker knew when to take the fight to the enemy. Only there for less than 20 minutes alarms began to sound and the full panic stampede of the goyim began. Out with the goy and in with multiple swat teams and snipers. Positioning the snipers an orchestrated search began with orders to kill on sight. Moving swiftly the watchmaker would appear for a moment in the vicinity of the carabinieri, drawing fire that downed the hunters not the prey. ‘Stop fools’ a captain called out. ‘You’re shooting our own men’! ‘He’s only an old man isn’t he’? one of the snipers called in. ‘What in the Hell are we dealing with’? Then to a man they began to tremble.
Shock waves resounded around the nation as the lame stream media presstitutes and talking heads all harmonized reading from the same script. The final tally, if it is to be believed, showed two dozen men killed by a psychotic terrorist extremely violent and loose on the street and identified as part of the Kataib Hezbollah, (or party of God’s Brigades). Pictures of supposed terrorists whether dead or alive replete with their keffiyeh, beards, and sinister dark demeanor were paraded over and over again on your screens, a deep fake image to insure your persuasion.
Curfews were immediately implemented and daily travel discouraged except for extreme emergencies. Meanwhile the watchmaker appearing much younger sat by a window watching the scenery of an Amish countryside with its gangsta buggies hearing the nervous chatter of other clueless seat-warmers grey doggin’ on a loser limousine making more stops than a pregnant woman having to empty her bladder.
Taking an opportunity to rest he became aware of someone taking the empty seat beside him. Presently he raised his lids and turned to look into beautiful sky-blue eyes reflected in a mountain lake and as innocent, pure, and guileless as a child only months old and holding his gaze. ‘You’re him, him, the one’ she spoke almost whispering. Quietly after a long pause he said. ‘I was born into this world just like you. One of four children in a modest fractured home. At a given juncture my processing began in earnest. I am here to show others what they need to do and more importantly, what they can do for themselves. To see a need and fill it. Feeding thousands with a few loafs and fishes, with baskets of fragments left over. The divine multiplier. A dollar bill changed to a hundred in the giving. Not seeking your own advantage but only the good of others, and in the process having all your needs abundantly filled’.
Continuing I spoke, ‘when you look upon a city block with buildings and paved parking lots it exists only in its own time frame or allotment. Walking up to it you will be stopped by its solid dense material appearance or what we call matter. But it was not always there. It did not always occupy this space. Go back a short ‘distance’ in time and it’s structure you will not find. Just an empty field or forest of trees, but no solid mass to impede your progress. Take that journey in time and the present building cannot hinder or obstruct you as you can occupy the same space at different times. As well it has been proven that a single object can occupy two places simultaneously at least momentarily. And there is so much more’!
‘Everything that appears solid is not…It consists of atoms which are 99+percent empty space with a tiny spark of energy. Unshackle yourself from the concepts of time and space and that which appears or inhibits will change form. We have all built a prison in our minds defining and believing the myth of time, space, and matter, as we wear the shackles of gross limitation, taste not, touch not, handle not, and all that encompasses the transitory realm of things visualized by sight and conceived in our mind perishing when its use is complete. When these strongholds in the mind are assailed others will come tumbling down with them not unlike a building imploding on its self when prepared for demolition’.
Looking intently upon me Leia sighed, ‘What now? What are we to do’? ‘Stay close beside me’ I said, ‘as multiple objects can move through time and space concurrently. There are places of refuge through out the land mostly in the Wilderness of the West where the woman in Revelation is nourished for a time and season. The opportunity however to ‘flee to the mountain’ is almost past. These places exist outside of the fabric of time, preternatural and not subject to the enemies devices’.
‘I must continue to make myself a target of distraction so that stragglers can arrive, the acrid stench of the hounds of hell assaulting my senses but no further. Some won’t make it delaying their leaving thinking by November surely things will change and their ‘selected saviour’ will ride the tidal wave to victory and restore the land. Others will make the wrong decision for all the right reasons; vacillating family and friends, a baby in the basket, myriad excuses for delaying and not acting. The old adage ‘it’s never too late’ simply doesn’t apply’.
‘The entire duration of this present genesis has mirrored the enmity and bruising between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman, as the days are shortened in order to preserve flesh alive as ancient prophecies are fulfilled’.
Topping a small rise the bus suddenly slowed. Ahead a police barricade blocked the road. Looking at Leia I told her not to leave anything behind to suggest her being here. Hopefully she had no stowed luggage. Taking her hand we jumped from the seat to the ground passing through the bus. Though startled at the transition she never halted and ran behind me through a farmer’s field between rows of corn. I looked back to see her slightly falter and then grabbed her hand. ‘It was like running on air above the ground only skimming the surface moving effortlessly away from the scene’ she said. The sound of dogs barking following our scent faded but the thump-thump sound of helicopters drew near. Finding a horse barn we entered and covered ourselves with blankets to reduce our heat signature and deflect thermal imaging sitting next to a wall emanating a temperature close to our body heat. When all was quiet we secreted ourselves out a side door and away.
A little over two miles away was a small midwestern farm town. Discreetly we walked about and found Lula Belle’s cafe in the block and a half that Parump consisted of and took a seat in a back corner facing the door just like the cowboy’s did. Everyone stared as we were seated. After all in a town of 253 people, countin’ the stray dogs and cats, they don’t get many strangers. We felt like punk rockers at an Amish Sunday go to meetin’. Then Normajean saucied over, handed us menu’s, coquettish and playful, an adolescent Shirley Temple now all growed up replete with bouncy hair and curls and so crazy cute it hurt, obviously enjoying the moment, the attention, and everbody starin’. She seemed delighted to see some new faces from the outside world without cow dung on their boots and straw sticking out their backsides. She turned and theatrically called out our order for two ‘specials’ for everone to hear. ‘Coffee comin’ right up with cream and suggar’! Leia looked at me and we both chuckled with big grins. Normajean was just the ticket to help diffuse some of the anxiety Leia had just gone through.
