conversations by the firelight

part 5

Summers in the high lonesome are really sumpin’. Warm sunny days give way to crisp clear nights and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Down below it’s baseball and barbeques, fireworks and fun, while up here the mountain mornin’ brought a thin layer of ice on the bucket of water on the porch. Never far from freezin’. Red Fish Lake sported spectacular views of the Sawtooth Mountains silhouetted on its surface wearing a year around beard, and water so clear it’s said you can see a dime at fifty feet. Lookin’ north was the White Clouds and Galena Summit slip slidin’ to the snow town of Sun Valley, the first ski resort in the west. Story goes, if the girls go to Sun Valley, where do the boys go? To Ketchum! the appropriate name of the adjacent town.

Decided my wanderin’ days were waxin’ and waning. Time to settle down. Wasn’t ready to hall my ashes and still tuff as wang leather. Built me a little cabin I did, and it was here that 23 brought his wife for the first time in 1875. Ali arrived wide eyed and mystified. Arms out she turned in circles, eyes closed, head back, with peels of laughter. ‘Oh God I love, love it. Absolutely intoxicating. No one in the modern world is close to conceiving the majesty of it all’.

That night before the fire we et some delicious moose steaks with grubs, onions, nuts, and berries that I had gathered. Ali said no Michelin five star restaurant could hold a candle to our marvelous mountain cuisine. After cleaning up we sat the fire with some barley brew sure to loosen the tongue. Twerent long before Ali said, ‘what the Hell is going on in the putrefacient world of presstitutes and politics’. Right off I liked her command of the English language. ‘Two heads of the same snake’, I said. ‘They aren’t out to attack each other, only you’! Roman satirist Juvenal wrote, ‘nothing appeases the public more than bread and games, bread and circus’. Maximus shouts out, ‘are you not entertained’! It’s a carnivorous carnival show. The crazier the more effective the distraction, and the easier to fleece their marks…..all the fools who love to pontificate their political persuasion. Saw a picture of the cretinous souls, mostly older white women, waiting for their new heroin, a profligate supporting drag queen race all stars and child pornography in the get out to vote push, first stops along the campaign trail. Then the picture of the assassination attempt with the blood streak on the cheek and the assemblage of SS agents behind and on the side while a buffalo butt female agent protected his front seemingly content to cuddle his cormack about two feet lower than his head. Perfect photo op with a fist pump and face grimaced. The magnificent martyr! A bullet for democracy? Just saying.

Doesn’t really matter which puppet is playing the part of the president. The deep state does it’s best when the American people are most entertained. And all the clusterfrack. Ignite the eschaton. Now even a worthless common criminal can be apotheosized and set off rioting, while he is on a permanent vacation in the Caribbean sippin’ tropical drinks and enjoying a life of leisure, courtesy of the U.S. government.

With a big sigh, Ali paused before speaking, ‘now all companies and corporations are being groomed by DEI, diversity, equality, and Inclusion. Ignoring who is most competent, the pigs convince the barnyard that all animals are equal. Then under the cover of darkness, to cloak their black hearts and evil intent, the wording is changed. ‘All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others’. ‘How do you compare the difference between apples, oranges, and peaches? Their is no equality only unique differences. It is the same with men. Each has is own distinctiveness and place, never created equal. The genetic blueprint: seed after seed, kind after kind. The equality written in the constitution simply meant everyone had equal access to the rights guaranteed to the citizens of the republic. No one but a fool would orate about equality among men and races’.

‘Ah’ I said, ‘it is creation by destruction, order out of chaos, ‘Ordo Ab Chao’, or destruction by design. The rich get richer and wealth marks the measure of a man, a reflection of certain qualities of his character. But diminished character comes with greater wealth. For the more a man thinks of himself, the less he thinks of others, the alibi of tyrants always the welfare of the bootlickers who grovel for the scraps from his table’.

‘This dream called America is crashing down on the shoreline of your soul to remind you it is only suppressed folly. All government exists only to exploit the masses, while they control and enslave, confiscating their wealth. You got’s to let it go. Oh, the crumbling facade still enchants you as you wave old glory and chant, ‘God bless America’. What awaits my dear is judgment and correction. There is little time to heed the words to ‘come out of her and be clean’. Don’t want to be caught adding fresh mortar to Humpty Dumpty’s wall. Cause it’s gunna fall. Just don’t let it fall on you’.

Moving over and snuggling close to me, Ali spoke. ‘I hate what my eyes are seeing’. ‘Always remember’ I spoke, your eyes gather light and impulses without, but it is the mind that creates the image of sight. It is truly an inside job. Lot’s of good folks are developing true insight. Trust God and cling to the instructions of the ‘good book’. It is the faithful that will receive a reward’.

To lighten the mood so we’s could sleep, I answered many questions about the ladies of my time. ‘Yep’, I said you should have seen the parade of bloomers and bonnets with whale bone fitted corsets for the long waste look popular those days. This was accented by layers of starched petticoats stiffened with straw or horsehair sown into the seams. Or it was tight buns and cotton dresses and country girls with their hair down and bright beautiful faces. Ole boys like me sure appreciated the feminine on display as the young men stared with admirin’ eyes, their tongues tied, and boots glued to their traces. Heard of a beautiful cow girl standin’ and staring as a cowboy pulled up to the hitchin’ rail. With a big grin and full of hisself, he slid off his horse and said, ‘hi thar pretty lady’. ‘Don’t be gettin’ yer blanket down from behind your saddle’ she replied sardonically. ‘I wasn’t starin’ at you. I was starin’ at your horse’!

Now I’s always grateful for these conversations by the firelight. They are shared like a beacon of light to help illumine the path before you. Your journey defines your destination, and it’s the process that defines the final work.

Now I can still ride anything with hair on it, given allowance it’s already broke! tee-hee. Ain’t ready and never will be for your orphanages for the aged. Rest homes I think you call ‘em. Anyhow, anytime yer in the area pull up sum dirt and sit a spell. You’ed be most welcome.

jusqu’a plus tard, tu prends soin de toi


the stalking moon


myth and magical thinking