the slaymaker

I have created the waster to destroy…

and I beheld the spirit brooding over the waters

black inky and troubled

the sky above ominous and all around

rain falling in torrents a flood from above

ejecting its rage

a coverlet concealing the ground

i open my door

the waters now only ten feet from my flat

grabbing my daughter

i yell its out the back

into the teeth of the serpent

we must find high ground

screaming and terrified she resisted

come i spoke gently you can do this i persisted

finding a friend he allowed us in

and below all was consumed and as we watched we found

we’ve got to seek even higher ground

mother and daughter multitudes in the balance

a river of souls i hear their cries

no food potable water shelter or power

only darkness covering the face of the deep

and i heard a voice from heaven saying

what you have sown you will also reap

it is the time of the forsaking

for government is their god

the ultimate folly

placing their trust in man

deceiving demigods

estranged from the womb

they were born speaking lies

an untimely birth

they will never see the sun

their dwelling in the bowels of the earth

crawling on their bellies

upon wings they will never fly

waking from sleep i ask for mercy

but it is judgment and correction that awaits

the land hopelessly filled with perversion and shame

abandoning god his word his law and righteousness

forsaking all that is beautiful and true

you prefer darkness over light

and wonder how this could happen to you

not remembering the curse causeless does not come

did you make any preparations

the final warnings too late

caught in a maelstrom of terror and murky madness

you cannot escape

for it is the power of controlled weather

modulated amplified and directed

and i wonder

what lies beneath the ground

out of sight but detected

the charmers charm ever so wisely

telling what happened but never why

bullrecratic deceit on their teleprompter

hollow promises outright lies

have you had enough already

LBJ said it and he was never known to lie

he who has the power to control the weather

will control the world

precious life now only a requiem for the trapped and abandoned

a fleeting memory in a sad lullaby

the lens of history will capture the moment

this grand betrayal of we the people

the portrait of your life encased in a watery grave

a casualty of a 1,000 year storm of biblical proportions

no funds available your life to save

only a number but never a name

too late you’ve come to understand

the government was never out to save you

your death was part of their master plan

Humanity your days are numbered. There is a bullseye on your chest. Those who see foresee a killshot is coming. Still we must navigate our way every day. Strangers, outsiders, staying in the shadows, just trying to survive. Prepare as best you can. Above all put your trust in God and be at peace.


the vacancy


oh virginia where art thou