‘What’s happening’ she asked boring into my eyes. ‘Ah’ I said, ‘not just another day at the factory was it’. ‘Hardly’ she responded. Leaning in I spoke, ‘black is the absence of all colors and white the presence of them all. Odd how something can be nothing and nothing be everything’. ‘You’re speaking in riddles’, Leia frowned. ‘Stay with me’ I said. ‘These are the steps that will lead you to the understanding you seek’. Normajean refilled our cups with a flair accentuating all her feminine attributes for an audience of spellbound oglers and looking at me said, ‘your food is coming right up honey’!
The noon crowd had filed out leaving only Leia and I and a couple of other tables occupied. Grabbing a clean napkin I began to write. ‘Thankyou Normajean for making our short foray in your town so enjoyable. The food was good and you were great! Signed, forever and always’. I left a hundred dollar bill tucked inside the folded napkin sure to catch her attention. ‘Time to go’ I told Leia as two county cruisers pulled up hard in front of the cafe. Jumping up I whispered ‘back door’ to Normajean and she pointed the way. Rushing in with guns drawn Normajean acted surprised as she stood holding a carafe of coffee and lifted it smiling, ‘Coffee’? They frowned as they searched the room and Normajean secretly secured the napkin, note, and money as she began to casually clear our table. ‘Who was sitting here’ they demanded. When did they leave’? ‘Oh, just an average middle aged couple. Farmers. Left about a quarter of an hour ago’. Obviously disgruntled they holstered their guns and huddled outside.
Stepping outside the back of Lula Belle’s I held Leia’s hand as we stepped into a wind swept 1830’s prairie field. Standing stunned, eyes poppin’, mouth agape. ‘Where, how’? as she turned slowly trying to grasp the scene before her. There was no town, no cafe, no Normajean. And then breathing deeply before exhaling she spread her arms and twirled like Maria in ‘The sound of Music’. Now her whole being vibrated and she emanated a euphoric happiness saying, ‘I love love love it’. ‘Always wanted to see the land before all the progress of man. No roads, wires or tracks. No fences. Only virgin soil without any evidence of man’s violation, pollution or habitation. Her face fairly radiated like the sun as we quietly reveled in a gentle breeze and the ambrosial smell of sage after a sudden summer storm.
Pointing to the western skyline she became aware of a band of approaching Indian warriors. They were a tribe of Western Dakota Sioux sitting astride their painted ponies as they surrounded us in a half circle formation, their curiosity barely contained. I signaled palm outstretched and high, Leia trembling and clinging to my side, speaking to their chief in his own tongue bringing a hint of a smile and light to the eyes adorning his weathered face. ‘Come sit our fire. We have many questions’ he spoke. Then at a slight nod from the chief a young brave dismounted and offered his horse to Leia and I, jumping catlike on the back of another young warriors horse riding double. Mounting I swung Leia up behind me and we followed them to their camp assuring Leia she was safe and would have an unforgettable experience.
That night I sat the fire with the chief and the other elders while Leia held council at another fire with the women and children. Communicating as best she could through simple sign language Leia was enjoying the experience immensely, especially the children. Having no language barrier, I was plied with many questions answering simply, modified for better understanding. In my wallet was a present day calendar and other cards confirming my existence from a future time. I shared about their future, the western migration, and the disappearance of the buffalo and the only way of life they knew. I also spoke about the necessity of adapting while retaining their heritage, ushering out the old, not resisting the new. Many of these revelations were troubling but they nevertheless thanked me for giving them a preview of what the future held.
Leia and I shared what we could of personal items; jewelry, pocket calendar, pictures, Reeboks and Hey Dudes along with a woman’s Fitpolo smart watch, a ball point pen with a banks logo on it and a keester conjoined cellphone. I could only imagine the astonishment when these items were discovered in their possession years later as they were kept as sacred and protected. They in turn showered us with gifts; moccasins, jewelry, a knife, headbands, and colorful clothing.
That night Leia and I were escorted to a tipi and she excitedly shared about her experience before we finally fell asleep. In the morning some of the tribe anxiously inquired at the door of our tipi for our presence while others sat impatiently by the fire. When there was no response they pulled back the canvas flap that provided privacy and were surprised and dismayed to find us gone. Yelling and causing quite a commotion at this discovery the old chief just sat, slowly shaking his head up and down, smiling, amused, and quietly spoke, ‘hehani iye kin wachte’, (then, it is true).
Feeling jet-lag, so to speak, and staying under the radar we remained in the past and walked up to a ranch neat but worn and not looking prosperous, in the 1870’s Northwest. Totally surprising the occupants which consisted of a father, mother, and two delightful young children, thin and dressed in old tattered clothes but clean and barefooted, we were nevertheless treated kindly and spent an enjoyable couple of days. Explaining our circumstance with simplicity, we were careful not to reveal things better left undone. A handful of those who sought us also moved tediously through time, not nearly as fluently as we did, and I did not want to cause any possible problems for this family in their future.
