the few the humble the chosen

I sit in a grocery store parking lot. Anywhere in America. People go in come out shuffling, bowed ,and adorned with their face diaper. Their buggies are crammed with groceries basically barren of benefit, doing this same dance over and over again. After all we don’t need farmers, we’ve got grocery stores. But it is something more sinister that I see. The elderly have abdicated responsibility. Their role of guidance and wisdom for the younger generation reduced to conformity with their arms extended for every free government handout. Free -never! The foundations have been removed.

Meanwhile the younger generation deface their body with ink as if it was an artist’s canvas, think it is “chic” to dress out of a dumpster while making a pin cushion out of their face and body. Never free from appendages-ear buds and cell phones. Long ago the connection with God was severed. Am I on a rant? Well maybe. But don’t fool yourself, because you are the easiest person to fool. Who you really are is portrayed every day in everything you say and do. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of Heaven

We will only come if we are drawn. There are no volunteers, no conscription., only the few, the humble, the chosen.

Receive us Heavenly Father into your presence. Upon the WINGS of the wind we come


The Farmer and the Fence


The Imprisoned Splendor