Evening approached. It was getting late to launch. Nevertheless, we were directed by the saviour to go to the other side, a normal journey of a couple of hours. These same people that thronged you will scream to crucify you come Passover. You knew what was in the hearts of man. A storm of great intensity arose blowing in from the hills along the lakes east to west trajectory off the Golan Heights and Mount Herman. Taking in water we secured the rigging, doing everything we could to prevent the boat from capsizing and our drowning.
In the stern an exhausted Saviour slept protected from the swells a ships cushion a pillow for his head. Frightened we awoke him. ‘The storm, don’t you care? We could all die’! Focusing on our faces he rebuked us. ‘Why are you so full of fear, and not faith’? Rising He spoke to the storm…’Hush! be still’. Immediately the storm subsided and the sea was as glass. He was reading from a different script. With great wonder we spoke in muted tones, ‘how can this be? Even the storm and the sea obey him’.
Early the servant arose and went out and saw a great host of the enemy surrounding the city with horses and chariots. His heart palpitating wildly, flushed and afraid he ran to the master ‘what shall we do’? He answered not even bothering to get up off his couch and see for himself, ‘fear not: for they that be with us are more that they that be with them’. Then Elisha prayed and the servant’s eyes were opened, and he went back out and behold; the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire. A different script. We will live by every word of God or die by all the evidence that surrounds us.
Modern times: You awake to an alarm, music, CNN or any other tv tabloid filled with gossip, rumor, and for your justification, a weather report. It’s all scripted including the weather which on occasion is predicted accurately, everything written in advance to lead you to a predetermined outcome. The President speaks guided by his teleprompter pretending that he is speaking without preparation. He doesn’t write anything, knowing only what his advisors tell him to believe, and this morning is mind is still heavy from last night’s whiskey and windy briefing. It’s all fake, false, phony. But you buy it. After all, you believe the party line and adhere to it, quoting your puppet masters while talking to your neighbor or standing in line at the grocers. It’s all scripted. Everything. Movies, music, infotainment, ESPN, the crash of the economy, the war in the Ukraine, the homeless defecating in the street, the price of gas and groceries. You religiously believe the clever deception, lies spoken with conviction, even anticipating events before they happen. After all, you asked your doctor and he told you what was true. You’ve been scripted.
You don’t really have a life. Everything you do, say, think, and believe is planned in advance for your consumption. Pity the poor diluted soul in Henley’s ‘Invictus’ who thinks he is the master of his fate and the captain of his soul, so far down the rabbit hole denying his creator, twice the son of perdition. Even the devils tremble at the presence of the Son. Just ask the Gadarene and Legion on the coast the disciples and the saviour landed on after the storm.
We are all born ignorant. Why do we work so hard to be so stupid? There is a high-way, and a way that seems right to a man. A path narrow and strait, and a broad path that leads to destruction. There are multiple scripts. I speak to a few, now not even a tenth. The world will not escape the storm that is upon it. But will you accept the pillow that is offered you and lie down beside the saviour or believe in the storm and all the evil that threatens to drown you and the enemy with his army that surrounds you? You have a choice…..Wings or Waves. What is your teleprompter telling you?
‘my peace give I unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled looking with fear at the things coming about in the earth’.
‘you cannot rebuke the devil that you continuously allow access to your life’