Sensing our trust worthiness we sat the porch with them after a simple but delicious lunch drinking some joe. I noticed they served Leia and I some weak coffee while their cups only held water. They shared there was pressure from the bank, a mortgage due with a failed crop and low beef prices and no way to pay. On top of that a rich and powerful neighbor wanted it all threatening local ranchers, some disappearing and some forced to leave getting a pittance for their land. They realized they were at the end of their tether with no answers or possible solution in sight. But, is was their dream and it was being forcibly taken from them. It was so hard to let it go, but the cost to stay wasn’t worth the possible price they would have to pay.
Looking at John and Addy I asked if we could borrow some clothes for the day so we didn’t stand out and take them to town not five miles away. Gather the children we’re going shopping’! ‘We can’t do that’, he said, ‘a man gots to take care of his own the best he can, never with his hand out thinking someone else should do it for him. If we fail then in our hearts we know we went down trying, kickin’ and screamin’ and maybe even dyin’ but able to look our maker unashamedly in the eye’. ‘Let me put it this way John’, I said. ‘We came to you hungry and you fed us. Asked for clothes and you clothed us. Offered lodging which we will accept. And most of all shown us kindness and friendship without expecting anything in return. In your time of need you freely gave, now freely receive. We are simply a conduit for blessing letting it percolate like an artesian. Can’t stop its bubbling flow, so we just pass it on. Heaven’s bounty knows no end’.
Looking at each other John blew out and sighed while Addy wiped tears from her eyes. ‘John’ she said, ‘please’. ‘I know how hard this is for you. But you’ve always helped others in their time of need, and now its our time to receive’. Without humiliating him she did not speak of bare cupboards, worn out clothes, children who went to bed hungry, bills and no money to pay.
Lifting his head and looking into Addy’s eyes, John let a smile curl around his lips. ‘You know I could never resist your sweet face, sound reasoning, and passionate plea. Get the kids ready, we’re goin’ to town’! Changing into the clothes they gave us we were excitedly off to town, John and I on the seat of the wagon while the ladies gabbed away with the children sitting in the back on cushions. Noticing the satchel I was carrying I asked John about his credit at the local general store and the amount remaining on his bank note. ‘Let the ladies do the shopping while you go to the bank’, I said. Pulling out greenbacks totaling the remainder of the mortgage added to a generous amount for an account to pay expenses, he hesitantly accepted. ‘Remember this isn’t mine’ I said. ‘Just glad to be part of that stream that’s waterin’ a dry thirsty land’.
When we pulled up in front of Orville Jacksons ‘We’re never just out’ store I got Leia’s attention and gave her plenty so they could pay their debt and buy everything they needed. ‘Leia, I mean everything! Food, clothes and shoes for everyone, toys, candy, kitchen needs, ranch needs without hesitation’. Her eyes beamed with happiness. ‘This is gunna be fun’! And looking her in the eyes I said, ‘get anything you want, things to remember your visit here’. ‘Oh, how can I ever forget’. Stopping Addy before they went in the store she handed her part of the greenbacks I gave her saying there’s plenty more. Walking in Jackson coughed and cleared his throat. ‘How nice to see you Addy it’s been such a long time’. And then twisting his neck and shoulders he said, ‘uh, just like last time I can’t extend you anymore credit. I’m truly sorry but your bill is long overdue’. ‘For that I sincerely apologize’, she said. ‘What does my bill total’? Sighing and embarrassed he told her, once again feeling remorse that he couldn’t help her anymore. With head held high, bright eyes, and a large smile Addy said, ‘I’ll take care of this outstanding debt first before we do some genuine shopping. It might take a bit and when I’m through I’ll pay the charge in full’. With a stunned look he thanked her profusely and then with a big smile added, ‘please ladies take your time. Always here to help’.
John got a similar reaction from Potter at the bank. ‘Why, I’ve received offers to retire your mortgage, and then some’ he added rather pompously, ‘your payment and extension long overdue’. ‘Won’t have to’ John spoke firmly with fierce eyes. ‘Get the title and he’ll give you the money’ I spoke. Startled Potter asked, ‘who are you and where did you come from’? ‘I represent the high courts and the law of the land. Get the deed or get out of banking and out of town. For you will surely be finished here and anywhere you go’. Rushing out the door and calling for his head clerk he returned immediately with the deed as John counted out the money getting a signed receipt and deed to his property endorsed, witnessed, and notarized stating it was paid in full. Old man Potter red, sweating, and mopping his brow was arduously careful to make sure the transaction was legally done and to John’s satisfaction, puzzled where the other fearful man went. And just to extend a palm leaf of peace, John walked out of the bank presidents office and over to the head teller and opened up a substantial account. ‘Oh thankyou sir, it’s a pleasure doing business with you’, he said.
As John turned to walk out Potter stepped out of his office. ‘What did he want’? ‘He opened up an account’ and then the clerk showed him the amount. Stammering he found it hard to speak and finally asked, ‘where did the other man go’? ‘What man the clerk asked? There was no one else here but you and John’. Potter’s knees went weak as he grabbed the counter. ‘Are you alright the clerk asked’? Shaking his head no, groping the walls, he slowly returned back to his office.
Sitting on a bench in front of Orville’s I watched John return from the bank with a three by nine grin and gratitude that words alone lacked the power to express before going on other errands including ordering lumber for some much needed repairs and hiring a small crew to deliver the lumber, nails, shingles, and such and to help get er all done. I watched as two young gunnies, sons of Eldridge Cleaver, the big man in the county who wanted it all and a law unto to hisself sauntered into the store like the pompous ass’s they were and immediately spotted the ladies, especially Leia dressed in a bright blue dress with a white fringe lookin’ mighty admirin’ and fit for a twirl.
