ride like the wind

I’m on the run

not sure where I’m headed

not sure of where I’ve come

drop top car sun shades on

sweet wind blowing in my hair

going home I know not where

head on a swivel a free bird in the air

afraid of loosing

something I’ve never found

but not letting regrets trample all my dreams on the ground

its the journey that defines the destination

a thin white line leads the way

I ride like the wind to be free again

letting this power have its sway

who knows where it starts or where it ends

neither you or I

but when I feel it fresh upon my face

leaving a kiss upon my cheek

I know it’s passing by

blowing where it wishes

it’s direction I cannot change

but when things seem against me

I remember take off is always into the wind for a plane

I ride hard through the night

my voice now silent

In the stillness my heart seeks a reply

and upon the wings of the wind a whisper

an answer to the mystery I seek

and within the mystery the answer

‘the answer my friend is blowing in the wind

the answer is blowing in the wind’

fire fire the voices scream

now I’ve got every seat in the house

and quietly out of this fractured scene

one who walks behind yet leads

anchored in stone a lighthouse

the stars are silhouetted against a dark sky

I tremble

looking high and low

seeking a place to unburden my baggage

the end of my journey

often painful and slow

there a light in the distance

my final destination

sometimes close sometimes far

guided to the entrance

I enter without resistance

there are no shortcuts

or easy way around it

now near the end

I need a friend

angels of mercy who will you send

a familiar fragrance fills the air

a sweet melancholy floods my soul

no more a bird in a cage

a stranger I fly from here

and I ride like the wind

‘light of the world shine on me

love is the answer

shine on us all set us free

love is the answer’


the catman of bella street


the 37th man