conversations by the firelight

part 7

So far only a fair to meddlin’ blanket of snow covers the backcountry and mountains. Surely need the snow pack fer the watershed cum spring and summer. Cum early November before any significant snow fall, 23 and his wife Ali, came fer a one night stay, sat the fire, enjoying elk stew in a Dutch oven sittin’ a grill with legs. I added grubs, wild onions, herbs and a few berries from the forest. Had it percolating over the fire when they came and added carrots and taters they brought to the mix. That was some fine feedin’ with hot biscuits and butter to round out our ‘excelente cuisine’. And of course we passed around a jug of mountain magic, sum sippin’s to warsh it all down with. Made a Baptist pallet inside by a warm fire. Wahl, they was as happy as a puppy with two tails. Next mornin’ it was as cold as a mother-in-laws kiss. Stopped and got coffee. Good thing. Cause cum lately mine tasted as about as good as horse liniment smells. Got me a vaniller latte datte triple shot on Ali’s sirgestion. Ain’t never tasted the like. Ever sip was like birthday desert in a dixie cup.

We drove south to Ma’s Boarding House in Idaho City so’s I could hibernate comfortable like fer the winter. Last night by the fire and today in their Audi A-6, there was no pause in the conversation especially with Ali on board. I was a thinkin’ this sedan is a mite more comfortable than a stage. Just a mite.

They came to visit on ground hog day at the same place they dropped me in November, down the road from Ma’s. Asked me about the nations last selection. ‘They’s comin’ out strong to appease the throng’ I said. ‘Lot’s of eye candy and the smell of fresh baked bread. They call them political parties, and party they do. They fight all day but cozy cum night. It’s like flippin’ a coin. It don’t matter which side it lands on, if it’s someone else’s dime. You never win’.

‘I listened to a interview the other day’ 23 spoke, ‘urged on by an old-school economist. This is a ‘must watch’ he said. The interview was with America’s leading voice of reason and a highly touted economist and political strategist. The commentator was almost giddy with delight saying he had to get this person on the show to explain the whole geopolitical situation. He spoke of Putin, China, and specifically of the middle east and the recent toppling of Assad and Syria. ‘Folks don’t realize this is a long range plan spanning 30 to 40 years’. I realized then that this highly respected and much in demand expert was just another clueless voice without understanding. The plan was hatched in heaven long before the earth. He spoke of all the people he knew, including the President of South Korea. ‘Went to Harvard with him years ago’, he said. Spoke of Trump as our hope for forward momentum, neglecting to state he has surrounded himself with Zionists wearing his yarmulke and the best friend Israel has. His cabinet supports big pharma, vaccines, (don’t forget ‘Operation Warp Speed’), neocons for war, and George Soros former financial lap boy married to a man. From day one he promised an infusion of billions of dollars and his total support of a global digital system. The one dissenting voice of reason in the President’s cabinet the strategist said, giving the President an appearance of ‘a man of the people’, is a practicing Hindu from her youth a fact left out of his interview. She is allowed to deliberately play her part as a modern day Joan of Arc, rallying the herd high on hopium along with other ‘pro-American’ voices of opposition’.

A little research reveals this expert is a product of his Jewish roots and some of the most liberal incubators in the land, Harvard, the gateway to elite legal minds, shaping the legal landscape, and Columbia where he now teaches. While 23 paused to catch his thoughts I spoke. ‘Wahl, don’t be ah thinkin yer gunna git good water digging a well underneath the outhouse. A clean thing cain’t come out of an unclean thing. No not never. All the present posturing about securing our border, the FBI, FEMA, DEI, USAID and others is about the tuff guy James Cagney image on a movie poster playin’ at your local matinee. Plays to long lines and a full house’.

‘Ordo ab chao” is a Scottish Rite masonry motto meaning order out of chaos’, Ali spoke. ‘The Disrupter’ as the president calls himself, is moving with blinding speed to remake the government that has existed for decades. Is this a new golden age heralds the press, while the lackeys and junior jocks of the alphabet agencies scurry in pandemonium and paranoia. Sittin’ a hawse with a hemp tie around their neck they know that at any moment their worthless ass will be swinging in the breeze and their banal career with it’.

‘Enter the new dynamic duo, E-lion and Dr. Disrupter, the ‘Don’ and Godfather of Gotham. And while they distract and excite the masses, bread and circus, gladiators and gore, did you ever recognize the block wall at the back of the stage. It is totally orchestrated with cast and script. If it seems familiar, it is….same song and dance just different players. And behind the curtain Stargate, AI and humanity in the crosshairs’.

A maudlin moon overhead plays tag with wispy tufts of silky sheen hair like cirrus clouds. Playing to my melancholy mood like a D-grade movie you hate to watch, I pondered the dreamscape that mirrored the landscape of Amerika and abroad. Got a rock for a pillow? Dream weavers entwine a scene in my mind. Standing there like 12 o’clock half struck the world emerges in shades of gray, a synthetic version of itself. Is it live and let live, or spelled in reverse evil let evil? Sighing deeply I rotated my neck and head. When the inmates run the asylum I mused….…Now it’s e-banking, e-trade, e-health, e-mail, e-bay, and the last, most neglected, but most important ‘e’ of them all, e-ternity.

And out of the dark mist the tenacles that sought to intertwist retreated, and I saw a path, a high way not subject to corruption. It was not for the unclean but for the simple man, a vagabond in the earth. Thought a fool, he would not retreat nor err therein.

Now folks don’t be left regretting what you should have done. Simplify and unplug. You don’t want to drown crushed by yer own weight (of ignorance, slothfulness and neglect). Help ain’t a comin’. You best help yerself. And remember the hardest notes to play are the ones that have been silent the longest.

If guns kill people….then pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat. Just jawin’. And like my old grandaddy would say, sittin’ me down on the porch for to teach me a life changin’ lesson. ‘Don’t go a trustin’ any man who drinks, and don’t trust a man that don’t drink neither’.

The Titanic has her ice water mansions. Does yer boat still float leading you safely home?

Hae a guid journey


girl with the golden hair


earendel and the lens of life