Making some leud comments and crowding the ladies Orville asked them to leave and they backed him down with a ‘don’t’ and a look of an immobilizing threat that stopped him in his tracts. Walking up behind them now appearing as a old man I said, ‘boys, go about your business and don’t speak like that to these or any other ladies again’. Turning they said laughing, ‘why you bag of buffalo turds. We’ll clean yer grits before we have our way with these ladies and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it’.
Turning their attention back to the ladies I tapped them on the shoulder. Their patience spent I said, ‘You talk too much and say too little, drink to much and bathe to little. Now’s your chance to buy a ticket to paradise. Walk away while you can’. Incensed their hands went for their guns while mine struck them in the face palm first with the force of a piston. Their heads snapped back and one nearly bit his tongue off busting teeth and nose. He would never be a pretty boy again. The other had his nose and jaw broken so severely his facial features would always be pointing south looking like the backside of a north bound mule. The piston like blow also damaged some neural transmitters leaving them docile and non-combative. They never acted or appeared the same again.
Addy and the children were shocked while Leia tilted her head giving a knowing curious smile. ‘Please forgive ladies’ I said. ‘Sorry for the savage display. They have terrorized the innocent with impunity for far to long. The mercy of God is immense, the judgment of God is swift’. Bowing my head to the ladies and children, Orville and I dragged their unconscious bodies out the back door and onto a cart. I shook my head no when he asked if I needed help. Puzzled he then directed me over to the Doc’s back porch where I unloaded them on the steps before knocking loudly and getting the sawbones attention. Opening the back door he looked first at me and then at Myrt and Moot Cleaver. ‘My oh my their sure is gunna be Hell to pay. Wonder who did this he said scratching his chin? Think yer strong enough to help me get them inside he asked’? Nodding I helped Doc before leaving and returning the cart to the back of the store and using the alley I retreated to the bench on the front porch appearing once again as the younger man they all knew.
John returned and the ladies finalized their shopping. I then walked into the store and asked Orville to keep the packages until we got back. I’m taking everyone to Betty Boop’s for dinner’. The children began to jump up and down and we all casually walked the block to Betty’s eagerly talking about the events of the day, the ladies arm in arm with the men the children leading the way. Leia looked up at me and winked whispering with a smile, ‘you’re pretty amazin’ for an old man. Permissible as a young man too’!
Sitting at a very animated table John’s face was aglow as he humbly handed Addy an envelope with the deed to their property in it. Puzzled she asked. ‘what is this’? and then opened it and gasped with her hand to her breast and began to cry. ‘Momma, momma are you ok'? the children asked with looks of distress upon their faces. Getting control and blotting her cheeks with a napkin she said, ‘oh yes children’ with a huge smile. ‘These are tears of unrestrained joy’. Then he whispered to her about the bank account and once again fresh tears filled her beaming face. Looking at us she tried to speak. Pointing upwards I said, ‘all good things from our father above. We are simply vessels used to share God’s bounty. We are delighted to play our part and share in your joy’.
Just as the Doc thought, old man Cleaver came thundering into town accompanied with some of his hired guns demanding to know what happened and who was responsible. Barely containing his wrath after seeing his boys on surgery tables at Doc’s, he then stampeded into Orville’s store screaming, ‘an old man! By God you best be telling me the truth’! He then put his hands to his forehead and shrieked ‘where is this sum bitch? I’ll cut the heart out of his chest while he is still alive and begging for mercy’. Stammering Orville sputtered, ‘who, who knows. We only seen him once and then he just vanished, gone like a mist on an early morning spring day’. ‘Why you lying sum bitch’! he bellowed, and then with a sweep of his arm began to demolish Orville’s store like a bull in a China closet having to be restrained and forcibly drug out by his men. Yelling epitaphs he was surrounded and herded out of town. Back at the ranch he roared obscenities at his men before medicating his anger in an amber haze.
Later as Leia and I sat the porch I said, ‘I’m goin’ to pay old man Cleaver a visit. This ends tonight’. Looking up at me she said, ‘please be careful’. ‘Not to worry’ I said squeezing her hand. Drunken and in a catatonic stupor, Cleaver was abruptly sober upon hearing a voice calling his name and then not unlike a preview before death his entire life was revealed in an instant along with the afterlife he so richly deserved. That morning he was found festering in his own filth curled in a fetal position, incoherently babbling, drooling, shaking spasmodically, and never again in a sane mind. Utterly repulsive he lay alone in the bed he had made. That very day his kingdom was taken from him and given to others. The house and property was vandalized and plundered. Anything and everything was removed before the ranch was vacated. No one remained. No one cared.
The next day after a sumptuous breakfast there were hugs, tears, and kisses as we said our goodbyes. Though it had only been a short time, the feelings ran deep. Taking John aside I said ‘there’s a metal box in Leia’s room. Didn’t want to leave you with all your resources in the bank, although they are certainly better now than what they will become’. ‘I don’t know what to say’ John spoke. ‘Don’t need to’ I said. ‘And you ought to know old man Cleaver won’t be troublin’ you no more’. He nodded knowing it wasn’t the time to ask how or why. ‘At least let me hitch the team and take you to town or wherever you need to go’, he spoke. ‘Not necessary’ I said. ‘We’ll be departin’ the same way we arrived’.
With a look of acceptance void of understanding we hugged once again and walked away. They all stood the porch sniffling and waving until we ascended a small hill, stopped and waved again before disappearing down the back side. Walking along Leia was still dabbling her cheeks. ‘You’ve got to give me some warning. These are some of the sweetest most genuine people I will ever meet. Saying goodbye was a hard thing to do. I’m already missin’ them’. ‘Me too’ I said, ‘but who knows what their future holds. Maybe we’ll see them again’.
Returning inside the house John remembered what I had said. Right then it didn’t seem that important. Walking in he saw a good size box on the floor. It was heavy. Undoing the clasp John’s eyes popped. ‘Addy please come. You ain’t gunna believe this’.
Walking through the morning under a crisp blue clear sky we felt invigorated. No smog, no chemtrails, no electronic haze. ‘You know’ Leia said, ‘I could sure get used to this. No traffic, cars, planes, or trains. No urban sprawl or tenement living. I’ve never breathed air so fresh and clean or drank crystal clear cold water from a mountain stream’. Breathing deeply we both exhaled and sat on a log facing a bubblin’ brook and took out some sandwiches Addy had made. ‘You can only imagine her joy to be able to make these sandwiches and cookies for us. They were definitely starvin’ pilgrims’. ‘Yes they were and one among thousands. Yet theirs was the house that we were sent’.
Sitting quietly enjoying this idyllic fall day I broke the silence. ‘Leia, I know you have many questions whirling about in your head’. Taking a sideways look at me while releasing a deep breath, ‘you can only imagine’ she spoke. ‘These last few days are like a movie to me, a box office hit at your local theatre, playing over and over again in my mind. It feels surreal as in a dreamland of fueled imagination replete with a maiden of fabled beauty and her gallant defender, a knight renowned’. Smiling I said, ‘let me see If I can make some sense out of it for you’.
‘Our mind is not a closet to stash anyone’s trash. Gradually with great effort the cobwebs are knocked down and the corners swept clean. During this process we have to be careful not to let additional rubbish in, designed purposely to attract our attention and distract our mind; tabloids, entertainment news, tv programing, neighbors friends and family, and even the alt news which has some valid content though estimated to be accurate only a third of the time. Better than ‘if their lips are moving they’re lying’ legion of persuasive personalities masters of the teleprompter tabloid’.
‘Everyday we are assaulted by a modern culture both arms with tracks, their brains cooked on crack, with a fentanyl back. We should not be ignorant to their devices or a captive audience to what they are doing and how they are living. But it is our friends and family that is our greatest entrapment. Guard your mind against constant concern about their decisions in life. It is like a black hole sucking you into its vortex. You cannot control what they believe, how they act, the choices they make. It’s quicksand. They don’t want your opinion. They do not inquire. With little awareness of God they embrace lifestyles opposed to righteousness becoming a god unto themselves never considering the path of the just. Don’t let their trash mess with your hash and clutter your closet. Pray but don’t linger long grieving. Detach and stay the course. The only hope for the city of fools is the wise man. If he said I should not be different but become as they are, any hope would be vanquished forever, the only candle of light now a smoking ember’.
‘The cleansing of our mind and all our organs which carry history and memory is essential to our release from the captivity of time. Within any system of belief there are aspects that are true, but taken as a whole untrue. For instance you can do your palates the stretching truly beneficial or you can do yoga with stretching, meditation, and symbolic body positions. The difference is that practicing Yoga is one of the three foundational tenants of Hinduism inviting the Kundalini serpent to intertwine your spine and inhabit your mind. Many Christians practice yoga and profess Christ, but water and oil don’t mix’.
‘Now regarding time there are many wise axioms and idioms within the constructs of time that we have been taught. Living in a dome or canopy of control time is master, we are slaves. There are rules in this construct that help us navigate our way, things that are helpful and true while dwelling in a kingdom of lies. Time made it’s entrance into our world with the fall of man, and only exists because of sin, mortal just like man. Now this great controller exerts ubiquitous dominance, time a construct just like death’.
‘We get up at a prescribed time after checking the clock through the night and leave on time so that we arrive on time. All day every day time meters our movement. There’s starting time, break time, lunch time, quitting time, and maybe overtime. Then we take time to pursue our free time before its dinner time and then bed time. All the time we’re marking time. After all there are schedules to meet appointments to keep and finally time for some sleep before we do it all over again. We keep holidays and recognize special days all announced as their time draws near, same date every year. The very word time is a dominant fixture in our vocabulary; what time is it, it’s time to go, it’s about time. when I have time, in the nick of time, time is money, time flies, time waits for no man, lost track of time, can’t turn back the hands of time, a stitch in time, only time will tell, give it time, a time to live a time to die, all in good time, idle time, on time, in time, out of time, next time, daytime, nighttime etc. and etc. and the statement that time heals. It doesn’t. Never did. It just distances you from the pain’.
‘Retirement might loosen times grip a bit before old age befriends you accompanying you to the grave. And then after being in slavish obedience to the chains of time and your compliance to all its demands, power, and authority over your entire doleful life, you expect to be instantly transported to heaven and eternal life. Let’s just say your transition from time to eternity is in graduated steps like kindergarten to college. There is so much to learn. To long you have served this master thief….time’.
‘And now just recently Aegis was introduced, the pinnacle of artificial intelligence and robotics. It mimics human behavior and appearance with unparalleled cognitive capabilities. It has an unlimited pool of knowledge, recall, and application that surpasses present human abilities. The boundary between human and machine intelligence is rapidly blurring, Aegis learning in one year what it takes a person to learn in a thousand. The sands of time are receding for mankind’.
Continuing I said, ‘the deck is stacked, the cards are marked, and the dealers dealing from the bottom pulling cards from his sleeves. It’s a game we cannot win, but it’s a game we’re not playing. Now we face AI, weather geoengineering, planned pandemics, Soviet subs off the Florida coast, terrorist cells in every state of America, a collapsing economy, and Deagel’s most recent report, a comprehensive compilation of data and trends for corporations, military, and government. Staying consistent with the year 2025, they predict a 70% decrease in the population of America and a total economic meltdown in only a year from now. Suddenly there will be threats on multiple fronts like pressure along tectonic plates that has been building for years before releasing. Dark riders roam the night and the Eye of Saron scans the land ever watching. It is the surveillance state, the ‘de facto’ fourth branch of government an unholy alliance, twice withered, and in lock step with the policing powers, only the military more powerful. Ubiquitous and all-pervasive, our greatest threat…our own government’.
Looking hound doggish and dejected Leia breathed deeply and sighed. ‘This is times forecast for man, not eternities’ I spoke. ‘We are spirit, soul. and body. Right now the physical(body) has transcendency and the soul neglected. With little regard to working out our salvation, life for many is wholly occupied with seeking to improve this flawed model called humanity with self help books, video’s and guru’s and ego driven fantasies with built in obsolescence in the pursuit of the transitory; food, fun, work, career and clothing, appearances and entertainment, going and becoming, finding your passion, honing your body, discipling or indulging the flesh, sky diving, Rocky Mountain climbing, and the chance to live like you were dying’.
Lifting her head and staring into my eyes Leia asked, ‘tell me what becomes of us’? ‘Pausing and holding her gaze I spoke. ‘I’m not sure what the future holds, but I’m sure I want to be holding you in the future. You come as a bit of a surprise to me and I hope you will be my companion for the rest of our life’s. It is no secret to heaven and I don’t mind shouting it to the hills….I love Leia Stanhouse’! Now standing Leia faced me and grabbed both my hands with tears and a radiant smile, ‘does that mean I can have a kiss’? Drawing close I gave her a long lingering kiss and embrace. Finally parting our eyes met and she said, ‘and I love you too Mr. Watchmaker, but I don’t even know your name’! ‘I am known as the watchmaker, and born Caspian Sedaut’. ‘Ah’ she said with a twinkle in her eye, ‘Princess Leia and Prince Caspian, very romantic’. Then lifting her face to the heavens she shouted ‘I love Caspian Sedaut, the watchmaker, with all my heart and forever’!
Giving voice to our feelings there was an euphoric glow that surrounded us. She was perfect for me, a natural intuit, intelligent, caring, kind, and ready to embrace a life lived on the edge narrated by Rod Serling, ‘if we’re all crazy, then no one is crazy’, complete with cameo capers from Hitch. the master of suspense. And she was all things feminine and simply beautiful.
Sitting close and not wanting to intrude on our special moment I said, ‘please allow this interlude as I have a couple more things to share before I show you something very delightful’. Nodding her consent I spoke. ‘There are times that I linger longer in a particular moment or for clarities sake an allotment of time. Depending on the circumstance that is when we have to be hyper vigilant. If cut, we bleed. When we stepped out the back door of Lula Belle’s and into that wind swept prairie we never moved. We were still standing in the same space at the back steps of Lula Belle’s when we accessed a different time. To any locals watching we inexplicably vanished. But like a favorite movie you can ‘go back’ and watch it over and over again and experience it like it was the very first time. Everything and everyone remains and every time you watch it again it plays out the same, except as in the present circumstance when we were interjected and the script rewritten. It isn’t so fixed as we were led to believe, the fabric of time and space flexible allowing for changes and modifications’.
‘So, what I’m saying is not all history continues from the beginning of time just the way it was first scripted. But at the discretion of the producer or director or possibly the actor, he plays his part now edited from the original script. Now older or maybe deceased, his movies are still available to play and you will never know the changes that were made. The people who lived at a certain time and played their part may be long gone with no awareness it continues to play at your local matinee, never aware the rewritten script is the last version you see, adapted from the original. To John and Addy the life they were living when we showed up on the scene 150 years into the future was the only life they ever knew. It was much later after their death that they realized the difference. I can’t explain how this is done anymore than Christ ever divulged how to raise the dead, heal the sick, fish for gold, and feed thousands with a few loafs and fishes’.
‘Soon we must return to present histories first unveiling. It is the year 2024 or close enough and we have history to make. But remember when it is said there’s nothing new under the sun that’s because everything is already done; the past, present, and the future. Known unto our magnificent creator are all his works the beginning from the end. But first I want to show you something’. Standing next to Leia I said, ‘now please close your eyes tight’ and then waiting for affect I said ‘open’! She gasped with her hand to her mouth and stood stunned with her jaw unhinged. Then finally taking a breath she reached out and touched a flower as a butterfly landed on her finger. This was no ordinary flower or butterfly. ‘All the colors are ecstatic and vibrant’ Leia spoke. ‘And the aroma of perfume wafted in the air, colors and smells not encountered on earth. The trees were so alive, almost walking, bearing all manner of fruit. Gorgeous birds flittered about singing and the babbling brook sparkled like diamonds and ice’.
A young mother and child appeared, the child freely frolicking about in this garden of ecstasies delight. The mother was picking luscious berries and walked up to us with an angelic smile and extended her hands to us full of berries. Ah the taste, with a tantalizing flavor and sweetness. Then she handed Leia a piece of fruit that tasted like nothing, nothing she had ever experienced as she laughed and juice squirted out of her mouth. The child was heard laughing, playing in a den of pit vipers and then looked up when a bear appeared and she ran to get a hug. At no time was the mother alarmed as the bear took the child into its arms. Then dropping down, the child and mother walked up to a mountain lion who purred as they scratched its muzzle and stroked its back. ‘The color of the sky was like crystal as I experienced smells, colors, tastes, and sounds beyond imagining’. Grabbing Caspian I asked, ‘are we in paradise’? Nodding his head ‘yes’ with a big smile. ‘A taste of paradise before returning to history that is unfolding. I reckon we should go’.
Sitting on the sand on a beach in the Outer Banks the temperature mild and the skies beautiful with a broken cloud cover, I spoke. ‘Leia you won’t always be able to be with me. It’s much to dangerous for you. If they can’t get to me they will attempt to get to you or your family. They can’t do that to me. They don’t know who I am. There is no history. I will leave you when necessary with friends where you will be safe. It is time for the hunted to become the hunter. I will strike where least expected or most protected and therefore most vulnerable. Though it has been battleground earth, the axis of power for the deceiver of the whole world originates and exists off earth. He is the prince of the power of the air utilizing the serpent seed and his minions on the earth to implement his agenda for world control. It is a battle of the titans…the elitist versus the elect. Our enemy openly and boldly flaunts his agenda using terms such as; world wide web, the internet, i(eye)phone, the cloud, his home in the heavens not to be confused with God’s dwelling place, and the all seeing eye blatantly used in corporate logos, the dollar bill, and by popular personalities, a celebrity circus. Not recognized by most and hiding in plain site, people seeing only what they want to see’.
‘All governments are controlled by the same grand puppet master, orchestrating his dark opus with the cooperation of every head of state and a sewage pit of psychopathic parasites, flotsam figureheads constantly paraded before the media and eviscerated by patriots and conspiracists alike. Don’t get caught in the entrapment of finger pointing and casting blame. Look to the one they give obeisance to. They all have sold their soul to the Illumined One, Lucifer. Stay the course and don’t get distracted playing their game, never really understanding the nature and stratagem of the playing field rendered harmless and not a threat, too busy chasing peripheral engagements while the major battle is fought elsewhere. People will gather around a voice of controlled opposition, carefully crafted to channel their anger and outcry. It is a refuge called ‘a fool’s paradise’ and just a dream that hasn’t yet been shattered’.
Cruising down the highway, Leia and I enjoyed captain chairs with a console, sink and small frige, a bed in the back and even a small powder room. It was an older conversion van with a faraday shield installed above the head liner. It would protect against some electronic intrusion and spying eyes. Our escorts, a man and his wife traded off driving only stopping for food, coffee, gas and potty breaks. At night we would take advantage of rest stops to get out and stretch our legs and take care of our business. After our initial hello’s they basically left Leia and I alone to rest and softly converse rarely intruding on our privacy, avoiding the big box gas stations like Buc-ee’s and Love’s choosing smaller venues with less surveillance.
Our destination was in a remote valley in Montana, hilly with majestic mountains in the background, one of Montana’s seventy mountain ranges with a peak of 10,000 feet. It was a beautiful fall day and cattle grazed on the grassy slopes. Appearing only as small pinpoints, structures could be seen in the distance to complete the picture. Thoroughly enjoying the panorama I reluctantly said, ‘come, walk with me’. Looking at me curiously with her head tilted, I simply said, ‘you’ll see’. We walked a short distance to the base of a hill before Leia was startled when the earth appeared to open its mouth and a hinged door opened to a subterranean passageway large enough for a full sized pick-up truck. When it closed there was no trace left that it ever existed.
Walking down a decline we entered a well lit corridor which led to a underground city; shops, stores, homes, and businesses all thriving and prosperous. Entering a Sweete Shoppe we ordered a delicious and healthy ice cream parfait as Leia stood mesmerized and speechless. Shaking her head to get her focus Leia spoke to the pretty young blond with a radiant smile who served us. ‘I’m in absolute awe’. ‘First time’ she asked? Nodding yes Leia asked, ‘How did this happen? Uh, who’s behind this’? Does someone actually ‘own’ all this’? Continuing to smile she answered matter-of-factly nodding and looking at me, ‘He does. Everything you see above and below ground is his and he has graciously provided this safe haven for all of us’. Turning her head Leia looked at me with bug eyes, stunned, and a look of total bewilderment, a look she had perfected as of late. Then with an aire of familiarity, Starr our hostess said laughingly, ‘No charge. That’s on the house Boss’. Then looking at Leia she said, ‘We know he is the watchmaker, but he lets us call him Boss'.
‘Thanks Starr’ I said and then turned and led Leia to a corner table greeting folks along the way. ‘This is truly an underground economy and wonderful. I ceased to be amazed’ Leia said. ‘These are only a few among the millions in America and the billions worldwide, the seed of the woman hidden away in the midst of chaos and thriving’, I answered. ‘This present world is on a collision course with destiny hastening it’s own destruction. As that day approaches I must continue to find ways to frustrate the system and assist the remnant’.
‘In the mountain town of McCall Idaho with its spectacular ice sculptures there is a little shop sandwiched between bigger buildings called, ‘The Watchmaker’. Un moment unique en son genre’ (one of a kind pieces of time). Rather antithetical to my message, ironic and the ultimate sarcasm. I enter disguised from other buildings and along with a busy and prosperous store front my associates and I wreck havoc on large Data Centers but only in areas of personal privacy and data collected continually on every American citizen, not data on finance or national security. Just your conversations, preferences, beliefs, habits, thoughts, words and deeds with a comprehensive bio. They can anticipate your actions by placing thoughts in your brain. Nothing is intimate or sacred any longer. You are being surveilled 24/7 most often without your awareness, a digital prisoner in an Orwellian world, an unforgiveable breach of privacy and freedom. And remember, only a free and happy society enjoys privacy’.
‘Every day there are cyber attacks and data breaches by foreign and domestic hackers. The loss of data we are responsible for is never reported and thus never admitted, data inexplicably erased and unretrievable. Major data centers such as Meta Platforms (facebook) spanning a total of 4.6 million square feet, Amazon Web Services, and NSA’s Bumblehive with its motto, ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’, cannot hide from us. Sometimes big things come in small packages’.
‘Just recently at Langley they were able to lift my prints from a coffee cup left purposefully at a site after one of my expresso getaways, and place that information in their database’. ‘Sir’ the senior analyst called out, ‘look at this. There is nothing on these prints, no history. It is as if he never existed. I’ve checked with other data centers and get the same results’. ‘What’! he countered. ‘Everyone’s finger prints leave a trail. Find it’! Sorry Charlie, there’s no finding something that never existed. Even in my youth I was never fingerprinted leaving a trail back to my family and my identity. And now private data on everyday citizens considered relevant or irrelevant was disappearing. There was a master thief breaching all the firewalls that had been set up and there was nothing they could do to stop it, a ghost leaving No tracks, No signs, No nothing.
I left Leia safe, busy, and happy in Montana. Upon my return we shared about our mutual adventures delighted to be in each others presence again. ‘Heard there was a incident in Idaho’ Leia stated. ‘Please tell me about it’. ‘OK’. ‘We were aware there would be an imminent assault on our store in McCall and we were prepared. All our electronics were moved to an earlier time on a ranch in nearby Round Valley. I rehearsed everyone’s role. In the back behind the store front two men would be working diligently on time pieces, tools and parts scattered about. In the store front TJ would be showing Jewel, my companion and I a beautiful watch, everyone emersed in the moment’.
Glancing upward TJ said ‘here they come’, buzzing the back. Two dark sedans pulled up in the front of the store and four suits stepped out looking about before opening the door, guns drawn. Jewel was giggling with delight as we made our selection. Suddenly there were shouts and we looked up stunned as guns were pointed shouting for Jewel and I to step away and stand in the corner. She cried out and began to sniffle as she clung tightly to me, with my long hair and a pony tail underneath a ball cap. A goatee and glasses complemented my disguise. I looked scared but protective. Turning, Mouth, the one doing all the talking said, ‘shut up bitch! if you want to walk out of here alive’. Signaling to two of the men they moved to the back room startling two employee’s engrossed in their work’.
‘Who are you? What’s going on’? they asked in feigned fear. ‘Shut up, just shut up’ suit said. ‘Back away from your tables and keep your hands high’. Then taking hand helds out of their pockets, AI intrusive scanners, highly evolved and capable of detecting any suspicious electronic anomaly, they proceeded to thoroughly scan the room with one eye always upon the two men. Pointing to two closed doors they asked, ‘what’s behind those doors’? ‘One’s a storage closet and one’s a water closet’, Tony one of the employees spoke. Scrunching up his face one of the gubers asked, ‘what’s a water closet’? ‘A shitter’ his partner answered. ‘Jackass’! Then they pointed to the stairs and demanded, ‘what’s up there’? ‘More storage and odds and ends’ Tony answered shrugging his shoulders. Then one of the suits slowly climbed the stairs, gun drawn and meticulously scanned the room’.
‘Out front Mouth proceeded to thoroughly scan the small showroom while the other suit kept one eye on the door and one eye on us. Then a chain of events unfolded that will forever make my day. The front door was located on the very end of the south side of the store front only providing a view to the north. Blindsiding the doorman a couple came walking up from the south and proceeded to open the door surprising suit as he inadvertently pointed with his gun for them to leave saying the store was closed for an inspection. They in turn hurriedly walked next door and called 911. After a few minutes the two suits returned from the back with their arms extended palms up saying, ‘nothing, nothing at all’. ‘Damn’ Mouth said, ‘same here. With all our performance and processing capabilities, and AI smarter than human how could our data be so wrong’? ‘Remember Syd’, one of the suits said, ‘this tip came from one of our agents who was vacationing here, not our data banks or fusion center. Thought it curious’. ‘Ya, and no one who is the most wanted man in America is stupid enough to put his handle boldly on a store front in a tourist town. Damn just damn’! I turned my head as a smile curled around my lips. ‘You have no idea who you are dealing with’ I thought. Angrily Mouth stared at TJ. ‘Maybe not today but we will find you out’, and then turned facing the other suits who holstered their guns, and walked out into the sunshine’.
‘Hands up and faces on the ground’. Now! ‘Do it’! they were ordered. ‘Oh Hell’ Mouth spoke and motioned for his men to get down as no less than eight guns were trained on them, Idaho State Troopers and local boys alike summoned to the party. Searched and cuffed, the sidewalk was abuzz with gawkers, store owners. pedestrians, and the press. ‘This is Idaho you bastards. You don’t bring your mullock here’ they were told. ‘Just ask Antifa about their bus ride to Kootenai County’. ‘Then they were roughly hauled away while everyone in the store was interrogated, Jewel and I finally able to slip away to our favorite cafe’.
‘So, what happened to Mouth and his boys’? Leia asked. ‘They were interrogated, booked, and released hours later, with a warning not to ever come back, as the Feds came from Boise to take them away. ‘Who were they’? ‘Muscle from the NSA and Meta. Bungling this job cost them. Even if they stay aground, they’ll never be back around’. Sighing I said, ‘poor boys, could have told em if they had only asked. You cain’t find somethin’ that simply ain’t thar’.
‘I instituted some changes for everyone’s safety, and now that I’m back I would like to take you on a date, somewhere special, a place that is out of this world’! ‘Something Italian’? she teased. ‘Even better, though Italian sounds mighty good’. ‘Grab your bags and buckle up!……….we’re going to Orion’!
Ah deireadh